قرار وزاري

جامعة السلطان قابوس: قرار رقم ١٧٣ / ٢٠١٤ بإصدار لائحة رسوم الخدمات الصحية بمستشفى جامعة السلطان قابوس

2014/173 173/2014 ٢٠١٤/١٧٣ ١٧٣/٢٠١٤


استنادا إلى المرسوم السلطاني رقم ٧١ / ٢٠٠٦ بإصدار قانون جامعة السلطان قابوس واعتماد هيكلها التنظيمي،
وإلى اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون المالي الصادرة بالقرار الوزاري رقم ١١٨ / ٢٠٠٨،
وإلى اللائحة التنفيذية لقانون جامعة السلطان قابوس الصادرة بقرار رئيس الجامعة رقم ٢٣٣ / ٢٠٠٩،
وإلى اللائحة المالية لجامعة السلطان قابوس الصادرة بقرار رئيس الجامعة رقم ١٤٢ / ٢٠٠٧،
وإلى قرار مجلس الوزراء الموقر الصادر في جلسته رقم ٣١ / ٢٠١٢ المنعقدة بتاريخ ٥ من ذي الحجة ١٤٣٣هـ الموافق ٢١ من أكتوبر ٢٠١٢م والمصادق عليه في جلسته رقم ٣٢ / ٢٠١٢ المنعقدة بتاريخ ٢٦ من ذي الحجة ١٤٣٣هـ الموافق ١١ من نوفمبر ٢٠١٢م بشأن اعتماد لائحة أسعار الخدمات الصحية بمستشفى جامعة السلطان قابوس،
وإلى موافقة وزارة المالية بالخطاب رقم مالية / ت – (٦١٦٣) م د أ / ١ / ١٦ / ٢٠١٢م المؤرخ في ١١ من شعبان ١٤٣٣هـ الموافق ١ من يوليو ٢٠١٢م،
وبناء على ما تقتضيه المصلحة العامة.


المادة الأولى

يعمل في شأن رسوم الخدمات الصحية بمستشفى جامعة السلطان قابوس بأحكام اللائحة المرفقة.

المادة الثانية

ينشر هذا القرار في الجريدة الرسمية، ويعمل به من اليوم التالي لتاريخ نشره، ويلغى كل ما يخالفه.

صدر في: ١٩ من ربيع الثاني ١٤٣٥هـ
الموافق: ١٩ من فبراير ٢٠١٤م

د. علي بن سعود البيماني
رئيس الجامعة

نشر في عدد الجريدة الرسمية رقم (١٠٤٨) الصادر في ٢٣ / ٢ / ٢٠١٤م.

لائحة رسوم الخدمات الصحية بمستشفى جامعة السلطان قابوس

المادة (١)

في تطبيق أحكام هذه اللائحة يكون للكلمات والعبارات التالية المعنى المحدد قرين كل منها ما لم يقتض سياق النص معنى آخر:

المستشفى: مستشفى جامعة السلطان قابوس.

الخدمات الصحية: كافة الخدمات العلاجية والمخبرية التي يقدمها المستشفى.

الرسوم: رسوم التسجيل والمقابلة وغيرها من الخدمات الصحية الواردة بهذه اللائحة.

المادة (٢)

يلتزم المستشفى بتقديم الخدمات الصحية للعمانيين والمقيمين بالسلطنة وفقا لأحكام هذه اللائحة.

المادة (٣)

يتم تحصيل الرسوم بالمستشفى وفقا للملاحق المرفقة بهذه اللائحة.

المادة (٤)

فيما عدا الإصابات الناتجة عن الحوادث المرورية، تتمتع الفئات التالية بالخدمات الصحية مجانا:

أ – العمانيون.

ب – مواطنو دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية.

ج – العاملون بجامعة السلطان قابوس، وعائلاتهم من الفئات المستحقة للخدمات الصحية مجانا.

د – أسر العمانيات المتزوجات من غير عمانيين، وتشمل الزوج والأولاد من الزوجة العمانية.

هـ – غير العمانيات المتزوجات من عمانيين.

و- الوالدان غير العمانيين للأشخاص الحاصلين على الجنسية العمانية.

ز – غير العمانيين من العاملين في الحكومة، ويشمل ذلك الزوج والأولاد حتى بلوغهم سن الثامنة عشرة، وذلك بالنسبة للموظفين المتمتعين بامتيازات العقد العائلي.

ح – الدبلوماسيون وفق الجداول السنوية الصادرة عن وزارة الخارجية.

ط – غير العمانيين من أعضاء الأندية الرياضية والاجتماعية وأسرهم ممن هم في كفالة تلك الأندية.

ي – الوفود الرسمية الزائرة للسلطنة، وتشمل وفود الأندية الرياضية والثقافية.

– ويستثنى من ذلك ما يأتي:

١ – رسوم الخدمات الصحية الواردة في الملحق رقم (٢) المرفق بهذه اللائحة بالنسبة للفئات المنصوص عليها في البنود (أ، ب، ج، د، هـ، و) من هذه المادة.

٢ – رسوم الخدمات الصحية الواردة في الملحق رقم (٣) المرفق بهذه اللائحة بالنسبة للفئات المنصوص عليها في البنود (ز، ح، ط، ي) من هذه المادة.

المادة (٥)

يجب على الفئات المنصوص عليها في المادة (٤) من هذه اللائحة تقديم المستندات التالية عند تلقي الخدمة الصحية:

أ – البطاقة الشخصية أو جواز السفر بالنسبة للفئات المنصوص عليها في البندين (أ، ب).

ب – شهادة الزواج أو شهادة الميلاد وبطاقة مقيم أو جواز السفر بحسب الأحوال بالنسبة للفئات المنصوص عليها في البنود (د، هـ، و، ط).

ج – بطاقة العلاج المجاني بالنسبة للفئات المنصوص عليها في البندين (ج، ز).

د – البطاقة الدبلوماسية بالنسبة للفئة المنصوص عليها في البند (ح).

هـ – خطاب من الجهة المضيفة بالنسبة للفئة المنصوص عليها في البند (ي).

المادة (٦)

تعفى الحالات الآتية من سداد كافة الرسوم:

أ – المستفيدون من قانون الضمان الاجتماعي وأسرهم بما في ذلك المدرجون على قائمة الانتظار لدى وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية شريطة تقديم بطاقة الضمان الاجتماعي، أو رسالة رسمية تفيد أن الحالة مدرجة على قوائم الانتظار.

ب – الأطفال دون سن الثانية المستحقون للعلاج المجاني.

ج – الأطفال المتقدمون للتطعيم وفقا لبرنامج التحصين الموسع بما في ذلك غير المستحقين منهم للعلاج المجاني.

د – اليتامى المسجلون لدى وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية.

هـ – المعاقون عقليا وجسديا المسجلون لدى وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية.

و – المرضى المستحقون للعلاج المجاني الذين يخضعون للغسيل الكلوي (الدموي) المزمن، ومرضى السرطان.

ز – المسجونون.

ح – المتبرعون بالدم عند تبرعهم.

ط – المرضى المصابون بأحد الأمراض المعدية الآتية، ومخالطوهم بما في ذلك غير المستحقين منهم للعلاج المجاني:

١ – شلل الأطفال.

٢ – الجذام.

٣ – كزاز المواليد.

٤ – الكوليرا.

٥ – الحمى الصفراء.

٦ – الإيـدز.

٧ – الملاريا.

٨ – الدفتيريا.

٩ – السل.

١٠ – داء الكلب.

١١ – الطاعون.

١٢ – السارس.

١٣ – الأمراض الوبائية أو الحالات المرضية التي تهدد الصحة العامة والتي يصدر بها قرار من وزير الصحة.

ي – الحالات التي يستفاد منها في أغراض البحث العلمي على أن يتم إثباتها بموافقة مدير عام المستشفى.

المادة (٧)

تعفى الحالات الآتية من سداد رسم التسجيل:

أ – الحالات الطارئة المستحقة للخدمات الصحية مجانا وفقا للتصنيف المعتمد من مجلس إدارة المستشفى.

ب – النساء الحوامل من الفئات غير المستحقة للخدمات الصحية مجانا وفقا للتصنيف المعتمد من مجلس إدارة المستشفى.

المادة (٨)

تعفى الحالات الآتية من سداد رسم المقابلة:

أ – المرضى المتكرر مراجعتهم للعلاج المقرر كالحقن والتضميد والعلاج الطبيعي بغض النظر عن وضعهم الاستحقاقي.

ب – النساء المستحقات للعلاج المجاني المستفيدات من خدمات رعاية الأمومة والطفولة وبرنامج المباعدة بين الولادات.

ج – المرضى الموصى لهم من الطبيب المعالج بإعادة المقابلة في ذات العيادة الصحية في اليوم نفسه.

د – المرضى المراجعون لذات العيادة الصحية في اليوم نفسه بسبب مضاعفات العلاج المقرر لهم، أو للمرض نفسه.

هـ – الحصول على نتائج الفحوصات التي أجريت للمرضى.

و – الحالات المحولة رسميا من عيادة إلى أخرى، أو من تخصص إلى آخر في اليوم نفسه.

المادة (٩)

تعفى الحالات الآتية من سداد رسمي التسجيل والمقابلة:

أ – المستحقون للخدمات الصحية المجانية من غير القادرين في الأحوال الخاصة التي يقدرها مدير عام المستشفى.

ب – غير المستحقين للخدمات الصحية المجانية ممن يخضعون للغسيل الكلوي (الدموي) المزمن ومرضى السرطان.

ج – المنومون للعمليات الجراحية بنظام المواعيد المباشرة في جناح الرعاية النهارية خلال ساعات الدوام الرسمي.

د – المستحقون للخدمات الصحية المجانية المحولون من مؤسسة صحية حكومية.

هـ – الطلبة المستحقون للخدمات الصحية المجانية المحولون من المدارس في أثناء ساعات الدوام الرسمي.

و – الفحص الطبي للعمانيين المرشحين لشغل وظيفة حكومية أو الإيفاد في بعثة أو منحة دراسية أو دورة تدريبية.

ز – الفحص الطبي لفرق الجوالة بالجامعة.

ح – الفحص الطبي اللازم لغرض التبرع بالدم.

ط – الفحص الطبي اللازم للمحولين من وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية للحصول على خدمات الضمان الاجتماعي.

المادة (١٠)

تعفى الحالات التالية من سداد رسم الترقيد:

أ – الإقامة التي لا تتجاوز مدتها (٦) ست ساعات في قسم الحوادث والطوارئ.

ب – المصابون بأمراض معدية، أو المشتبه في إصابتهم بأي منها المرقدون في غرف أو أسرة العزل إلى أن يتم شفاؤهم أو يثبت عدم إصابتهم بأي من هذه الأمراض.

ج – المرقدون في غرف أو أسرة العزل بناء على توصيات إكلينيكية للأمراض واعتماد مدير عام المستشفى.

د – المرقدون بغرض إجراء عملية جراحية إذا غادر المريض المستشفى دون إجرائها بسبب النقص في الأجهزة أو الأدوية أو الأطباء، ولا يسري ذلك في حالة تأجيل إجراء العملية بسبب المضاعفات الطبية غير المتوقعة، أو التي لا يمكن تفاديها بسبب رفض المريض أو من يرافقه إجراء العملية الجراحية.

هـ – المرقدون بطريق الخطأ وفقا لما يقرره رئيس القسم الإكلينيكي بالمستشفى وبموافقة مدير عام المستشفى.

المادة (١١)

يجب على جميع الحالات المحولة من المؤسسات الصحية الخاصة سداد رسمي التسجيل والمقابلة، ويستثنى من ذلك الفئات المذكورة في المادة (٦) من هذه اللائحة.

المادة (١٢)

يجب على جميع الحالات المحولة من المؤسسات الصحية الخاصة سداد رسوم الفحوصات الطبية إذا كان محولا لعمل أي من الفحوصات الموجودة في المستشفى بغض النظر عن وضعه الاستحقاقي.

المادة (١٣)

يلتزم المريض بسداد دفعة مقدمة من قيمة رسم الترقيد مقدارها (٢٠٠ ر.ع) مائتا ريال عماني وفي حال استنفاد (٥٠٪) خمسين بالمائة من هذا المبلغ يلتزم المريض بإكماله.

المادة (١٤)

يلتزم المرضى غير المستحقين للخدمات الصحية المجانية المرقدون لإجراء عملية جراحية بسداد دفعة مقدمة إضافية على رسم الترقيد مقدارها (٥٠٪) خمسون بالمائة من قيمة العملية.

المادة (١٥)

أ – يلتزم المريض الذي تجرى له عدة عمليات جراحية في وقت واحد بسداد رسم كل عملية جراحية على حدة.

ب – يلتزم المريض الذي تجرى له عدة عمليات جراحية في ذات العضو بدفع قيمة عملية جراحية واحدة بالإضافة إلى أي تكلفة إضافية خاصة بالطبيب المتخصص الذي يقوم بإجراء العملية الأخرى.

المادة (١٦)

يتم تحصيل رسمي استخدام سيارة الإسعاف وسيارة نقل الموتى على النحو المبين في الملحق رقم (١) المرفق بهذه اللائحة، وذلك لغير مستحقي العلاج المجاني.

المادة (١٧)

يتم تحصيل قيمة الضمان المقرر والاحتفاظ به مؤقتا لحين استعادة الأجهزة والمواد التابعة للمستشفى على النحو المبين بالملحق رقم (٤) المرفق بهذه اللائحة بغض النظر عن الوضع الاستحقاقي، ويتم رد قيمة هذا الضمان عند إعادة الجهاز بحالته ذاتها.

الملحق رقم (١)
قائمة رسوم الخدمات الصحية

Price (R.O)
السعر بالريال العماني
Item Description
Item Code
6.000 XR Finger 1 400001
6.000 XR Hand 400002
6.000 XR Wrist Joint 400003
6.000 XR Scaphoid 400004
6.000 XR Forearm 400005
6.000 XR Elbow Joint 400008
6.000 XR Humerus 400010
6.000 XR Scapula 400011
6.000 XR Clavicle 400012
6.000 XR Sternum 400013
6.000 XR Acromio-Clavicular Joint 400014
6.000 XR Sterno-Clavicular Joint 400015
6.000 XR Atlanto-Occipital Joint 400017
6.000 XR Cervical Spine 400019
6.000 XR Cervico- Thoracic Spine 400020
6.000 XR Thoracic Spine 400021
6.000 XR Lumbar Spine 400022
6.000 XR Lumbo-Sacral Spine 400023
6.000 XR Sacrum 400024
6.000 XR Coccyx 400025
6.000 XR Pelvis 400026
6.000 XR Sacro-llliac Joint 400027
6.000 XR Hip 400029
6.000 XR Toe 2 400031
6.000 XR Toe 1 400032
6.000 XR Foot 400037
6.000 XR Ankle Joint 400039
6.000 XR Lower Leg 400040
6.000 XR Knee Joint 400042
6.000 XR Femur 400046
6.000 XR Post Nasal Space 400047
6.000 Bone Measurement 400048
6.000 XR Skull, Cranium 400049
6.000 XR Facial Bones 400050
6.000 XR Mastoid Air Cells 400051
6.000 XR Pituitary Fossa 400053
6.000 XR Optic Foramen 400054
6.000 XR Orbits 400055
6.000 XR Zygomatic Arches 400056
6.000 XR Nasal Bones 400057
6.000 XR Temporo-Mandibular Joint 400058
6.000 XR OPG, Orthopantomogram 400059
6.000 XR Sinuses 400060
6.000 XR Skeletal Survey 400061
6.000 XR Finger 2 400062
6.000 XR Finger 3 400063
6.000 XR Finger 4 400064
6.000 XR Finger 5 400065
6.000 XR Toe 3 400066
6.000 XR Toe 4 400067
6.000 XR Toe 5 400068
6.000 XR Shoulder Joint 400069
6.000 XR Mandible 400070
6.000 X ray Chest 400200
6.000 XR Thoracic Inlet 400201
6.000 XR Abdomen 400250
6.000 XR K.U.B. Kidney, Ureter, Bladder 400251
8.000 XR Abdomen & Chest – Urgent 400254
6.000 XR Neck, So Tissue 400255
6.000 XR Babygram 400256
6.000 Foetus, (Still Birth) 400257
8.000 Pelvimetry 400258
35.000 Barium Swallow & Meal 400301
35.000 Barium Follow Through 400302
35.000 Barium Enema 400303
35.000 Barium Swallow only 400304
10.000 Fluoroscopy 400306
25.000 Sialogram 400307
25.000 Cholecystogram, Operative 400322
25.000 Cholecystogram, T-Tube 400323
180.000 Cholecystogram,Perc.Transhep. Percutaneous Biliary Catheter (PTC) 400324
375.000 PTC and Percutaneous Stent Placement 400325
100.000 Myelogram 400330
50.000 Fistulogram only 400340
25.000 Sinogram 400341
250.000 Stereotactic Breast Biopsy 400342
50.000 XR Mammography Bilat. + Ultrasound 400343
30.000 XR Mammography Single + Ultrasound 400344
75.000 XR Wire Localization 400345
45.000 HSG, Hysterosalpingogram 400346
25.000 XR Galuctogram 400347
6.000 XR Speciment X-Ray 400348
25.000 Dacrocystogram 400350
35.000 I.V.U., Urogram Intravenous 400390
50.000 Pyelogram, Retrograde 400391
50.000 Pyelogram, Antegrade 400392
25.000 MCU., Micturating Cystogram 400393
25.000 Urethrogram 400394
180.000 Nephrostomy 400395
375.000 Angiogram, Carotid 400400
375.000 Angiogram, Cerebral 400401
375.000 Aortogram only 400402
375.000 Angiogram, Renal Selective 400403
375.000 Angiogram, Mesenteric 400404
375.000 Angiogram, Peripheral 400405
375.000 Angiogram, Pulmonary 400406
375.000 Venogram, Central 400407
30.000 Venogram Peripheral 400408
900.000 IVC Filter Placement 400410
1000.000 Interventional, Petrosal Sinus Venous Sampling 400412
3000.000 Interventional, Acute Stroke Endovascular Intervention 400413
2500.000 Interventional, Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization A (< 10 coils) 400414
4000.000 Interventional, Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization B (> 10 coils) 400415
5000.000 Interventional, Cerebral AVM Embolization Onyx 400416
1500.000 Interventional, Tumour Embolization PVA 400417
2500.000 Interventional, Tumor Embolization Onyx 400418
1500.000 Interventional, Occlusion (Wuda) Test 400419
5000.000 Interventional, Spinal AVM Embolization 400420
825.000 Uterine Artery Embolization 400422
375.000 Pulmonary Angiogram 400423
575.000 Pulmonary Angiogram with Selective 400424
700.000 Peripheral Angioplasty 400425
1000.000 Peripheral Stenting 400426
700.000 Renal Artery Angioplasty 400427
1000.000 Renal Artery Stenting 400428
600.000 IVC Retrieval 400429
720.000 Mesenteric Embolization < 6 coils 400430
795.000 Peripheral Embolization < 12 coils 400431
1250.000 Catheter Directed Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis (24-42 hours) 400432
375.000 Aortogram only 400433
575.000 Aortogram with Renal Selective 400434
575.000 Aortogram with Mesenteric Selective 400435
575.000 Aortogram with Pelvic Selective 400436
575.000 Aortogram with Lower or upper extremity Selective 400437
240.000 Antegrade Stent Placement Pyelogram 400438
375.000 Dilatation, Balloon Peripheral 400440
375.000 Dilatation, Balloon Renal 400441
375.000 Dilatation, Balloon Subclavicl. 400442
150.000 Fistulogram with Angioplasty 400451
440.000 Fistulogram with Stenting 400452
450.000 Fistula Declot and Angioplasty 400453
375.000 Embolisation 400460
375.000 Card. Atrial Septostomy for TGA Angiogram 400470
375.000 Card. Dilatation Balloon Mitral 400471
375.000 Card.Cath. No Angiogram 400472
375.000 Card.Coronary Angioplasty 400473
375.000 Card.Coronary Angiogram 400474
375.000 Card.HIS Bundle Study 400475
375.000 Card.L.V.Angio & Coronaries 400476
375.000 Card.L.V.Angiogram 400477
375.000 Card.L.V.Angio-R.Heart Cat. 400478
60.000 CT Brain 400500
60.000 CT Facial Bones 400501
60.000 CT Pituitary Fossa 400502
60.000 CT Sinuses 400503
60.000 CT Orbits 400504
60.000 CT Int. Auditory Meatus 400505
60.000 CT Petrous Bones 400506
60.000 CT Parotid Glands 400507
60.000 CT Mastoid 400508
60.000 CT Larynx, Hypopharynx 400509
60.000 CT Spine Cervical 400510
60.000 CT Spine Thoracic 400511
60.000 CT Spine Lumbar 400512
60.000 CT Extremities 400513
250.000 CT Cardiac 400514
60.000 CT Chest 400515
60.000 CT Trachea 400516
60.000 CT Abdomen 400517
60.000 CT Pancreas 400518
60.000 CT Kidneys 400519
60.000 CT Adrenal Glands 400520
60.000 CT Pelvis 400521
60.000 CT Pelvimetry 400522
150.000 CT Angiogram Carotid + Brain 400523
150.000 CT Perfusion 400524
100.000 CT Cystogram 400525
100.000 CT Arthrogram 400526
100.000 CT Colonography 400527
60.000 CT Enteroclysis 400528
100.000 CT Guided Sclerosis 400530
175.000 CT-guided sclerotherapy 400530
100.000 CT Guided Biopsy 400531
100.000 CT Guided Aspiration 400532
100.000 CT-guided Aspiration 400532
60.000 CT Neck 400533
60.000 CT Myelogram 400534
500.000 CT-guided RFA (Single Probe) 400535
1100.000 CT-guided RFA (Double Probe) 400536
1500.000 CT-guided RFA (Triple Probe) 400537
100.000 CT-guided Biopsy 400538
175.000 CT-guided Drainage 400539
60.000 CT Foot 400540
60.000 CT Ankle 400541
60.000 CT Leg 400542
60.000 CT Femur 400543
60.000 CT Hip 400544
60.000 CT Thigh 400545
40.000 CT Wrist 400550
60.000 CT Arm 400551
60.000 CT Humerus 400552
60.000 CT Shoulder 400553
20.000 US Pregnancy 400600
20.000 US Abdomen 400601
20.000 US Pelvis 400602
35.000 US Guided Sclerotherapy 400605
20.000 US Extremity 400606
20.000 US Brain 400607
20.000 US Testes 400608
20.000 US Thyroid 400609
20.000 US Breast 400610
20.000 US Soft Tissue Mass. 400611
30.000 US Vessels (Doppler) 400612
35.000 US Guided Biopsy 400613
35.000 US Guided Aspiration 400614
35.000 US F.N.A. Thyroid 400615
35.000 US Amniocentesis. 400616
20.000 US Lumbar Region 400617
35.000 US Amniocentesis 400653
80.000 US Guided Drainage Catheter 400654
80.000 US Guided Sclerotherapy 400655
440.000 US Guided RFA – Single Probe 400656
840.000 US Guided RFA – Double Probe 400657
1240.000 US Guided RFA – Triple Probe 400658
30.000 NM Renogram 400700
35.000 NM Renogram (Lasix) 400701
35.000 NM Renogram (Capto) 400702
35.000 NM Renogram (tx) 400703
20.000 NM Kidney (static) 400704
60.000 NM GFR (51Cr EDTA) 400705
35.000 NM Urine Reflux 400706
20.000 NM Testes (Flow) 400707
100.000 NM Polycythemia Rx 400709
35.000 NM Bone (static) 400720
50.000 NM Bone (3-4 Phase) 400721
20.000 NM Bone Densitometry 400722
50.000 NM Bone Spect. 400724
20.000 NM Liver / Spleen 400730
35.000 NM Bone Marrow 400732
20.000 NM Lymphscintigram. 400733
25.000 NM Cholescintigram 400740
40.000 NM Heamangioma RBCs 400741
20.000 NM Meckel’s Divert. 400746
20.000 NM Barret’s Oesoph. 400747
20.000 NM Salivary Glands 400749
40.000 NM GI-Bleed (RBCs) 400750
50.000 NM Infection 400751
20.000 NM Gastric Emptying 400752
20.000 NM Milk Scan 400753
20.000 NM Lung (Q) 400760
30.000 NM Lung (V) (aero.) 400762
100.000 NM Myocard. (rest) 400770
100.000 NM Myocard. (stress) 400771
20.000 NM First-Pass 400772
20.000 NM Multigaded (MUGA) 400773
20.000 NM Cardiac Shunt 400774
20.000 NM Brain (dynamic) 400790
20.000 NM Brain (static) 400791
25.000 NM Cisternogram 400792
100.000 NM m-IBG Scintigram 400794
50.000 NM Brain Spect.(Perfusion) 400795
20.000 NM Thyroid (99 mTc) 400800
50.000 NM Thyroid (131I) 400801
20.000 NM Uptake (99mTc) 400802
50.000 NM Uptake (131I) 400803
30.000 NM Perch. Discharge 400804
20.000 NM TSH Uptake 400805
50.000 NM Whole Body (131Il) 400806
100.000 NM Whole Body (201Tl) 400807
50.000 NM Parathyroid 400808
1100.000 NM Strontium-89 Rx 400809
350.000 NM Yttrium Rx 400810
70.000 NM Wholebody (Tetrofosmin) 400811
150.000 NM Leukoscan 400812
300.000 Stress Thallium 400815
70.000 NM Red Cell Mass Estimation 400830
70.000 NM Red Cell Survival Estimation 400831
70.000 NM Plasma Volume 400833
100.000 NM Thyrotoxicosis Rx 400850
250.000 NM Ca. Thyroid Rx 400851
200.000 NM Thyroid Ablation 400852
250.000 NM Whole Body (67Ga) 400870
40.000 NM Vit. B12 Absorp. 400875
20.000 NM Venogram 400879
850.000 NM Octreotide 400880
50.000 NM Spect. (organ) 400881
9000.000 NM Zevalin 400882
185.000 NM HIG 400890
100.000 MRI Brain 400900
100.000 MRI Temporal Lobe 400901
100.000 MRI Pituitary Fossa 400902
100.000 MRI I.A.M. 400903
100.000 MRI Sinuses 400904
100.000 MRI Orbits 400905
100.000 MRI Parotid 400906
100.000 MRI Mandible 400907
100.000 MRI Tongue 400908
100.000 MRI T.M.Joints 400909
100.000 MRI Breast 400910
100.000 MRI Mesenteric 400911
100.000 MRI Cervical Spine 400920
100.000 MRI Neck 400921
100.000 MRI Whole Spine 400922
100.000 MRI SCD 400923
100.000 MRI Thoracic Spine 400930
100.000 MRI Chest 400931
100.000 MRI Cardiac 400932
100.000 MRI Mediastinum 400933
100.000 MRI T2* Cardiac 400934
100.000 MRI Lumbar Spine 400940
100.000 MRI Liver 400941
100.000 MRI Cholangiogram 400942
100.000 MRI Kidney 400943
100.000 MRI Supra-renal 400944
100.000 MRI Urography 400945
100.000 MRI Colonography 400947
100.000 MRI Abdomen 400948
100.000 MRI Sacrum 400950
100.000 MRI Pelvis 400951
100.000 MRI Hips 400952
20.000 MRI Pelvimetry 400953
100.000 MRI Whole Body 400954
100.000 MRI Shoulder 400960
100.000 MRI Humerus 400961
100.000 MRI Forearm 400963
100.000 MRI Wrist 400964
100.000 MRI Hand 400965
100.000 MRI Thigh 400970
100.000 MRI Knee 400971
100.000 MRI Lower Leg 400972
100.000 MRI Ankle 400973
100.000 MRI Foot 400974
100.000 MRI Cerebral Angiogram 400980
100.000 MRI Cerebral Venogram 400981
100.000 MRI Viscera Angiogram 400982
100.000 MRI Neck Angiogram 400983
100.000 MRI Subclavian Arteries 400984
100.000 MRI Aorta 400985
100.000 MRI Renal Angiogram 400986
100.000 MRI Femoral Arteries 400987
100.000 MRI Lower Extremities 400988
100.000 MRI Pulmonary Angiogram 400989
100.000 MRI Upper Extremities Angiogram 400990
150.000 MRI Brain + Angiogram / Venogram / Perfusion 400993
150.000 MRI Brain + Spectroscope 400994

طب القلب الباطني

300.000 Card.L.V.Angio & Coronaries ( Lt Heart Study) CARD001
500.000 Card.L.V.Angio & R.Heart ( Lt.& Rt. Heart Studies) CARD002
450.000 Angioplasty without Stenting CARD003
600.000 Angioplasty with One Bare metal stent CARD004
750.000 Angioplasty with Two Bare metal stents CARD005
900.000 Angioplasty with Three Bare metal stents CARD006
1150.000 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent CARD007
1850.000 Angioplasty with Two Drug eluting stents CARD008
2550.000 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents CARD009
1300.000 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent & one bare metal stent CARD010
1450.000 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent & two bare metal stents CARD011
1550.000 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent & three bare metal stents CARD012
1900.000 Angioplasty with Two Drug eluting stents & one bare metal stent CARD013
2550.000 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents & one bare metal stent CARD014
2150.000 Angioplasty with Two Drug eluting stents & two bare metal stents CARD015
2700.000 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents & two bare metal stents CARD016
2850.000 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents & three bare metal stents CARD017
300.000 Insertion of temporary Pacemaker CARD018
500.000 Insertion of permanent Pacemaker (Single Chamber) CARD019
1000.000 Insertion of permanent Pacemaker (Dual Chamber) CARD020
500.000 Insertion of Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) CARD021
375.000 Diagnostic Coronary Angiography (CAG) CARD022
450.000 Plain Only Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) CARD023
200.000 Pericardiocentices CARD024
علم وظائف الأعضاء
35.000 24Hr Ecg (Monitoring) Holter CPHOI01
50.000 Cardiac ETT CPHOI02
120.000 Cath. Lt. Heart CPHOI03
120.000 Cath. Rt. Heart CPHOI04
10.000 ECG 12 Lead CPHOI05
70.000 ECHO Adult CPHOI06
90.000 ECHO Paeds CPHOI07
90.000 ECHO Transesoph CPHOI08
300.000 EPS without Angio CPHOI09
20.000 Pacemaker Check-Up CPHOI10
1000.000 Pacemaker Implant CPHOI11
110.000 12 Hour Video EEG CPHOI14
160.000 24 Hour EEG Holter CPHOI15
70.000 BAEP Paediatrics CPHOI16
70.000 Brain Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP) CPHOI17
100.000 EEG Adult CPHOI18
100.000 EEG Paediatric CPHOI19
100.000 EEG Sleep Staging CPHOI20
160.000 NCS+EMG (Adult) CPHOI21
160.000 NCS+EMG (Paediatrics) CPHOI22
35.000 Audiometry+Tumpanometry CPHOI24
160.000 Long Term Monitoring EEG CPHOI26
160.000 Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) (Daytime) CPHOI27
70.000 NCS (CTS Only) CPHOI28
70.000 NCS Paediatrics CPHOI29
35.000 Sensory Evoked Potential (SEP) CPHOI30
70.000 Nerve Conduction Study (General) CPHOI31
285.000 Diagnostic Sleep Study (Polysomnography) (Night) CPHOI33
300.000 CPAP Sleep Study (Pressure Determination) CPHOI34
20.000 Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) CPHOI35
20.000 VEP Paediatrics CPHOI37
125.000 Bronchial Provocation CPHOI38
75.000 Full Lung Function with Reversibility CPHOI39
65.000 Full Lung Function Baseline CPHOI40
10.000 Oximetry CPHOI41
75.000 Oximetry Overnight CPHOI42
35.000 Skin Testing Adult CPHOI43
40.000 Spirometry with Reversibility CPHOI45
25.000 Spirometry Baseline CPHOI46
90.000 Spiro. Pre/Post Exercise Test CPHOI48
86.000 24Hr Esoph/Gas pH(Adult) CPHOI49
86.000 24Hr Esoph/Gas pH(Peads) CPHOI50
86.000 Ankle Pressure Resting CPHOI51
20.000 Audiometry CPHOI52
15.000 Tympanometry CPHOI53
80.000 Tilt Test CPHOI54
30.000 24Hr Blood Pressure Monitoring CPHOI55
135.000 Ankle Pressure Pre & Post Exercise CPHOI56
300.000 Bi-Level Therapy (EPAP-IPAP) Sleep Study CPHOI57
40.000 CPAP Education CPHOI58
285.000 Follow up Sleep Study CPHOI59
100.000 Plesethmography CPHOI60
25.000 OAE Accu Screen CPHOI61
بنك الدم
14.000 Blood Group and Antibody Screen LB001
5.000 Blood Group Check (patient) LB011
5.000 Blood Group Check (donor) LB012
14.000 Cord Blood/Neonatal Screen LB021
4.000 DAT (polyspeciftc) LB030
4.000 DAT (monospecific) LB031
17.000 Rh/Kell Phenotype LB041
30.000 Antibody Investigation LB051
14.000 Group & Save Serum LB061
5.000 Blood Group LB081
12.000 Antibody Screen LB091
17.000 Anti-A & Anti-B Titres LB101
15.000 Antigen Typing – K LB201
15.000 Antigen Typing – Fy LB211
15.000 Antigen Typing – Jk LB221
15.000 Antigen Typing – Kp LB231
15.000 Antigen Typing – S LB241
15.000 Antigen Typing – MN LB251
15.000 Antigen Typing – Lu LB261
15.000 Antigen Typing – Le LB271
15.000 Antigen Typing – P1 LB281
45.000 Antigen Typing Profile LB301
11.000 PNH Screen (DiaMed) LB401
12.000 Cold Agglutinins LB411
13.000 Kleihauer Test LB421
8.000 APT’s Test LB431
65.000 Crossmatch RBC for Transfusion LB501
42.000 Neonate Cross Match LB505
50.000 Platelet concentrate for transfusion LB511
50.000 Fresh Frozen Plasma for transfusion LB521
50.000 Cryoprecipitate (AHF) for transfusion LB531
50.000 Cryo Reduced Plasma for transfusion LB541
78.000 Bone Marrow for transfusion LB551
57.000 Granulocyte Concentrate for transfusion LB561
2175.000 Haemopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPC) for transfusion LB571
42.000 Whole Blood Request for transfusion LB581
40.000 Packed Red Blood Cell LB-BB-N01
3.000 Irradiated Packed Red Blood Cell LB-BB-N02
40.000 Random Donor Platelet LB-BB-N03
4.000 Irradiated Random Donor Platelet LB-BB-N04
40.000 Single Donor Platelet LB-BB-N05
4.000 Irradiated Single Donor Platelet LB-BB-N06
40.000 Fresh Frozen Plasma LB-BB-N07
40.000 Cryoprecipitate LB-BB-N08
40.000 Plasma Cryoprecipitate Reduced (Cryosupermate) LB-BB-N09
1000.000 Bone Marrow Harvest ( Nursing Order) LB-BB-N10
12.000 Peripheral Blood Stem Cells LB-BB-N11
40.000 Whole Blood ( Administration Order) LB-BB-N12
علم أمراض الدم
8.000 Full Blood Count LH001
10.000 Full Blood Count and Retic LH005
5.000 Blood Film LH008
3.000 ESR LH010
4.000 Sickle Cell Screening Test LH015
4.000 G6PD Deficiency Screening Test LH020
11.000 Malaria Parasites LH025
11.000 CSF Cytospin LH030
11.000 Body Fluid (not CSF) Cytospin LH031
8.000 Infectious Mononucleosis Antibodies LH035
32.000 Bone Marrow Aspirate LH040
15.000 Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphatase LH042
15.000 Immuno-Cytochemical Staining LH044
4.000 Prothrombin Time LH045
4.000 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time LH050
4.000 Thrombin Time LH055
5.000 Fibrinogen LH070
9.000 Coagulation Screen (PT, APTT & Fib) LH075
18.000 Reptilase Time LH085
17.000 Bleeding Time LH090
33.000 D-Dimer LH095
13.000 Anti-Thrombin LH100
55.000 Protein C LH105
63.000 Protein S LH110
60.000 Protein Z LH112
38.000 Activate Protein C Resistance LH120
25.000 Factor II:C Assay LH125
21.000 Factor V:C Assay LH130
21.000 Factor VII:C Assay LH135
22.000 Factor VIII:C Assay LH140
26.000 Factor IX:C Assay LH145
29.000 Factor X:C Assay LH150
22.000 Factor XI:C Assay LH155
22.000 Factor XII:C Assay LH160
17.000 Factor XIII Screening Test LH168
50.000 Coagulation Factors (Multiple) LH182
30.000 Prekalikrein (Fletcher Trait) LH185
30.000 High Molecular Weight Kininogen (Fitzgerald Trait) LH190
13.000 Inhibitor Screening Test (6*APTT) LH195
36.000 Inhibitor Assay (Bethesda) LH200
52.000 Lupus Anticoagulant (Work up) LH207
41.000 Platetet Aggregation LH210
110.000 von Willebrand Workup LH215
32.000 Alpha 2 Antiplasmin LH235
65.000 Fibrinolytic Profile LH238
352.000 Thrombophilia Workup LH240
34.000 Plasminogen LH242
38.000 Anti XA Assay (LMW Heparin) LH245
118.000 Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitors (for DD) LH250
32.000 Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia Screen LH255
28.000 Homocysteine LH260
22.000 Hb variant analysis LH280
30.000 Hb Electrophoresis gels LH285
22.000 Haemoglobin S Level LH290
22.000 Hb F Level LH295
48.000 Lymphocyte Subsets (for Immune def) LH300
31.000 Neutrophil Function Test (DHR by Flow) LH310
37.000 PNH by Flow Cytometry LH315
24.000 Hereditary Spherocytosis LH320
50.000 Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency LH330
35.000 Perforin Level (FCM) for HLH LH340
222.000 Leukaemia Immunophenotyping LH350
38.000 CD34 Stem Cell Count LH360
71.000 Remission check by flow cytometry LH370
35.000 Miscellaneous Flow Cytometry Test LH380
10.000 Miscellaneous Haematology Test LH400
228.000 Busulfan levels LH410
228.000 DNA Extraction LH500
228.000 RNA Extraction LH505
228.000 BCR/ABL (22;9) CML LH510
228.000 PML/RARA (15;17) APL LH512
228.000 JAK2 MPO LH515
205.000 Pre-Transplant Donor Chimerism Testing LH520
205.000 Pre-Transplant Recipient Chimerism Testing LH522
205.000 Chimerism Recipient/Donor Match LH525
205.000 Chimerism Post-Transplant (Recipient) LH530
الكيمياء الحيوية
10.000 17-OH-Progesterone LC003
29.000 17-OH-Progesterone series (0, 30, 60 mins Post Synacthen) LC006
11.000 Acetaminophen LC009
3.000 ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) LC012
3.000 Albumin, Serum LC015
3.000 Albumin, CSF LC018
3.000 Albumin, Fluid LC021
3.000 Albumin, Random Urine LC025
3.000 Albumin, Urine 24h Excretion LC027
5.000 Albumin/Creatinine Ratio, Urine LC030
15.000 Aldosterone LC033
10.000 LH/FSH LC0336
3.000 Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) LC036
9.000 Alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) LC039
9.000 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) LC042
9.000 Alpha Fetoprotein, Amniotic Fluid (AFAFP) LC045
11.000 Amikacin, Pre Dose LC046
11.000 Amikacin, Post Dose LC047
11.000 Amikacin, Random LC048
6.000 Ammonia (NH3) LC050
5.000 Amylase, Serum LC051
5.000 Amylase, Fluid LC054
5.000 Amylase, Random Urine LC057
5.000 Amylase, Urine 24h Excretion LC060
7.000 APOA (Apolipoprotein A-1) LC063
7.000 APOB (Apolipoprotein B) LC066
3.000 AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) LC069
12.000 Bence Jones Protein, Urine LC072
14.000 Benzodiazepines LC075
10.000 Beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) LC078
1.000 Bicarbonate, Serum (CO2) LC081
1.000 Bicarbonate, Fluid LC084
1.000 Bilirubin (Stix), Urine LC087
3.000 Bilirubin (Conjugated), Serum (DBILI) LC090
3.000 Bilirubin, Amniotic Fluid LC093
3.000 Bilirubin (Total), Serum (TBILI) LC096
15.000 Blood Gas LC099
10.000 Bone Profile (Ca, Phos, Alb, ALP) LC102
6.000 CRP (C-Reactive Protein) LC105
14.000 CA 125 LC108
14.000 CA 15-3 LC111
14.000 CA 19-9 LC114
7.000 Caeruloplasmin (CER) LC117
6.000 Calcium (Albumin Corrected), Serum LC120
3.000 Calcium, Random Urine LC123
3.000 Calcium, Urine 24h Excretion LC126
3.000 Calcium (Total), Serum LC129
2.000 Calcium, lonised LC130
9.000 Carbamazepine, Total LC132
9.000 CEA (Carcino embryonic antigen) LC135
20.000 Catecholamines, Plasma LC136
20.000 Catecholamines, Random Urine LC137
20.000 Catecholamines, Urine 24h Excretion LC138
3.000 Chloride, Serum (Cl) LC141
3.000 Chloride, Fluid LC144
3.000 Chloride, Random Urine LC147
3.000 Chloride, Urine 24h Excretion LC150
5.000 Cholesterol, HDL LC153
5.000 Cholesterol, LDL LC154
13.000 Cholesterol, VLDL LC155
3.000 Cholesterol, Total (CHOL) LC156
3.000 Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), Serum LC158
9.000 Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), Urine LC159
4.000 CK-MB (Cardiac isoenzyme of CK) LC162
3.000 CO2, Serum LC163
9.000 C3 ( Complement C3 ) LC165
9.000 C4 (Complement C4) LC168
7.000 Copper, Serum (CU) LC169
7.000 Copper, Urine 24h Excretion LC170
9.000 Cortisol, Serum LC171
26.000 Synacthen Stimulation Test LC174
9.000 Cortisol, Urine 24h Excretion LC177
3.000 CK (Creatine Kinase, Total) LC180
3.000 Creatinine, Serum (CREA) LC183
6.000 Creatinine Clearance LC186
3.000 Creatinine, Fluid LC189
3.000 Creatinine, Random Urine LC192
3.000 Creatinine, Urine 24h Excretion LC195
15.000 Cyclosporin LC198
27.000 DHEAS Series (0, 30, 60 mins Post Synacthen) LC2004
9.000 DHEAS Sulphate LC201
17.000 Dexamethasone suppression test (Overnight) LC203
17.000 Dexamethasone suppression test (Low Dose) LC204
17.000 Dexamethasone suppression test (High Dose) LC205
10.000 Digoxin LC207
18.000 Down’s Syndrome risk, double test LC210
10.000 Electrolytes (Na, K, Urea, Creat), Urine LC213
15.000 Electrolytes Profile, (U&E,Creat) Serum LC216
9.000 Estradiol LC219
8.000 Ferritin LC220
8.000 Folate, Serum LC222
8.000 Folate, Erythrocyte LC225
8.000 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) LC228
3.000 GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase) LC231
10.000 Gentamicin, Pre Dose LC232
10.000 Gentamicin, Post Dose LC233
10.000 Gentamicin, Random LC234
13.000 Glucose Profile (Maternity) LC237
13.000 Glucose series (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 mins) LC240
5.000 Glucose Tolerance Test (0, 2 hours) LC243
3.000 Glucose, CSF LC246
5.000 Glucose, Faeces LC249
3.000 Glucose (Fasting), Plasma LC252
3.000 Glucose, Fluid LC255
3.000 Glucose (Random), Plasma LC258
6.000 Glucose Load Test (Maternity) LC259
3.000 Glucose, Random Urine LC261
3.000 Glucose, Urine 24h Excretion LC264
6.000 HBA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) LC267
7.000 Growth Hormone (GH) LC270
56.000 Growth Hormone Series post GHRH LC273
3.000 Occult blood (Faecal Haemoglobin) LC276
1.000 Haemoglobin (Stix), Urine LC279
9.000 Haptoglobin (HPT) LC282
8.000 Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin LC285
56.000 HCG stimulation test LC286
7.000 IgG Subclassex (inactive) LC288
8.000 IgG/Transferrin Ratio (IGG/TRF) LC291
5.000 IgA LC294
7.000 IgE, Total LC297
5.000 IgG, Serum LC300
5.000 IgG, CSF LC303
5.000 IgM LC309
17.000 Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) LC312
9.000 Insulin LC315
17.000 Insulin Series LC318
3.000 Iron (FE) LC321
1.000 Ketones (Stix), Urine LC324
3.000 Lactate Plasma LC327
3.000 Lactate, CSF LC329
3.000 LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) LC330
3.000 Lactate Dehydrogenase, Fluid LC333
11.000 Lead, Blood (PB) LC336
54.000 LHRH Test (LH, FSH at 0, 20, 60 mins) LC339
16.000 Lipid Profile (Chol, Trig, HDL, VLDL, LDL) LC342
5.000 Lipids (Chol, Trig) LC345
8.000 Lithium (LI) LC348
15.000 Liver Function Test, (Tbil, TProt, ALT, AST, ALP, ALB) LC351
10.000 Luteinizing Hormone (LH) LC354
4.000 Magnesium, Serum (Mg) LC357
4.000 Magnesium, Random Urine LC358
4.000 Magnesium, Urine 24h Excretion LC359
10.000 Methotrexate LC366
40.000 Neonatal Metabolic Screen, Blood Spot (TANDEM) LC372
4.000 Osmolality, Serum LC375
4.000 Osmolality, Fluid LC378
4.000 Osmolality, Urine LC381
9.000 PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) LC384
1.000 pH (Stix), Urine LC387
2.000 pH, Fluid LC390
2.000 pH, Urine LC393
10.000 Phenobarbital LC396
1.000 Phenylketone (Stix), Urine LC399
10.000 Phenytoin, Total LC402
3.000 Phosphate, Serum (PHOS) LC405
3.000 Phosphate, Random Urine LC408
3.000 Phosphate, Urine 24h Excretion LC411
5.000 Porphyrins, Random Urine LC414
5.000 Porphyrins, Urine 24h Excretion LC416
3.000 Potassium, Serum (K) LC417
3.000 Potassium, Fluid (FLK) LC420
3.000 Potassium, Random Urine (UK) LC423
3.000 Potassium, Urine 24h Excretion (DUK) LC426
8.000 Progesterone LC429
9.000 Prolactin (PRL) LC432
8.000 PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) LC435
3.000 Protein (Stix), Urine LC438
9.000 Protein Electrophoresis, Serum LC441
12.000 Protein Electrophoresis, Immunofixation (serum) LC0336
9.000 Protein Electrophoresis, CSF LC444
9.000 Protein Electrophoresis, Urine LC447
3.000 Protein, CSF LC450
3.000 Protein, Fluid LC453
3.000 Protein, Random Urine LC456
3.000 Protein (Total), Serum LC459
3.000 Protein, Urine 24h Excretion LC462
5.000 Reducing Substances, Faeces LC465
5.000 Reducing substances, Urine LC468
12.000 Salicylate LC471
3.000 Sodium, Serum (Na) LC474
3.000 Sodium, Fluid (FLNa) LC477
3.000 Sodium, Random Urine (UNa) LC480
3.000 Sodium, Urine 24h Excretion (DUNa) LC483
10.000 Sweat Test LC486
9.000 Testosterone LC489
9.000 Theophylline LC492
16.000 Thyroglobulin (Tg) + TgAb LC495
15.000 Thyroid function test (FT4, TSH) LC498
8.000 TSH (Thyroid Stimulating hormone) LC501
8.000 FT4 (Free Thyroxine) LC504
7.000 Transferrin, Serum (TRF) LC507
23.000 TRH Test, (TSH at 0, 20, 60 mins) LC513
11.000 Tricyclic Antidepressants LC516
3.000 Triglycerides LC519
8.000 FT3 (Free Triiodothyronine) LC522
8.000 Troponin I (TROPI) LC525
3.000 Uric acid, Fluid LC527
3.000 Uric Acid, Serum (UA) LC528
3.000 Uric Acid, Random Urine LC530
1.000 Urine Uric Acid LC5300
3.000 Uric Acid, Urine 24h Excretion LC531
3.000 Urea, Serum LC534
3.000 Urea, Fluid LC537
3.000 Urea, Random Urine LC540
3.000 Urea, Urine 24h Excretion LC543
1.000 Urobilinogen (Stix), Urine LC552
9.000 Valproate, Total LC555
10.000 Vancomycin, Pre Dose LC556
10.000 Vancomycin, Post Dose LC557
10.000 Vancomycin, Random LC558
8.000 Vitamin B12 LC559
9.000 Vitamin D (25-OH) LC561
40.000 Water Deprivation Test 5XGLUC+GH LC600
53.000 GH Supression test during OGTT 6xGLUC+GH LC601
104.000 ITT (Pituitary function test) 6xGLUC+GH+CORTI LC602
155.000 Glucagon Test 9 GULC+GH+CORTI LC603
56.000 Synacthen Stimulation for CAH LC607
146.000 CRH Test LC608
10.000 Gentamicin Drug Assay LS240
10.000 Vancomycin Drug Assay LS245
10.000 Amikacin Drug Assay LS250
39.000 11-Deoxycorticosterone LW005
28.000 11-Deoxycortisol LW010
9.000 5-Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid, Urine (5HIAA) LW015
11.000 Acid Phosphatase LW017
26.000 Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) LW020
83.000 Amino Acids, CSF LW025
83.000 Amino Acids, Plasma LW030
83.000 Amino Acids, Urine LW035
32.000 Amiodarone LW040
20.000 Androstenedione LW045
16.000 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) LW050
30.000 Anti Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies LW055
28.000 Anti Diuretic Hormone (Arginine Vasopressin) (ADH) LW060
31.000 Anti Glycolipid Antibodies LW065
24.000 Anti HTLV 1/2 Antibodies LW070
23.000 Anti TSH Receptor Antibodies LW075
40.000 Bordetella Pertusis PCR LW080
20.000 C-Peptide LW090
26.000 Calcitonin LW095
10.000 Cholinesterase LW100
8.000 Chymotrypsin, Faecal LW120
15.000 Complement C1Q LW125
15.000 Complement C9 LW130
36.000 Corticosterone (18-OH) LW145
18.000 Crosslaps, Urine LW165
33.000 Cystine, Urine LW180
153.000 Debrancher Enzyme LW185
20.000 Delta 4 Androstenedione LW187
31.000 Deoxypyridinoline (Crosslinks) , Urine LW190
28.000 Erythropoietin LW205
16.000 Ethylene Glycol LW210
10.000 Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyl Transferase LW215
18.000 Gastrin LW220
10.000 Homovanillic Acid, Urine LW255
6.000 IgG, Urine LW257
26.000 Immunoreactive Trypsin LW260
28.000 Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 LW265
32.000 Insulin-Like Growth Factor, IGF-1 (Somatomedin C) LW270
24.000 Interleukin 6 LW280
12.000 Itraconazol LW285
11.000 Lead, Urine LW295
25.000 Leptin LW315
6.000 Lipase LW335
138.000 Lysosomal Enzymes LW345
19.000 Manganese, Blood LW350
20.000 Mercury, Blood (HG) LW355
8.000 Mucopolysaccharides, Urine (MPS) LW357
22.000 Mycophenolate LW360
12.000 Myoglobin, Serum LW365
12.000 Myogloblin, Urine LW370
36.000 Neopterin, Urine LW375
47.000 Organic Acids, Urine LW380
28.000 Osteocalcin LW385
9.000 Oxalate, Serum LW390
22.000 Oxalate, Urine LW395
31.000 Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein LW400
33.000 Proinsulin LW420
18.000 Renin (Mass assay) LW425
18.000 Serotonin LW435
16.000 SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) LW440
31.000 Succinylacetone, Urine LW445
21.000 Tacrolimus (FK506) LW450
27.000 Teicoplanin LW453
8.000 TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity) LW455
15.000 Transferrin Receptor LW470
9.000 Transferrin, Urine LW473
40.000 Transketolase, Erythrocyte LW475
9.000 Vanillylmandelic Acid, Urine LW485
50.000 Very Long Chain Fatty Acids (VLCFA) LW490
19.000 Vitamin A (Retinol) LW495
16.000 Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) LW500
8.000 Vitamin B12 old LW505
18.000 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) LW510
23.000 Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal Phosphate) LW515
26.000 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) LW517
38.000 Vitamin D (1,25 Dihydroxy) LW520
20.000 Vitamin E (Tocopherol) LW525
72.000 Vitamin K LW530
12.000 Zinc, Serum LW545
12.000 Zinc, Urine 24h Excretion LW550
36.000 Coxsackie Virus Culture LW150
40.000 Coxsackie Virus Picornavirus PCR LW155
12.000 Coxsackie Virus Picornavirus Serology LW160
12.000 Cryptococcal Neoformans Antigen LW170
0.000 Cryptococcal Neoformans Culture LW175
12.000 Dengue Serology LS35
40.000 Echovirus – Picornavirus Group PCR LW195
12.000 Echovirus – Picornavirus Group Serology LW200
16.000 Helicobacter Pylori Culture LW225
33.000 Hepatitis G RNA Virus-PCR LW230
36.000 Herpes Virus type 6 PCR LW235
22.000 Insulin Antibodies LW275
24.000 Legionella Culture LW300
60.000 Legionella PCR LW305
24.000 Legionella Urinary Antigen LP1 LW310
13.000 Leptospira Culture LW320
86.000 Leptospira PCR LW325
24.000 Leptospira Serology LW330
40.000 Lupus Antibody (Lupus Anticoagulant) Biochem referral LW340
40.000 Parvovirus B19 PCR LW405
18.000 Preciptins, Screening LW415
40.000 Toxoplasma Culture LW460
116.000 Toxoplasma PCR LW465
40.000 Tuberculosis Mycobacterium PCR LW480
40.000 Amniotic Fluid Biochemistry W042
علم الوراثة
40.000 HLA for none identical bone marrow donor (ABC Serology) LD001
205.000 Full HLA for bone marrow patient LD002
205.000 Full HLA for identical bone marrow donor LD003
205.000 Full HLA for renal patient LD101
205.000 Full HLA for none identical renal donor LD102
40.000 Full HLA for disease associated (e.g. B-27) LD103
40.000 Cystic Fibrosis (CF) for 1 mutation F 508 Del or S549R9T/G) LD305
45.000 Cystic Fibrosis (CF) for 2 mutation F 508 Del and S549R9T/G) LD400
50.000 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for one translocation t(12;21) or t(1;19) or t(9;22) or t(4;11) LD405
55.000 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for all translocation t(12;21), t(1;19), t(9;22) and t(4;11) LD410
Spinal Muscular Atrophy by MLPA technique LD722
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia by Multiplex PCR LD720
110.000 Chromosomal Analysis (Bone Marrow) Karyotyping LD600
100.000 Chromosomal Analysis (Peripheral Blood) Karyotyping LD601
Chromosomal Analysis, Amniotic Fluid LD602
100.000 Fine needle aspiration for chromosomal analysis LD603
80.000 Stress Test (Blood Only) LD604
205.000 High Resolution HLA Typing LD606
100.000 RQ-PCR (External Test) LD715
130.000 Chromosome breakage study (Breakage Syndrome) LW105
180.000 Chromosomal analysis karyotyping (Solid tumors, Fine Needle Aspiration samples) LW110
160.000 FISH (Bone marrow / blood) + Culture Cost LD710
40.000 HLA typing for disease association (serology) LD003
205.000 HLA typing for bone marrow recipient (serology & molecular) LD001
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 1 (serology) LD101
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 2 (serology) LD102
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 3 (serology) LD103
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 4 (serology) LD104
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 5 (serology) LD105
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 6 (serology) LD106
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 7 (serology) LD107
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 8 (serology) LD108
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 9 (serology) LD109
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 10 (serology) LD110
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 11 (serology) LD111
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 12 (serology) LD112
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 13 (serology) LD113
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 14 (serology) LD114
40.000 HLA typing for bone marrow donor 15 (serology) LD115
165.000 HLA typing for identical bone marrow donor 1 (molecular) LD336
165.000 HLA typing for identical bone marrow donor 2 (molecular) LD337
165.000 HLA typing for identical bone marrow donor 3 (molecular) LD338
165.000 HLA typing for identical bone marrow donor 4 (molecular) LD339
165.000 HLA typing for identical bone marrow donor 5 (molecular) LD340
205.000 HLA typing for renal recipient (serology & molecular) LD310
20.000 Renal Crossmatch LD300
30.000 Lymphoscreening (PRA) LD305
205.000 HLA typing for renal donor 1 (serology & molecular) LD315
205.000 HLA typing for renal donor 2 (serology & molecular) LD320
205.000 HLA typing for renal donor 3 (serology & molecular) LD325
205.000 HLA typing for renal donor 4 (serology & molecular) LD330
205.000 HLA typing for renal donor 5 (serology & molecular) LD335
205.000 HLA typing for cord blood LD002
205.000 Icythyosis (Lameller) LD725
علم الأحياء الدقيقة والمناعة
علم الأحياء الدقيقة والمناعة
10.000 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Screen LF001
10.000 Lower Respiratory Tract Infections LF005
14.000 Maculpapular Rash LF010
10.000 Cutaneous and Mucous Membrane LF015
10.000 Gastroenteritis LF020
14.000 Central Nervous System Infection LF025
14.000 Kidney and Bladder Infection LF030
10.000 Eye Infection LF035
8.000 Genital Tract Infection LF040
6.000 Congenital Anomalies LF045
50.000 HIV PCR Qualitative LJ001
60.000 HIV PCR (Viral load) LJ005
35.000 HCV PCR (Qualitative) LJ010
60.000 HCV PCR (Genotype) LJ014
60.000 HCV PCR (Viral load) LJ015
60.000 HBV PCR (Viral Load) LJ025
35.000 HBV PCR (Qualitative) LJ026
40.000 CMV PCR LJ030
40.000 HSV PCR LJ035
40.000 EBV PCR LJ040
11.000 Urine MCS LM001
11.000 Stool (Culture & Parasitology) LM005
6.000 Stool (Parasitology Only) LM010
11.000 Genital Swab LM015
11.000 Urethral Swab LM016
11.000 Respiratory Specimen (NOT TB) LM020
11.000 Blood Culture LM025
11.000 Throat Swab LM030
11.000 Skin Swab LM031
11.000 Pus Swab LM032
11.000 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) LM033
11.000 Cerebralspinal Fluid (CSF) LM034
6.000 TB LM035
12.000 Cutaneous Fungi LM040
12.000 Other fungi LM041
11.000 Biopsy Bacteriology LM042
11.000 Bone Marrow Bacteriology LM044
11.000 Synovial Fluid LM046
11.000 Pleural Fluid LM047
11.000 Peritoneal Fluid LM048
11.000 Pericardial Fluid LM049
11.000 Ear Swab LM050
11.000 Oral/Perinasal Swab LM051
11.000 Eye Swab LM052
11.000 Wound Swab LM053
11.000 Ulcer Swab LM054
11.000 Semen analysis LM055
9.000 Mycoplasma Pneumonia Serology LLS100
10.000 Weil-Felix LLS105
44.000 Acute Hepatitis Screen LS001
32.000 Ante Natal Screen LS005
21.000 Blood Bank Screen LS010
36.000 Bone Marrow Donor Screen LS015
76.000 Community Acquired Pneumonia LS020
17.000 Chronic Hepatitis Screen LS025
23.000 Multi Transfused Patient Screen LS030
10.000 Pre Vaccination Screen (HBV) LS035
18.000 Pre Invasive Screen LS040
18.000 Sharps Accident Screen LS045
9.000 Syphilis Serology LS050
9.000 Hydatid Serology LS052
48.000 TORCH Profile LS055
20.000 Measles, Mumps, Rubella Serolo LS060
76.000 Central Nervous System Serolog LS065
13.000 Cytomegalovirus Serology LS070
12.000 Coxiella Burnettii Serology (Q) LS075
12.000 Hepatitis B Contact Screen LS080
8.000 Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies LS085
10.000 Herpes Simplex Serology LS090
12.000 Influenza Virus Serology LS095
7.000 Salmonella Typhi Serology LS110
10.000 Polio Antibodies LS115
12.000 Rubella Serology LS120
6.000 Rubella IgG LS121
6.000 Rubella IgM LS122
8.000 Toxoplasma Serology LS125
12.000 Varicella-Zoster Serology LS130
6.000 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen LS145
6.000 Hepatitis B E Antibody LS150
6.000 Hepatitis B E Antigen LS155
6.000 Hepatitis B core total Antibody LS160
6.000 Hepatitis B core IgM antibody LS165
6.000 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody LS170
6.000 Hepatitis Delta Antibodies LS175
6.000 Hepatitis Delta Antigen LS177
8.000 Hepatitis A IgM Antibody LS180
10.000 Hepatitis A Total Antibodies LS185
8.000 Hepatitis C Antibodies LS190
25.000 Hepatitis C Recombinant Immuno LS195
10.000 Hepatitis E Total Antibodies LS200
6.000 Hepatitis E IgG antibody LS201
6.000 Hepatitis E IgM Antibody LS205
8.000 HIV 1&2 Ag/Ab LS210
31.000 Western Blot for HIV 1 LS215
26.000 Western Blot for HIV 2 LS220
6.000 Brucella Antibody Titre LS255
3.000 Anti-Streptolysin O Test LS265
4.000 Infectious Mononucleosis LS270
8.000 Mumps IgG and IgM Antibodies LS280
8.000 Measles IgG and IgM Antibodies LS285
15.000 Chlamydia Pneumonia IgG and Ig LS295
12.000 Epstein Barr Virus Serology LS305
4.000 Rapid Plasma Reagin test LS310
5.000 T. Pallidum Haemagglutination LS315
15.000 Fluorescent T. Pallidum-Absorp LS320
6.000 T. Pallidum IgM LS325
6.000 Malaria Antigen Detection LS330
10.000 Filarial Antigen Detection LS335
8.000 Legionella Pneumophila LS340
8.000 Borrelia Burgdorferi LS345
9.000 Schistosoma Antibodies LS350
7.000 Echinococcus Antibodies LS355
7.000 Entamoeba Histolytica Antibodies LS360
7.000 Amoebiasis Serology LS361
7.000 Leishmania Antibodies LS365
5.000 Brucella IgM LS370
12.000 Parvovirus IgG/IgM LS380
12.000 Helicobacter Pylori Serolgoy LS385
10.000 Trypanosoma serology LS390
15.000 Chlamydia trahomatis serology LS395
32.000 Bordetella Pertusis Serology LW085
15.000 Herpes Virus type 6 Serology LW240
8.000 Herpes Virus Type 8 Serology LW245
14.000 Pneumucoccal Serology LW410
14.000 Rickettsia Conorii Serology LW430
38.000 West Nile Virus Serology LW535
32.000 Yersinia Serology LW540
8.000 Dengue serology LS375
10.000 Echovirus Serology LS717
10.000 Caxsackie Virus Serology LS702
10.000 Respiratory Syncytical Serology LS405
10.000 Taemia Solium Serology LS358
15.000 Toxocara Lavis Serology LS400
علم المناعة
12.000 B2 Glycoprotein LI001
7.000 Autoimmune – Thyroid LI040
10.000 Complement Factor C2 LI120
10.000 Complement Factor C5 Serum LI125
5.000 ANA LI190
7.000 Extractable Nuclear Antigenes LI200
7.000 Anti n-DNA Antibody LI205
3.000 Sperm Wash LI808
5.000 Autoimmune – Diabetis Meilitis LI400
Autoimmune – Adrenal LI405
5.000 Autoimmune – Ovarian LI410
5.000 Autoimmune – Pernicious Anaemia LI415
5.000 Autoimmune – Primary Biliary Cirrhosis LI420
5.000 Autoimmune – Hepatitis LI425
12.000 Autoimmune – Gluten Enteropathy (Celiac Disease) LI430
5.000 Autoimmune – Pemphigus Pemphigoid LI435
5.000 Autoimmune – Dermatitis Herpetiformis LI440
Autoimmune – Myasthenia Gravis LI445
5.000 Lambert-Eaton Myasthenia Syndrome LI450
Acquired Neuromyotonia Screen LI455
8.000 Stiff Person Syndrome Screen LI460
8.000 Rasmussen’s Encephalitis Screen LI465
Cerebral SLE Screen LI470
7.000 Paraneoplastic Syndrome Screen LI475
5.000 Guillain-Barre Syndrome Screen LI480
5.000 Chronic Infl. Demyelinating Polyneuropathy LI485
7.000 Paraprotein Screen LI490
7.000 Autoimmune – Anti Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease (Goodpasture’s Syndrome) LI495
5.000 Autoimmune – Glomerulonephritis (Inc SLE) LI500
5.000 Autoimmune – Arthritis / Arthralgia LI505
5.000 Autoimmune – Connective Tissue Disease LI510
5.000 Autoimmune – Monitoring SLE LI515
12.000 Autoimmune – Antiphospholipid Syndrome LI520
5.000 Autoimmune – Vasculitis LI525
3.000 Autoimmune – Cryoglobulinaemia LI530
5.000 Allergy – Anaphylaxis LI535
5.000 Allergy – Hayfever LI540
5.000 Allergy – Asthma LI545
5.000 Allergy – Venom LI555
5.000 Allergy – Angioedema and/or Urticaria LI560
65.000 Allergy – Eczema LI565
5.000 Allergy – Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergillosis LI570
5.000 Allergy – Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis LI575
5.000 Immunodeficiency – Test of Humoral Immunity LI580
6.000 Immunodeficiency – Test of Cellular Immunity LI585
15.000 Immunodeficiency – Test of Neutrophil Function LI590
Immunodeficiency – Test of Complement Function LI595
20.000 Other Immunology Tests LI600
5.000 Candida Antibodies LI615
5.000 Allergens Precipitation Test LI620
10.000 Immunodeficiency – Test for Anti-Bacterial antibodies (Post Immunization) LI605
10.000 Immunodeficiency – Test for C1 Esterase Inhibitor deficiency (Angioedema) LI606
6.000 Anti Nuetrophil cytoplasmic antibody LI630
8.000 IgG Subclasses LI701
8.000 IgG Subclasses (IgG2) LI702
8.000 IgG Subclasses (IgG3) LI703
8.000 IgG Subclasses (IgG4) LI704
5.000 Rhuematoid factor LI800
10.000 Neuromyelitis Optic IgG antibody LI810
12.000 Total IgE for Immunology lab LI811
11.000 Anti-Bacrterial Antibodies LI812
11.000 Auto Antibody Profile LI650
11.000 Anti-Acetyl Choline Receptor LI813
11.000 Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody LI827
11.000 IgE specific For Honey LI828
11.000 C2 Complement LI829
50.000 Other Referal test (Serum) LI830
50.000 Other Referal test (Blood) LI831
8.000 Phagocytic test LI832
5.000 Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide LI801
6.000 Immunodeficiency – Test for Cellular Immunity LI843
5.000 Rheumatoid factor LI844
13.000 Anti – Cardiolipin Antibodies LI840
13.000 Anti B2 Glycoprotien LI841
17.000 Anti Gliadin Antibody LI837
17.000 Anti Transglutaminase Antibody LI838
19.000 Anti Endomycial Antibody LI839
18.000 Anti Sperm Antibody LI846
18.000 Autoimmune – C1q Antibodies LI845
20.000 Lymphocyte Proliferation Assay LI850
علم التشريح
50.000 Actin Smooth Muscle Marker LQ001
50.000 Actin Sarcomeric Marker LQ002
50.000 ACTH Marker LQ003
50.000 Alpha-1-Anthihymotrypsin Marker LQ004
50.000 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Marker LQ005
50.000 Alpha-1-AntiFetoprotein Marker LQ006
50.000 Amyloid Marker LQ007
50.000 Bax Marker LQ008
50.000 BCL2 Marker LQ009
50.000 BCL6 Marker LQ010
50.000 C3C Complement Marker LQ011
50.000 CA125 Marker LQ012
50.000 Calcitonin Marker LQ013
50.000 CAM5.2 Marker LQ014
50.000 CathepsinD Marker LQ015
50.000 CD3 Marker LQ016
50.000 CD4 Marker LQ017
50.000 CD5 Marker LQ018
50.000 CD8 Marker LQ019
50.000 CD10 Marker LQ020
50.000 CD15 Marker LQ021
50.000 CD20 Marker LQ022
50.000 CD21 Marker LQ023
50.000 CD23 Marker LQ024
50.000 CD30 Marker LQ025
50.000 CD31 Marker LQ026
50.000 CD34 Marker LQ027
50.000 CD35 Marker LQ028
50.000 CD43 Marker LQ029
50.000 CD45/LCA Marker LQ030
50.000 CD45RO Marker LQ031
50.000 CD54 Marker LQ032
50.000 CD61 Marker LQ033
50.000 CD68 Marker LQ034
50.000 CD79a Marker LQ035
50.000 CD99 Marker LQ036
50.000 CD117 Marker LQ037
50.000 CEA Marker LQ038
50.000 Chromogranin A Marker LQ039
50.000 CK-7 Marker LQ040
50.000 CK-8 Marker LQ041
50.000 CK-18 Marker LQ042
50.000 CK-19 Marker LQ043
50.000 CK-20 Marker LQ044
50.000 CKHMwt Marker LQ045
50.000 Collagen Marker LQ046
50.000 CMV Marker Marker LQ047
50.000 Cyclin D1 Marker LQ048
50.000 Desmin Marker LQ049
50.000 EBV Marker LQ050
50.000 Epithelial Membrane Anitigen M LQ051
50.000 Estrogen Receptor Marker LQ052
50.000 Factor VIII Marker LQ053
50.000 Fibrinogen Marker LQ054
50.000 FSH Marker LQ055
50.000 Gastrin Marker LQ056
50.000 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protei LQ057
50.000 Glucagon Marker LQ058
50.000 Helicobacter Pylori Marker LQ059
50.000 Hepatitis B Virus Core Antigen LQ060
50.000 Hepatitis B Virus Surface Anti LQ061
60.000 HER-2 Marker LQ062
50.000 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Ma LQ063
50.000 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Ma LQ064
50.000 Growth Hormone Marker LQ065
50.000 HLA-DP Marker LQ066
50.000 Placental Lactogen Marker LQ067
50.000 Papillomavirus (Human) Marker LQ068
50.000 IgA Marker LQ069
50.000 IgD Marker LQ070
50.000 IgE Marker LQ071
50.000 IgG Marker LQ072
50.000 IgM Marker LQ073
50.000 Insulin Marker LQ074
50.000 Kappa Marker LQ075
50.000 Ki-67 Marker LQ076
50.000 Lambda Marker LQ077
50.000 Laminin Marker LQ078
50.000 Leucocyte Common Antigen Marker LQ079
50.000 Luteinizing Hormone LQ080
50.000 Lysozyme Marker LQ081
50.000 Myelin Basic Protein Marker LQ082
50.000 Melanoma Marker LQ083
50.000 Myeloperoxidase Marker LQ084
50.000 Myoglobin Marker LQ085
50.000 Myosin Heavy Chain Marker LQ086
50.000 Neurophysin Marker LQ087
50.000 Neurofilament Protein Marker LQ089
50.000 Neuron Specific Enolase Marker LQ090
50.000 p21 Marker LQ091
50.000 p53 Protein Marker LQ092
50.000 Pancreatic Polypeptide Marker LQ093
50.000 Placental Alkaline Phosphotase LQ094
50.000 Pneumocystis Carinii Marker LQ095
50.000 Progesterone Receptor Marker LQ096
50.000 Prolactin Marker LQ097
50.000 Prostate Specific Antigen Mark LQ098
50.000 Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Mar LQ099
50.000 S-100 Marker LQ100
50.000 Serotonin Marker LQ101
50.000 Somatostatin Marker LQ102
50.000 Synaptophysin Marker LQ103
50.000 TdT Marker LQ104
50.000 Thyroglobulin Marker LQ105
50.000 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Ma LQ106
50.000 Ubiquitin Marker LQ107
50.000 Vimentin Marker LQ108
50.000 Von Willebrand Factor Marker LQ109
50.000 Immunofluorescence Profile LQ110
50.000 Immunohistochemistry Profile LQ113
50.000 Immunoenzyme Profile LQ115
50.000 CKLMwt LQ116
50.000 Dystrophin Test LQ117
50.000 Sarcoglycan Profile LQ118
50.000 IF Report LQ136
50.000 Immunohistochemistry markers LQ137
60.000 IF Report For Punch Biopsy LQ138
60.000 IF Report For Sural Nerve LQ140
60.000 IF Report For Buccal Mucosa LQ141
60.000 Enzyme Studies LQ145
50.000 Immunostaining(per stain) LQ146
40.000 Frozen Section LR030
24.000 Punch Biopsy Fixed tissue LR058
24.000 Punch Biopsy LR059
24.000 Endoscopic Biopsy LR060
24.000 True Cut Biopsy LR061
24.000 Needle Biopsy Fixed LR105
24.000 Needle Biopsy Fresh LR106
24.000 Surgical Biopsy – Fresh LR120
48.000 Surgical Biopsy – Fixed (More than 4 slides) LR121
100.000 Embalment LR130
5.000 Para n block LR131
2.000 Slides LR132
7.000 Para n blocks + Slides LR133
24.000 Currettage LR151
60.000 Buccal Mucosa Fresh LR152
60.000 Sural Nerve LR153
60.000 Muscle Biopsy Fresh Histology LR154
24.000 Buccal Mucosa Fixed LR155
60.000 Muscle Biopsy Fixed LR156
24.000 Bone Marrow Treph LR157
50.000 Renal Biopsy-TEM LR158
50.000 Liver Biopsy-TEM LR159
50.000 Immuno-staining (Per Stain) LR160
43.000 Immunofluorescence LR161
40.000 TEM Routine LK001
10.000 Negative Staining LK005
40.000 Buccal Mucosa (TEM) LK009
40.000 Electron Diffraction LK010
50.000 Muscle Biopsy TEM LK012
20.000 Biological Scanning EM LK050
20.000 Non Biological Scanning EM LK080
40.000 Electronic Dispersion Xray Analysis LK100
50.000 Liver Biopsy TEM LK101
50.000 Autopsy Foetus LA001
100.000 Autopsy Adult LA002
10.000 Pap smear (Gynae) LG001
9.000 PAP Smear LG010
23.000 FNA (Pathologist Performed) up to 4 slides LG030
40.000 FNA (Submitted) more than 4 slides LG035
23.000 Urine for Cytology LG040
5.000 Urine for Metachromic Granules LG043
23.000 Sputum for Cytology LG050
23.000 Fluid for Cytology LG060
23.000 CSF for Cytology LG065
23.000 Washings LG070
23.000 Washings & Brushings LG075
23.000 Brushings LG080
5.000 Crystals – Surgical Joint Specimen LG085
40.000 PCP Investigations LG095
علم أمراض الكلي
40.000 Dialysis / Haemodialysis with AVF HDAVF
45.000 Dialysis / Haemodialysis with Catheter HDC
العلاج الطبيعي
5.000 First Assesment (Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech & Language Therapy) PTY0100
10.000 Treatment (Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech & Language Therapy) per session PTY0120
5.000 Physiotherapy Consultation PTY0114
10.000 Pre-Op PTY0200
10.000 Post-Op PTY0201
10.000 Family Speach Education PTYO202
10.000 Non-Verbal Communication PTYO203
10.000 Oral Motor Exercise PTYO204
10.000 Phonology/Articulation Exercises PTYO205
10.000 Language Exercises PTYO206
10.000 Literacy Work PTYO207
10.000 Auditory Discrimination Exercise PTYO208
10.000 Fluency Exercise PTYO209
10.000 Voice Therapy PTYO210
10.000 Feeding/Swalloing PTYO211
10.000 Chest Physiotherapy Treatment PTYOI01
10.000 General Exercise PTYOI02
10.000 Mobility PTYOI03
10.000 Pre/Post Surgery Management PTYOI04
10.000 Pain Management – Rehabilitation PTYOI05
10.000 Advice/Home Program & Follow Up PTYOI06
10.000 Muscle Charting PTYOI07
10.000 Antenatal Classes PTYOI08
10.000 Postnatal Exercise PTYOI09
10.000 Urinary In-Continues PTYOI10
10.000 Divertional Therapy PTYOI100
10.000 Group Therapy PTYOI101
10.000 Neuro Rehabilitation PTYOI102
10.000 Gyne Physiotherapy PTYOI103
10.000 Neuro Rehabiliation (Follow Up) PTYOI104
10.000 Gyne Physiotherapy (Follow Up) PTYOI105
10.000 Balance And Vestibular Training PTYOI11
10.000 Physiotherapy (Adult) Follow-Up OPD PTYOI119
10.000 Neuro-Rehabilitation (IP) PTYOI12
10.000 Physiotherapy (Paediatric) OPD PTYOI120
10.000 Physiotherapy (Paediatric) Follow-Up OPD PTYOI121
10.000 Occupational Therapy (Paediatric) OPD PTYOI122
10.000 Occupational Therapy (Paediatric) Follow-Up OPD PTYOI123
10.000 Occupational Therapy (Adult) Follow-Up OPD PTYOI124
10.000 (In-Patient) Occupational Therapy PTYOI13
10.000 Occupational Therapy (Adult) OPD PTYOI14
10.000 Physiotherapy (Adult) OPD PTYOI15
10.000 Incentive Spiro-Meter PTYOI16
10.000 Suction PTYOI17
10.000 Bagging PTYOI18
10.000 Vibration PTYOI19
10.000 Clapping PTYOI20
10.000 Positioning PTYOI21
10.000 Postural Drainage PTYOI22
10.000 Deep Breathing Exercise PTYOI23
10.000 Circulation Exercise PTYOI24
10.000 Post. Mastectomy Exercise PTYOI25
10.000 Passive And Active Exercise PTYOI26
10.000 Strengthening Exercise PTYOI27
10.000 Posture Correction Exercise PTYOI28
10.000 Antenatal Exercise PTYOI30
10.000 Pelvic Floor Exercise PTYOI31
10.000 Hydrotherapy Exercise PTYOI32
10.000 Coordination Exercise PTYOI33
10.000 Ambulation With Or Without Aids PTYOI34
10.000 Walking Frame PTYOI35
10.000 Crutches PTYOI36
10.000 Elbow Crutches PTYOI37
10.000 Rolleter PTYOI38
10.000 Cervical Collars PTYOI39
10.000 Back And Other Joint Support PTYOI40
10.000 Strapping PTYOI41
10.000 Taping PTYOI42
10.000 Stocking PTYOI43
10.000 Tube Grip PTYOI44
10.000 Splinting PTYOI45
10.000 Range Of Movement Assessment PTYOI46
10.000 Gait Analysis PTYOI48
10.000 Ultrasound PTYOI49
10.000 Tens PTYOI50
10.000 Short Wave PTYOI51
10.000 Interferential PTYOI52
10.000 Microwave PTYOI53
10.000 Lazar PTYOI54
10.000 Ice PTYOI55
10.000 Hot Packs PTYOI56
10.000 Wax PTYOI57
10.000 Manipulation PTYOI58
10.000 Mobilization PTYOI59
10.000 Soft Tissue Mobilisation (Massage) PTYOI95
10.000 Acupressure / Trigger Point Release PTYOI61
10.000 Reflexology PTYOI62
10.000 Acupuncture PTYOI63
10.000 Weight Training PTYOI64
10.000 Thera-Band PTYOI65
10.000 Putty PTYOI66
10.000 Quadriceps Bench PTYOI67
10.000 Pulleys PTYOI68
10.000 Medicine Ball PTYOI69
10.000 Static Cycle / Engonometer PTYOI70
10.000 Suspensim Therapy PTYOI71
10.000 Treadmill PTYOI72
10.000 Walking Bars PTYOI73
10.000 Wobble Board PTYOI75
10.000 Rolling In Bed Training PTYOI76
10.000 Rolling To Sitting Training PTYOI77
10.000 Sitting Balance PTYOI78
10.000 Sitting To Standing PTYOI79
10.000 Weight Transfer PTYOI80
10.000 Weight Bearing PTYOI81
10.000 Proprioceptive Training PTYOI82
10.000 Trunk Mobilization PTYOI83
10.000 Bridging PTYOI84
10.000 Proprioceptive Neuromusculaer Facilitation (PNF) PTYOI85
10.000 Training In Activities of Daily Living PTYOI86
10.000 Walking Reeducations PTYOI87
10.000 Developmental Therapy PTYOI88
10.000 Climbing Stairs PTYOI89
10.000 Home Program PTYOI90
10.000 Public Health Education PTYOI91
10.000 Patient Advice In Treatment PTYOI92
10.000 Parents Advice In Handling And Treating Their Children PTYOI93
10.000 Pregnant Advice PTYOI94
10.000 Soft Tissue Mobilisation PTYOI95
10.000 Drainage PTYOI96
10.000 Relaxation PTYOI97
10.000 Oral Motor Programme PTYOI98
10.000 Activities of Daily Living (Such As Cooking, Pottery, Design, Shopping) PTYOI99
10.000 Speech & Language Therapy Consultation PTYSLT
2.000 123 123
علاج الأمراض الجلدية باليزر
100.000 Full Face Resurfacing SKIN020
50.000 Other Scars SKIN065
80.000 Wrinkles-large area or more than one spot SKIN080
40.000 Wrinkles-small area SKIN095
10.000 Per Nevus (Small) SKIN110
40.000 Per large Nevus (Epidural Varrocus) SKIN125
50.000 Port-wine Stains Per Visit SKIN130
50.000 Haemangioma Per Visit SKIN135
100.000 Telangiectasia or leg Veins SKIN150
100.000 Hair Removal Per Visit SKIN165
10.000 Anaesthesia Consult Request MISC001
10.000 ENT Consult Request MISC002
10.000 Haematology Consult Request MISC003
10.000 Medicine Consult Request MISC004
10.000 Neonatal Consult Request MISC005
10.000 Obs & Gynae Consult Request MISC006
10.000 Opthalmology Consult Request MISC007
10.000 Paediatric Consult Request MISC008
10.000 Psychiatry Consult Request MISC009
10.000 Radiology Consult Request MISC010
10.000 Surgery Consult Request MISC011
40.000 Room in Special Nursing Ward for Expatriate MISC012
20.000 Room in Special Nursing Ward for Omani MISC013
40.000 ICU-Neonatal Large Incubator MISC014
40.000 Single Room-Expatriate MISC015
20.000 Single Room-Omani MISC016
12.000 Shared Room-Expatriate MISC017
45.000 ICU Room MISC018
35.000 VIP Room MISC019
45.000 High Dependancy Room MISC020
0.000 Isolation Room MISC021
12.000 Day Care Bed MISC022
20.000 ICU-Neonatal Normal Incubator MISC023
30.000 ICU-Neonatal Medium Incubator MISC024
6.000 Adult immunization MISC025
10.000 Anaesthesia Referral MISC026
34219.000 Bone Marrow Transplant Package-Allogenic MISC027
20510.000 Bone Marrow Transplant Package-Autologus MISC028
10.000 BMT Referral MISC029
40.000 Co n Box 3 foot MISC030
50.000 Co n Box 4 foot MISC031
61.000 Co n Box 5 foot MISC032
70.000 Co n Box 5.5 foot MISC033
75.000 Co n Box 6.0 foot MISC034
85.000 Co n Box 6.5 foot MISC035
90.000 Co n Box 7 foot MISC036
10.000 Cardiology Referral MISC037
10.000 CH Cardiology Referral MISC038
6.000 Doctor’s Booking MISC039
10.000 CH Endocrinology Referral MISC040
10.000 CH Gastro-Entrology Referral MISC041
10.000 CH Infectious Disease Referral MISC042
10.000 CH Immunology Referral MISC043
10.000 CH Neurology Referral MISC044
10.000 CH Nephrology Referral MISC045
10.000 CH Oncology Referral MISC046
10.000 CH Respiratory Referral MISC047
10.000 CH Rheumatology Referral MISC048
6.000 Over Booking MISC049
6.000 Referral from another OPD Clinic MISC050
6.000 Consultation Opthalmology Paediatric Follow up visit1 MISC051
6.000 Consultation Psychiatry 1st visit MISC052
6.000 Consultation Pulmonology Paediatric 1st Visit MISC053
6.000 Consultation Pulmonology Paediatric Follow Up Visit MISC054
6.000 Consultation BMT 1st visit MISC055
6.000 Consultation BMT Follow Up MISC056
6.000 Consultation Botox 1st visit MISC057
6.000 Consultation Botox Follow Up MISC058
6.000 Consultation Cardiology 1st Visit MISC059
6.000 Consultation Cardiology Follow Up MISC060
6.000 Consultation Dental OMFS MISC061
6.000 Consultation Dental 1st Visit MISC062
6.000 Consultation Dental Follow Up Visit MISC063
6.000 Consultation Dermatology 1st Visit MISC064
6.000 Consultation Dermatology Follow Up Visit MISC065
6.000 Consultation Diabetes 1st Visit MISC066
6.000 Consultation Diabetes Follow Up MISC067
6.000 Discharge Follow Up Consultation MISC068
6.000 Consultation Emergency MISC069
6.000 Consultation Endocrinology 1st MISC070
6.000 Consultation Endocrinology Follow Up MISC071
6.000 Consultation ENT 1st Visit MISC072
6.000 Consultation ENT Follow Up MISC073
6.000 Consultation ER Follow UP MISC074
6.000 Consultation FAMCO 1st Visit MISC075
6.000 Consultation FAMCO diabetic 1st visit MISC076
6.000 Consultation FAMCO diabetic Follow up visit MISC077
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Follow up Visit MISC078
6.000 Consultation Gastro 1st Visit MISC079
6.000 Consultation Gastro Follow Up Visit MISC080
6.000 Consultation Hematology 1st Visit MISC081
6.000 Consultation Hematology Follow Up Visit MISC082
6.000 Consultation Hepatitis 1st visit MISC083
6.000 Consultation Hepatitis Follow Up visit MISC084
6.000 Consultation Infectious Disease 1st visit MISC085
6.000 Consultation Infectious Disease Follow up MISC086
6.000 Consultation Lipid 1st visit MISC087
6.000 Consultation Lipid Follow Up MISC088
6.000 Consultation Medicine 1st Visit MISC089
6.000 Consultation Medicine Follow Up Visit MISC090
6.000 Consultation Neonatal 1st Visit MISC091
6.000 Consultation Neonatal Follow up Visit MISC092
6.000 Consultation Nephrology 1st Visit MISC093
6.000 Consultation Nephrology Follow Up Visit MISC094
6.000 Consultation Neurology 1st Visit MISC095
6.000 Consultation Neurology Follow Up MISC096
6.000 Consultation Nuclear Medicine 1st Visit MISC097
6.000 Consultation Nuclear Medicine Follow Up Visit MISC098
6.000 Prime 1st Visit MISC099
6.000 Consultation OBS GYNE 1st Visit MISC100
6.000 Consultation OBS GYNE Follow Up Visit MISC101
6.000 Consultation Oncology 1st Visit MISC102
6.000 Consultation Oncology Follow Up Visit MISC103
6.000 Consultation Opthamology Adult 1st Visit MISC104
6.000 Consultation Opthalmology Paediatric 1st visit MISC105
6.000 Consultation Opthalmology Paediatric Follow up visit MISC106
6.000 Consultation Opthamology Adult Follow Up Visit MISC107
6.000 Consultation Orthopedics 1st Visit MISC108
6.000 Consultation Orthopedics Follow up Visit MISC109
6.000 Consultation Paediatric 1st Visit MISC110
6.000 Consultation Paediatric Follow Up MISC111
6.000 Consultation Psychiatry Follow Up MISC112
6.000 Consultation Psychology 1st Visit MISC113
6.000 Consultation Psychology Follow Up Visit MISC114
6.000 Consultation Pulmonology 1st Visit MISC115
6.000 Consultation Pulmonology Follow Up MISC116
6.000 Consultation Rheumatology 1st Visit MISC117
6.000 Consultation Rheumatology Follow Up Visit MISC118
6.000 Consultation Student Clinic 1st Visit MISC119
6.000 Consultation Student Clinic Follow Up Visit MISC120
6.000 Consultation Surgery 1st Visit MISC121
6.000 Consultation Surgery Follow Up Visit MISC122
6.000 Consultation Thyroid 1st visit MISC123
6.000 Consultation Thyroid Follow Up MISC124
6.000 Consultation Urology 1st Visit MISC125
6.000 Consultation Urology Follow Up Visit MISC126
6.000 Ward booking MISC127
6.000 Day Care Visit MISC128
1.000 Discharge Letter MISC129
2.000 Dressing Order MISC130
450.000 Normal Delivery Package MISC131
650.000 Cesarian Delivery Package MISC132
10.000 Dietitics Referral (Paeds) MISC133
10.000 Dietitics Referral (Adult) MISC134
10.000 ENT Referral MISC135
6.000 Emergency Patient Referral MISC136
100.000 Embalming For Repatriation Charge MISC137
10.000 Endocrinology Referral MISC138
6.000 Consultation FAMCO ANC 1st visit MISC139
6.000 Consultation FAMCO ANC follow up visit MISC140
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Birth Spacing 1st visit MISC141
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Birth Spacing Follow up visit MISC142
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Blood Test MISC143
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Dressing MISC144
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Ear Syringe MISC145
6.000 Consultation FAMCO General Visit MISC146
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Liquid Nitrogen MISC147
6.000 Consultation FAMCO PNC visit MISC148
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Patch Strip 1st Reading MISC149
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Patch Strip 2nd Reading MISC150
6.000 Consultation FAMCO Patch Strip Application MISC151
10.000 Gastro-Entrology Referral MISC152
10.000 Haematology Referral MISC153
10.000 Infectious Disease Referral MISC154
6.000 Consultation Infertility 1st visit MISC155
6.000 Consultation Infertility Follow-up visit MISC156
6.000 IQ Test MISC157
10.000 Lipid Clinic Referral MISC158
40.000 PCR test for one specific mutation MISC159
22.000 DNA seoaration and storage MISC160
150.000 DNA sequencing MISC161
1000.000 Linkage Testing (per family) STRs MISC162
0.000 Linkage Testing (per family) SNPs MISC163
110.000 Chromosome Analysis, Bone marrow/ karyotyping MISC164
50.000 Immunostaining (Per Stai) MISC165
43.000 Immunoflurescnce MISC166
50.000 Renal Biopsy-TEM MISC167
50.000 Liver Biopsy-TEM MISC168
1.000 Medical Certificate MISC169
5.000 Medical Report -for Expatriates both paying & non-paying MISC170
10.000 Medical Report -for Companies MISC171
10.000 Neurology Referral MISC172
2.000 Bed Bath MISC173
2.000 Bath Room Bath MISC174
2.000 Baby Bath MISC175
1.000 Diaper Change MISC176
2.000 Perineal Care MISC177
2.000 Mouth Care MISC178
2.000 Suctioning MISC179
2.000 Wound Care MISC180
5.000 Stoma Care MISC181
5.000 Tracheostomy Care MISC182
12.000 One To One Nursing MISC183
2.000 24 Hours Urine Collection MISC184
1.000 Preparation For MRI MISC185
1.000 Preparation For CT Abdomen MISC186
1.000 Preparation For Ultra Sound Abdomen MISC187
2.000 Preparation For Ultrasound Pelvic MISC188
5.000 Assisting In CVC Insertion MISC189
5.000 Removal Of Epidural Catheter MISC190
1.000 Reflow MISC191
1.000 NPO MISC192
2.000 NGT Insertion MISC193
12.000 Total Bed Rest MISC194
5.000 Strict I&O MISC195
1.000 Cord Care MISC196
1.000 Heel Prick MISC197
1.000 Bilicheck MISC198
2.000 Breastmilk Expression MISC199
2.000 Antenatal Assessment MISC200
2.000 Vulval Swabbing MISC201
5.000 Assisting In Defibrillation Of Patient MISC202
5.000 Assisting In Intubation MISC203
5.000 Foleys Cather Insertion MISC204
5.000 Assisting In Extubation MISC205
5.000 Cardiac Output Measurement MISC206
5.000 Assisting In Insertion Of Chest Drainage MISC207
12.000 Monitoring Of CPAP And BIPEP Respvonic MISC208
5.000 Arterial Blood Sampling From Cannula MISC209
5.000 Assisting In Insertion Of Arterial Line MISC210
5.000 Changing Arterial Line System MISC211
12.000 Assisting In Swan Ganz Catheterisation MISC212
12.000 Assisting In Percutaneous Tracheostomy MISC213
5.000 Assisting In Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing MISC214
5.000 Assisting In Cardioversion MISC215
5.000 Chemotherapy Extravastion Management MISC216
2.000 Daily Urine Analysis MISC217
2.000 Daily Weight MISC218
1.000 Head Circumference MISC219
2.000 Weekly Weight MISC220
25.000 Peritoneal Dialysis MISC221
2.000 QID Observation MISC222
5.000 Hourly Observation MISC223
2.000 In And Out Catheterisation MISC224
2.000 2 Hourly Observation MISC225
5.000 QID Blood Sugar Monitoring MISC226
12.000 1 Hourly Blood Sugar Monitoring MISC227
12.000 2 Hourly Blood Sugar Monitoring MISC228
2.000 Daily Blood Sugar Monitoring MISC229
2.000 Post Operative Wound Assessment MISC230
12.000 Caring Of Unconscious Patient MISC231
12.000 Assisting Patient With ADL MISC232
2.000 Removal Of Foleys Catheter MISC233
25.000 Bladder Wash MISC234
5.000 Bowel Wash Out MISC235
2.000 Drain Removal MISC236
2.000 Cannulation MISC237
2.000 Removal Of IV Cannula MISC238
1.000 Blood Sugar MISC239
1.000 Hemoglobin MISC240
1.000 Triglycerides for nursing MISC241
1.000 Cholestrol for nursing MISC242
1.000 Uric Acid MISC243
1.000 bilurubin MISC244
1.000 Dressings MISC245
4.000 Pregnancy Test MISC246
1.000 Liq.N2 MISC247
1.000 Assist in Ear wash MISC248
2.000 Suture Removal MISC249
1.000 Urine Dipstick MISC250
1.000 Observation MISC251
1.000 Assist in Intra-articular Injection MISC252
1.000 Visual Acuity MISC253
2.000 Patch Test MISC254
1.000 Biopsy assist MISC255
10.000 PAP Smear Assist MISC256
1.000 Laser Assist MISC257
2.000 I&D Assist MISC258
5.000 Pre-Operative Preparation MISC259
1.000 Tubigrip MISC260
1.000 Crepe Bandage MISC261
1.000 Sling MISC262
5.000 Post-Operative Care MISC263
5.000 Sitz Bath MISC264
5.000 Nebulization MISC265
2.000 Mantoux Test Reading MISC266
2.000 Measurement Of Abdominal Girth MISC267
2.000 Measurement Of Leg Calves MISC268
5.000 NGT Feeding Intermittently MISC269
5.000 NGT Feeding Continuously MISC270
5.000 Jejunostomy Feeding MISC271
10.000 Changing TPN IV Circuit MISC272
5.000 NGT Aspiration MISC273
12.000 Blood/Blood Products Transfusion MISC274
12.000 Partial Exchange Blood Transfusion MISC275
25.000 Bone Marrow Transfusion MISC276
5.000 Blood Extraction MISC277
2.000 Busulphan Levels MISC278
2.000 Urine Analysis MISC279
12.000 Bladder Training MISC280
12.000 Patient Mobilization MISC281
12.000 CVC,Hickman, Porta Cath Dressing MISC282
12.000 Irrigation Of Eyes MISC283
5.000 Dressing (Ophthalmic) MISC284
5.000 Instillation Of Eye Drops MISC285
5.000 Pressure Pad Application MISC286
5.000 Lid Hygiene MISC287
5.000 Warm Compress Application MISC288
5.000 Application Of Ointment MISC289
5.000 Application Of Patch/Shield MISC290
12.000 Measurement Of Intraocular Pressure Using Tonopen MISC291
5.000 Taking Of Conjuctival Swab MISC292
5.000 Care Of Contact Lens MISC293
5.000 Dilatation Of Pupil MISC294
5.000 Application Of Cold Compression MISC295
5.000 Corneal Staining MISC296
5.000 Cleaning Of Sticky Eyes MISC297
25.000 Removal Of Foreign Body In The Eye MISC298
5.000 Tonopen Calibration MISC299
2.000 Tampon Insertion MISC300
3.000 CTG MISC301
5.000 Per Vagina Pessary MISC302
12.000 Nalador Induction MISC303
12.000 Care Of Spillage MISC304
12.000 Admission For I-131 MISC305
12.000 Discharge Of I-131 MISC306
12.000 Therapeutic Pass MISC307
12.000 Care Of Patient In Seclusion MISC308
12.000 Preparation Of Electro-Convulsive Therapy MISC309
1.000 Constant Observation MISC310
12.000 Seizure Management MISC311
12.000 Care Of Patient After I-131 MISC312
5.000 Patient Education MISC313
5.000 Family Education MISC314
2.000 Vaccination MISC315
12.000 Pain Management – Nursing MISC316
2.000 Kangaroo Care MISC317
5.000 Medicine Administration MISC318
5.000 IV Drug Administration MISC319
12.000 Cytotoxic Drug Administration MISC320
12.000 Porta Cath Needle Insertion MISC321
12.000 Hickman Catheter Needle Insertion MISC322
12.000 Assisting In Lumbar Puncture MISC323
12.000 Assisting In Bone Marrow Aspiration MISC324
12.000 Assisting In Wound Debridement MISC325
12.000 Assisting In Tapping MISC326
12.000 Assisting In Ultra Sound Guided Biopsy MISC327
12.000 Pre-Angio Preparation MISC328
12.000 Oxygen Therapy MISC329
12.000 Gastrostomy Feeding MISC330
5.000 Post Natal Assessment MISC331
12.000 Phototherapy MISC332
5.000 Stomach Wash MISC333
5.000 Cup Feeding MISC334
5.000 IM Injection MISC335
2.000 Peak Flow Meter MISC336
12.000 Relief Of Pressure MISC337
5.000 Pre Operative Education MISC338
12.000 Condom Catheter Insertion MISC339
10.000 Nephrology Referral MISC340
10.000 Dietitics IPD Consultation MISC341
5.000 Adult Dietitian Consultation MISC342
2.000 Nil Orally for 1 Hour after Delivery MISC343
3.000 15 Minute Observations MISC344
12.000 1 Hourly Observations MISC345
12.000 Check contraction of uterus site 8 hourly MISC346
5.000 Check Perineum and suture site 8 hourly MISC347
20.000 30 Minute Observations MISC348
5.000 Check breasts for abnormalities 8 hourly MISC349
12.000 4 Hourly Observations MISC350
12.000 Check legs for evidence of pain, redness or swelling daily MISC351
12.000 6 Hourly Observations MISC352
12.000 8 Hourly Observations MISC353
10.000 OBGYN Amniocentesis MISC354
10.000 OBGYN Colposcopy Referral MISC355
10.000 OBGYN Diabetes Referral MISC356
10.000 OBGYN General Referral MISC357
6.000 Infertility Combined Clinic MISC358
10.000 OBGYN Infertility Referral MISC359
10.000 OBGYN Rheumatology MISC360
10.000 Oncology Referral MISC362
10.000 Ophthalmology Referral (Adult) MISC363
10.000 Ophthalmology Referral (Child) MISC364
6.000 Prime Follow-up Visit MISC365
6.000 Multi 1st Visit MISC366
6.000 Multi Follow-up Visit MISC367
30.000 Optha ERG MISC368
6.000 Low vision MISC369
6.000 Ocular Genetics MISC370
6.000 Occular Genetics MISC371
6.000 Orthoptics Procedures MISC372
6.000 OT Procedures MISC373
6.000 Orthoptics Refractions MISC374
6.000 Refractions Procedures MISC375
6.000 Argon MISC376
6.000 YAG MISC377
6.000 Laser Service MISC378
6.000 Fluorescin MISC379
6.000 Eye Testing MISC380
6.000 Opthamology Technical Procedures MISC381
10.000 Oral Health-Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery Referral MISC382
106.000 Phacoemulsification with insertion of Intraoccular Lens MISC383
106.000 Insertion of Intraoccular Lens after cataract Extraction One Stage MISC384
6.000 Paediatric immunization MISC385
10.000 Physiotherapy Referral MISC386
6.000 Counselling MISC387
10.000 Psychiatry Referral MISC388
5.000 Visit Charge for PT Consultation MISC389
6.000 IQ Referral from another Hospital MISC390
10.000 Pulmonary Referral MISC391
2.000 Registration Fee -Expatriate Paying Patients MISC392
10.000 Rheumatology Referral MISC393
10.000 Surgery Team 1 Referral MISC394
10.000 Surgery Team 2 Referral MISC395
10.000 Surgery Team 3 Referral MISC396
5.000 General Consultation MISC397
6.000 Cross consultation cardiology MISC398
6.000 Consultation Urology Follow Up Visit MISC399
10.000 Urology Referral MISC400
6.000 Visit Charges MISC401
10.000 Visit Charge After Hours MISC402
5.000 X-Ray/Medical Report – Soft Copy MISC403
15.000 Unit of Blood MISC404
10.000 Medical Check-up for expatriates getting Omani Nationality MISC405
10.000 Medical Check-up for expatriates getting employment in private MISC406
5.000 Yearly Medical Check-up for expatriates working in public service MISC407
30.000 Keeping dead body in mortuary up to 8 days MISC408
5.000 Keeping dead body in mortuary over 8 days- additional per day MISC409
0.200 Consultation & Followup for all OPD Clinics for Omani & Expat Non-Paying Patients MISC410
5.000 Medical Report for Expats both Paying & Non-Paying Patients MISC411
1.000 Registration Fee -Omani & Expatriate Non-Paying Patients MISC412
3.000 Medical Report for Omani Patients MISC413
25.000 Medical report for court cases MISC414
50.000 Medical report for Insurance or compensation MISC415
15.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Muscat Governorate MISC416
40.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Muscat Governorate with Nurse MISC417
100.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Muscat Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC418
40.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Musandam Governorate MISC419
65.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Musandam Governorate with Nurse MISC420
125.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Musandam Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC421
35.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Buraimi Governorate MISC422
60.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Buraimi Governorate with Nurse MISC423
120.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Buraimi Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC424
20.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dakhilia Governorate MISC425
45.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dakhilia Governorate with Nurse MISC426
105.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dakhilia Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC427
25.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Batinah North Governorate MISC428
50.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Batinah North Governorate with Nurse MISC429
110.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Batinah North Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC430
20.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Batinah South Governorate MISC431
45.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Batinah South Governorate with Nurse MISC432
105.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Batinah South Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC433
25.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Sharqiyah North Governorate MISC434
50.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Sharqiyah North Governorate with Nurse MISC435
110.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Sharqiyah North Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC436
30.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Sharqiyah South Governorate MISC437
55.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Sharqiyah South Governorate with Nurse MISC438
115.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Sharqiyah South Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC439
30.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dhahira Governorate MISC440
55.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dhahira Governorate with Nurse MISC441
115.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dhahira Governorate with Doctor& Nurse accompanying MISC442
40.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Wosta Governorate MISC443
65.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Wosta Governorate with Nurse MISC444
125.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Wosta Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC445
50.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dhofar Governorate MISC446
75.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dhofar Governorate with Nurse MISC447
135.000 Usage of Ambulance for paying patients within Al Dhofar Governorate with Doctor & Nurse accompanying MISC448
10.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Muscat Governorate MISC449
35.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Musandam Governorate MISC450
30.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Al Buraimi Governorate MISC451
15.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Al Dakhilia Governorate MISC452
20.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within North Batinah Governorate MISC453
15.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within South Batinah Governorate MISC454
20.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within North Sharqiyah Governorate MISC455
25.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within South Sharqiyah Governorate MISC456
25.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Al Dhahira Governorate MISC457
35.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Al Wosta Governorate MISC458
45.000 Usage of Car for Transporting Dead Body within Al Dhofar Governorate MISC459
Note: Medicine dispensed to paying patients are charged 20% more over and above the purchase price towards the Administrative charges.
العمليات الجراحية
200.000 Alveoloplasty eg. Alveolectomy, Vestibulo plasty, Reconstruction of alveolar ridge ORHOP001
200.000 Apicectomy ORHOP002
200.000 Auto-transplantation of teeth ORHOP003
90.000 Biopsy of alveolus/facial bone ORHOP004
70.000 Biopsy of lip ORHOP005
70.000 Biopsy of other parts of mouth ORHOP006
70.000 Biopsy of salivary gland ORHOP007
100.000 Biopsy of superficial lymphnode from head & neck ORHOP008
70.000 Biopsy of tongue ORHOP009
400.000 Bone graft to facial bone ORHOP010
200.000 Closed reduction of alveolar fracture ORHOP011
350.000 Closed reduction of maxillary and mandibular fracture ORHOP012
300.000 Closed reduction of maxillary fracture ORHOP013
300.000 Closed reduction of mandibular fracture ORHOP014
300.000 Closed reduction of zygomatic fracture ORHOP015
200.000 Closure/repair of oro-antral communication/ fistula ORHOP016
150.000 Control of haemorrhage after operation on mouth or oral surgery eg. After dental extraction or oral surgery procedures ORHOP017
250.000 Cryosurgery of sensory nerves of face ORHOP018
300.000 Cyst enucleation ORHOP019
250.000 Dental clearence ORHOP020
60.000 Dental Impression ORHOP021
100.000 Dental scaling and polishing ORHOP022
150.000 Dilation of salivary duct ORHOP023
500.000 Distraction Osteogenesis of facial bones ORHOP024
10.000 Examination Under Anaesthesia (EUA) – Dental examination ORHOP025
800.000 Excision/reconstruction of the jaw with bone graft or prosthesis ORHOP026
400.000 Excision of dental/odontogenic lesion of jaw eg. Dental cyst, odontome, tumour ORHOP027
400.000 Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus via Caldwell-Luc approach ORHOP028
400.000 Excision or destruction of facial bone lesion ORHOP029
250.000 Excision or destruction of lesion of tongue ORHOP030
250.000 Excision of lesion from palate ORHOP031
300.000 Excision of lesion of salivary gland eg. Excision of benign neoplasm/cyst ORHOP032
200.000 Excision of lesion or tissue of gum eg. epulis or granuloma of gum ORHOP033
250.000 Excision of other parts of mouth ORHOP034
40.000 Excision of thyroglossal cyst/duct ORHOP035
250.000 Exploration or removal of sequestrum from facial bone ORHOP036
250.000 Exploration of oral soft tissues and or bone ORHOP037
150.000 Extraction of decidious teeth ORHOP038
200.000 Extraction of teeth ORHOP039
150.000 Frenotomy/Frenectomy ORHOP040
400.000 Genioplasty ORHOP041
250.000 Gingivectomy ORHOP042
300.000 Gingivoplasty eg. with graft of bone or soft tissue ORHOP043
200.000 Incision & drainage of dental abscess – extra-oral approach ORHOP044
150.000 Incision & drainage of dental abscess – intra-oral approach ORHOP045
200.000 Incision & drainage of other abscess/ cellulitis of face ORHOP046
150.000 Intermaxillary fixation (IMF) and/or wiring of teeth ORHOP047
250.000 Marsupialization of dental/odontogenic lesion ORHOP048
250.000 Marsupialization of salivary cyst ORHOP049
300.000 Open reduction of alveolar fracture ORHOP050
500.000 Open reduction of mandibular fracture ORHOP051
500.000 Open reduction of maxillary fracture ORHOP052
800.000 Open reduction of maxillary and mandibular fractures ORHOP053
800.000 Open reduction of orbital fracture including grafting with bone/synthetic material ORHOP054
1000.000 Open reduction of pan facial fractures ORHOP055
600.000 Open reduction of zygomatic fracture ORHOP056
300.000 Operation on salivary glands and ducts ORHOP057
800.000 Osteotomy of facial bones – Orthograntic surgery ORHOP058
800.000 Other operations on facial bones and joints ORHOP059
300.000 Other operations on gums and alveolus ORHOP060
350.000 Other dental/oral surgery operation ORHOP061
300.000 Other repair and reconstruction of skin and subcutaneous tissue ORHOP062
200.000 Partial glossectomy ORHOP063
300.000 Partial maxillectomy ORHOP064
200.000 Periodontal Surgery ORHOP065
200.000 Plastic operations on lip and external mouth ORHOP066
150.000 Plastic repair of mouth ORHOP067
120.000 Reduction of temporomandibular joint dislocation ORHOP068
150.000 Reimplantation of tooth/teeth ORHOP069
800.000 Release of TMJ Ankylosis ORHOP070
250.000 Removal of internal fixation device from facial bone ORHOP071
100.000 Removal of dental implants ORHOP072
200.000 Removal of foreign body/object from mouth and face ORHOP073
150.000 Removal of other fixation e.g distraction osteogenesis device, extrenal fixation appliance ORHOP074
250.000 Removal of salivary stone ORHOP075
60.000 Removal of suture from oral cavity ORHOP076
60.000 Removal of suture or clips from skin wound ORHOP077
300.000 Repair of cleft lip ORHOP078
500.000 Repair of cleft palate including bone and tissue graft ORHOP079
150.000 Repair of laceration of mouth ORHOP080
250.000 Repair of salivary gland or duct eg. Closure of fistula, revision of scar of duct, transplantation of duct opening ORHOP081
150.000 Repair of tongue and glossoplasty ORHOP082
250.000 Restoration of teeth by filling/pulp treatment ORHOP083
200.000 Scar revision on skin of face ORHOP084
300.000 Skin graft to lip or mouth ORHOP085
120.000 Splintting of teeth ORHOP086
100.000 Surgical cleaning, irrigation or dressing of oral wound ORHOP087
200.000 Surgical curettage of oral soft tissue or bone ORHOP088
200.000 Surgical exposure of teeth ORHOP089
250.000 Surgical insertion of dental implant ORHOP090
300.000 Surgical insertion of zygomatic titanium implant ORHOP091
400.000 Surgical removal of impacted teeth (eg. Impacted wisdom teeth) ORHOP092
300.000 Surgical removal of odontome ORHOP093
350.000 Surgical removal of supernumarary teeth ORHOP094
300.000 Surgical removal of teeth or roots ORHOP095
200.000 Suturing of facial skin and subcutaneous tissue ORHOP096
200.000 Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis ORHOP097
600.000 Temporomandibular joint arthroplasty eg. Condylectomy, removal of joint structures, meniscectomy ORHOP098
500.000 Temporomandibular joint arthroscopy ORHOP099
200.000 Temporomandibular joint manipulation ORHOP100
800.000 Total maxillectomy ORHOP101
1000.000 Hysterotomy SGYOP030
250.000 Hysteroscopy SGYOP031
350.000 Hysteroscopy, D&C & IUCD insertion SGYOP032
350.000 Hysteroscopy & IUCD removal SGYOP033
350.000 Hysteroscopy & D&C, polypectomy SGYOP034
750.000 Hysteroscopic endometrial resection and ablation SGYOP035
750.000 Hysteroscopic myomectomy SGYOP036
750.000 Hysterocopic excision of uterine septum SGYOP037
750.000 Hysteroscopic excision of uterine synechiae SGYOP038
350.000 Hysteroscopy & D&C SGYOP039
1000.000 Hysterectomy- subtotal abdominal SGYOP040
1000.000 Hysterectomy- total Abdominal SGYOP041
1100.000 Hysterectomy – total abdominal + bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy SGYOP042
1100.000 Hysterectomy – total abdominal + bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy + Omentectomy SGYOP043
1100.000 Hysterectomy- subtotal abdominal + bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy SGYOP044
1300.000 Hysterectomy+BSO+ internal anterior and posterior repair+Burch SGYOP045
1100.000 Hysterectomy – total abdominal + unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy SGYOP046
1100.000 Hysterectomy- subtotal abdominal + unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy SGYOP047
1000.000 Hysterectomy – vaginal SGYOP048
1100.000 Hysterectomy – vaginal with pelvic floor repair SGYOP049
1100.000 Hysterectomy – vaginal with anterior colporraphy SGYOP050
1100.000 Hysterectomy – vaginal with posterior colpo- perineorraphy SGYOP051
1200.000 Hysterectomy – vaginal with anterior and posterior repair SGYOP052
1300.000 Hysterectomy, laparoscopic, total SGYOP053
1300.000 Hysterectomy – Laparoscopic, subtotal SGYOP054
1300.000 Hysterectomy- laparoscopically assisted vaginal SGYOP055
1000.000 Hysterectomy total – Obstetric SGYOP056
1000.000 Hysterectomy subtotal – Obstetric SGYOP057
1500.000 Hysterectomy – Radical (Removal of both ovaries, tubes, parametrium + vaginal cuff) SGYOP058
250.000 Dilatation and suction evacuation following Miscarriage SGYOP059
200.000 Dilatation and currettage following Delivery SGYOP060
200.000 Dilatation and currettage following Miscarriage SGYOP061
200.000 Dilatation & currettage SGYOP062
200.000 Evacuation & currettage SGYOP063
750.000 Repair of Uterus and supporting structures SGYOP064
750.000 Repair of uterine rupture SGYOP065
200.000 Dilatation & fractional currettage SGYOP066
200.000 Manual replacement of inverted uterus SGYOP067
1200.000 Sacrocolpopexy- abdominal SGYOP068
1300.000 Sacrocolopopexy -Laparoscopic SGYOP069
1200.000 Sacrospinous vault suspension SGYOP070
1300.000 Sling – Abdominovaginal, two team SGYOP071
1300.000 Sling- laparoscopic, two team SGYOP072
500.000 Laparoscopy, diagnostic SGYOP073
600.000 Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and D&C SGYOP074
600.000 Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and D&C and dye test SGYOP075
1000.000 Myomectomy – Laparotomy SGYOP076
1100.000 Myomectomy – Laparoscopic SGYOP077
500.000 Laparoscopic removal of IUCD SGYOP078
150.000 IUCD insertion under GA SGYOP079
350.000 Secondary suturing under GA – operative wound SGYOP080
700.000 Oophorectomy- unilateral SGYOP081
750.000 Oophorectomy- unilateral/ laparoscopic SGYOP082
700.000 Salpingo- oophorectomy – unilateral SGYOP083
750.000 Salpingo- oophorectomy- unilateral, laparoscopic SGYOP084
700.000 Salpingo-oophorectomy – bilateral SGYOP085
750.000 Salpingo-oophorectomy – bilateral, laparoscopic SGYOP086
700.000 Removal of remaining tube and ovary SGYOP087
750.000 Removal of remaining tube and ovary, laparoscopic SGYOP088
700.000 Ovarian drilling- laparoscopic SGYOP089
700.000 Ovarian drilling SGYOP090
700.000 Adhesiolysis of fallopian tube and ovaries SGYOP091
750.000 Adhesiolysis of fallopian tube and ovaries- laparoscopic SGYOP092
500.000 Para ovarian cyst removal SGYOP093
700.000 Ovarian cystectomy SGYOP094
850.000 Ovarian cystectomy- laparoscopic SGYOP095
700.000 Release of ovarian torsion SGYOP096
500.000 Ovarian aspiration biopsy SGYOP097
500.000 Ovarian biopsy SGYOP098
500.000 Ovarian biopsy – laparoscopic SGYOP099
700.000 Diathermy to pelvic endometriotic deposits SGYOP100
500.000 Simple suture of ovary SGYOP101
700.000 Simple suture of ovary- laparoscopic SGYOP102
750.000 Normal delivery package SGYOP103
1200.000 Caesarean delivery package SGYOP104
100.000 Minor procedure in Delivery ward SGYOP105
100.000 Forceps- outlet SGYOP106
150.000 Forceps- outlet with episiotomy SGYOP107
100.000 Forceps failed SGYOP108
100.000 Forceps – low midcavity SGYOP109
100.000 Forceps – low midcavity with episiotomy SGYOP110
150.000 Breech delivery – assisted SGYOP111
150.000 Breech delivery – assisted with foreceps to after coming head SGYOP112
150.000 Breech extraction SGYOP113
150.000 Vaccum extraction with episiotmy SGYOP114
100.000 Vaccum extraction SGYOP115
50.000 Induction of labour by medical means SGYOP116
50.000 Induction of labour by artificial rupture of membranes SGYOP117
150.000 Internal Podalic version and breech extraction SGYOP118
100.000 Episiotomy SGYOP119
50.000 External cephalic version SGYOP120
50.000 Cervical incision to assist delivery SGYOP121
1000.000 Caesarean section- lower segment SGYOP122
1200.000 Caesarean section – lower segment with tubal ligation SGYOP123
1000.000 Caesarean section-Classical SGYOP124
1000.000 Caesarean section with ovarian cystectomy SGYOP125
1000.000 Caesarean section with myomectomy SGYOP126
1000.000 Caesarean section – inverted T incision SGYOP127
1000.000 Caesarean section – extra peritoneal SGYOP128
1000.000 Abdominal pregnancy removal SGYOP129
1000.000 Hysterotomy to terminate pregnancy SGYOP130
250.000 Amniocentesis – diagnostic SGYOP131
250.000 Amniocentesis – therapeutic SGYOP132
500.000 Intra uterine transfusion SGYOP133
100.000 Fetal blood sampling SGYOP134
50.000 Fetal scalp electrode SGYOP135
10.000 CTG monitoring SGYOP136
15.000 Fetal STAN monitoring SGYOP137
100.000 Amnio infusion SGYOP138
50.000 Fetal pulse oximetry SGYOP139
250.000 Manual removal of retained placenta SGYOP140
750.000 Repair of Obstetric uterine laceration SGYOP141
250.000 Repair of Obstetric cervical laceration SGYOP142
250.000 Repair of Obstetric vaginal tear SGYOP143
750.000 Repair of bladder/urethral laceration SGYOP144
250.000 Fourth degree perineal tear repair SGYOP145
250.000 Thrid degree perineal tear repair SGYOP146
100.000 Second degree perineal tear repair SGYOP147
50.000 First degree perineal tear repair SGYOP148
100.000 Manual exploration of uterus – post partum SGYOP149
50.000 Obstetric tamponade of Uterus or vagina SGYOP150
150.000 Perineal haematoma evacuation SGYOP151
150.000 Vulvar/ vaginal haematoma evacuation SGYOP152
750.000 Uterine inversion – surgical correction SGYOP153
300.000 Uterine inversion – manual replacement SGYOP154
250.000 Excision of vaginal septum SGYOP155
50.000 Hymenotomy SGYOP156
150.000 Hymenectomy SGYOP157
50.000 Vaginal biopsy SGYOP158
100.000 Vagina – excision or destruction of lesion SGYOP159
750.000 Le Forte’s colpocleisis SGYOP160
1000.000 Cystocele repair with mesh SGYOP161
750.000 Cystocele repair SGYOP162
1000.000 Rectocle repair with mesh SGYOP163
100.000 Mesh removal SGYOP164
750.000 Rectocele repair SGYOP165
1000.000 Cystocele and rectocele repair SGYOP166
1500.000 Vaginoplasty SGYOP167
1500.000 Vaginal reconstruction SGYOP168
50.000 Vaginal laceration suturing SGYOP169
1000.000 Rectovaginal fistula repair-vaginal SGYOP170
1000.000 Rectovaginal fistula repair- abdominal SGYOP171
1000.000 Vesico vaginal fistula repair – vaginal SGYOP172
1000.000 Vesico vaginal fistula repair – abdominal SGYOP173
1200.000 Vaginal suspension and fixation SGYOP174
1200.000 Colporraphy – anterior & posterior + TVT SGYOP175
1200.000 Colporraphy – anterior & posterior + TOT SGYOP176
750.000 Tension free vaginal tape (TVT) SGYOP177
750.000 Trans Obturator vaginal tape (TOT) SGYOP178
750.000 Tension free Vaginal Tape (TVT) secure SGYOP179
250.000 Vulvar adhesiolysis SGYOP180
100.000 Vulval abscess – incision & drainage SGYOP181
50.000 Vulval biopsy SGYOP182
250.000 Marsupialization of Bartholin’s abscess SGYOP183
250.000 Marsupialization of Bartholin’s cyst SGYOP184
250.000 Bartholin’s cyst enucleation SGYOP185
50.000 Vulvar lesion excision/destruction SGYOP186
100.000 Clitoris operations SGYOP187
750.000 Vulvectomy – simple SGYOP188
1500.000 Vulvectomy – radical SGYOP189
750.000 Vulvectomy -unilateral SGYOP190
750.000 Vulvectomy – bilateral SGYOP191
100.000 Vulval / perineal laceration surturing SGYOP192
250.000 Vulva or perineum – fistula repair SGYOP193
100.000 Cystoscopy SGYOP194
100.000 Cystoscopy with hydro distension SGYOP195
50.000 Urethral dilatation SGYOP196
1000.000 Bursch colposuspension – Laparoscopic SGYOP197
1000.000 Bursch colposuspension – Abdominal SGYOP198
750.000 Manchester repair SGYOP199
100.000 Cervical dilatation SGYOP200
50.000 cervical biopsy SGYOP201
50.000 cervical biopsy- endocervix SGYOP202
150.000 LLETZ SGYOP203
250.000 Cervical conization SGYOP204
100.000 Cervical cauterization SGYOP205
100.000 Cervical cryotherapy SGYOP206
100.000 Cervical lesion – destruction/excision SGYOP207
250.000 Cervical amputation SGYOP208
250.000 Cervical cerclage SGYOP209
750.000 Cervical cerclage-laparoscopic SGYOP210
750.000 Cervical cercalge – trans abdominal SGYOP211
100.000 Cervical tear repair SGYOP212
100.000 Cervical tear repair – obstetric SGYOP213
50.000 Cervical circlage removal SGYOP214
50.000 Cervical polypectomy SGYOP215
100.000 Cervical myomectomy SGYOP216
50.000 Colposcopy SGYOP217
500.000 Bilateral tubal sterilization – laparoscopic, Filschie clip SGYOP218
500.000 Bilateral tubal sterilisation SGYOP219
500.000 Bilateral tubal sterilization – laparoscopic, diathermy SGYOP220
500.000 Bilateral tubal sterilization – laparoscopic SGYOP221
500.000 Unilateral tubal sterilization SGYOP222
750.000 Salpingectomy – unilateral,laparoscopic SGYOP223
500.000 Salpingectomy – unilateral SGYOP224
500.000 Salpingectomy – bilateral SGYOP225
750.000 Salpingectomy with removal of tubal pregnancy SGYOP226
500.000 Salpingostomy SGYOP227
500.000 Salpingostomy- laparoscopic SGYOP228
500.000 Salpingectomy, unilateral – partial SGYOP229
500.000 Tubal patency test SGYOP230
1200.000 Tubal reconstruction – laparoscopic SGYOP231
1000.000 Tubal reconstruction – Abdominal SGYOP232
500.000 Diagnostic laparoscopy & Dye test SGYOP233
500.000 Fimbrectomy SGYOP234
750.000 Fimbroplasty SGYOP235
1000.000 Tubal adhesiolysis SGYOP236
212.000 Herniorrhaphy inguinal SGYOP237
212.000 Hernioplasty inguinal SGYOP238
212.000 Herniotomy inguinal SGYOP239
412.000 Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair TEPP SGYOP240
412.000 Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair TAP SGYOP241
512.000 Bilateral laparoscopic hernia repair SGYOP242
212.000 Repair of femoral hernia SGYOP243
412.000 Laparoscopic repair of groin hernia SGYOP244
212.000 Umbilical hernia repair SGYOP245
212.000 Umbilical hernia repair with graft SGYOP246
452.000 Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair SGYOP247
212.000 Incisional hernia repair anatomical SGYOP248
250.000 Incisional hernia repair with graft SGYOP249
452.000 Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair SGYOP250
212.000 Epigastric hernia repair SGYOP251
106.000 Drainage of rectus sheath hematoma GA SGYOP252
40.000 Drainage of rectus sheath hematoma LA SGYOP253
120.000 Excision of desmoid tumor SGYOP254
212.000 Repair of parastomal hernia SGYOP255
212.000 Repair of obturator hernia SGYOP256
212.000 Repair of lumbar hernia SGYOP257
106.000 Biopsy of inguinal lymph node GA SGYOP258
40.000 Biopsy of inguinal lymph node LA SGYOP259
424.000 Block dissection of groin lymph glands SGYOP260
212.000 Repair of diaphragmatic hernia SGYOP261
450.000 Laparoscopic Repair of diaphragmatic hernia SGYOP262
212.000 Exploratory laparotomy for intestinal obstruction SGYOP263
212.000 Exploratory laparotomy for peritonitis SGYOP264
212.000 Exploratory laparotomy for blunt trauma SGYOP265
424.000 Exploratory laparotomy for penetrating trauma SGYOP266
212.000 Burst abdomen closure SGYOP267
424.000 Laparotomy for gastrointestinal bleeding SGYOP268
212.000 Laparotomy for postoperative complications SGYOP269
298.000 Diagnostic laparoscopy SGYOP270
212.000 Upper GI endoscopy SGYOP271
424.000 Upper GI endoscopy & removal of foreign body Oesophagus SGYOP272
424.000 Upper GI endoscopy & removal of foreign body Stomach or small intestine SGYOP273
212.000 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy SGYOP274
212.000 Pyloromyotomy SGYOP275
212.000 Gastrostomy SGYOP276
212.000 Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer SGYOP277
212.000 Closure of perforated gastric ulcer SGYOP278
412.000 Laparoscopic closure of duodenal ulcer SGYOP279
412.000 Laparoscopic closure of gastric ulcer SGYOP280
424.000 Truncal vagotomy + gastrojenjunostomy SGYOP281
424.000 Truncal vagotomy + pyloroplasty SGYOP282
424.000 Highly selective vagotomy SGYOP283
212.000 Gastroduodenostomy SGYOP284
212.000 Gastrojejunosotomy SGYOP285
424.000 Gastrectomy partial – Billroth I SGYOP286
424.000 Gastrectomy distal – Billroth II SGYOP287
608.000 Gastrectomy total SGYOP288
424.000 Gastrectomy subtotal SGYOP289
608.000 Radical gastrectomy SGYOP290
608.000 Radical thoracoabdominal total gastrectomy SGYOP291
424.000 Proximal partial gastrectomy SGYOP292
848.000 Gastric operation for morbid obestiy SGYOP293
848.000 Laparoscopic bariatic surgery SGYOP294
424.000 Laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy SGYOP295
212.000 Duodenotomy + under running of bleeding ulcer SGYOP296
212.000 Suture of Gastric ulcer site SGYOP297
424.000 Small bowel resection SGYOP298
212.000 Small bowel stricturoplasty SGYOP299
212.000 Enterotomy small intestine SGYOP300
212.000 Enterotomy large intestine SGYOP301
106.000 Enteroscopy small intestine operative SGYOP302
106.000 Enteroscopy large intestine operative SGYOP303
212.000 Feeding jejunostomy SGYOP304
212.000 IIeostomy SGYOP305
212.000 Jejunosotomy SGYOP306
212.000 Meckel’s Diverticulum excision SGYOP307
212.000 Ceacostomy SGYOP308
212.000 Appendicectomy Open SGYOP309
312.000 Appendicectomy Laparoscopic SGYOP310
212.000 Appendicectomy incidental SGYOP311
212.000 Appendicular abscess drainage SGYOP312
312.000 Limited right hemicolectomy SGYOP313
106.000 Colonoscopy SGYOP314
106.000 Sigmoidoscopy rigid SGYOP315
106.000 Sigmoidoscopy flexible SGYOP316
424.000 Transverse colostomy SGYOP317
424.000 Sigmoid colostomy SGYOP318
424.000 End colostomy SGYOP319
424.000 Loop colostomy SGYOP320
424.000 Right hemicolectomy SGYOP321
512.000 Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy SGYOP322
512.000 Left hemicolectomy SGYOP323
512.000 Laparoscopic le hemicolectomy SGYOP324
512.000 Extended right hemicolectomy SGYOP325
424.000 Resection of transverse colon SGYOP326
424.000 Sigmoid colectomy SGYOP327
512.000 Laparosocpic sigmoid colectomy SGYOP328
512.000 Abdomino perineal resection, APR SGYOP329
612.000 Laparoscopic abdomino perineal resection SGYOP330
424.000 Anterior resection SGYOP331
612.000 Laparoscopic anterior resection SGYOP332
424.000 Hartman’s procedure SGYOP333
424.000 Resection + mucous fistula SGYOP334
612.000 Total colectomy SGYOP335
848.000 Laparoscopic total colectomy SGYOP336
612.000 Total proctocolectomy SGYOP337
848.000 Laparoscopic total proctocolectomy SGYOP338
212.000 Rectopexy SGYOP339
312.000 Laparoscopic rectopexy SGYOP340
40.000 Injection sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids SGYOP341
106.000 Banding of hemorrhoids SGYOP342
212.000 Hemorrhoidectomy SGYOP343
312.000 Stapled hemorrhoidectomy SGYOP344
106.000 Drainage of perianal hematoma GA SGYOP345
40.000 drainage of perianal hematoma LA SGYOP346
106.000 Lateral anal sphincterotomy SGYOP347
106.000 Drainage of perianal abscess SGYOP348
106.000 Drainage of ischiorectal abscess SGYOP349
212.000 Perianal fistulotomy SGYOP350
212.000 Perianal fistulectomy SGYOP351
212.000 Perianal fistulectomy + Seton SGYOP352
106.000 Excision of anal tags SGYOP353
106.000 Rectal Biopsy SGYOP354
424.000 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy SGYOP355
312.000 Open cholecystectomy SGYOP356
106.000 Cholecystostomy SGYOP357
424.000 CBD exploration open SGYOP358
512.000 CBD laparoscopic SGYOP359
424.000 Choledochoduodenostomy SGYOP360
212.000 Transduodenal sphicteroplasty SGYOP361
424.000 Choledochojejunostomy SGYOP362
424.000 Hepaticojejunostomy SGYOP363
424.000 Excision of choledochal cyst SGYOP364
212.000 Cystograstostomy SGYOP365
212.000 Cystoduodeonstomy SGYOP366
424.000 Cystojejunostomy SGYOP367
424.000 Pancreaticojejunostomy SGYOP368
848.000 Whipple’s pancreaticoduodenectomy SGYOP369
424.000 Triple bypass SGYOP370
424.000 Distal pancreatectomy SGYOP371
848.000 Total pancreatectomy SGYOP372
424.000 Excision of pancreatic tumor SGYOP373
524.000 Laparoscopic excision of pancreatic tumor SGYOP374
524.000 Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy SGYOP375
106.000 Liver biopsy closed SGYOP376
212.000 Liver biopsy open Wedge SGYOP377
106.000 Drainage of liver abscess percutaneous SGYOP378
212.000 Closure of liver laceration SGYOP379
212.000 Marsupialisation of lesion of liver SGYOP380
106.000 Injection of therapeutic substance in liver SGYOP381
212.000 Packing of liver trauma SGYOP382
424.000 Excision of hydatid cyst SGYOP383
424.000 Wedge excision of solitary liver lesion SGYOP384
424.000 Hepatic resection right lobe SGYOP385
424.000 Hepatic resection left lobe SGYOP386
424.000 Hepatic resection extended right lobe SGYOP387
424.000 Hepatic resection extended left lobe SGYOP388
424.000 Hepatic resection segmentectomy SGYOP389
424.000 Hepatic resection non anatomical SGYOP390
212.000 Endoscopic sclerotherapy for bleeding oesophageal varices SGYOP391
212.000 Endoscopic banding for bleeding oesophageal varices SGYOP392
424.000 Oesophagogastric disconnection SGYOP393
424.000 Portavacal shunt SGYOP394
424.000 Proximal splenorenal shunt SGYOP395
424.000 Mesocaval shunt SGYOP396
424.000 Distal splenorenal shunt SGYOP397
312.000 Splenectomy Open SGYOP398
424.000 Splenectomy laparoscopic SGYOP399
312.000 Partial splenectomy SGYOP400
312.000 Spleenorrhaphy SGYOP401
424.000 Adrenalectomy open SGYOP402
524.000 Adrenalectomy laparoscopic SGYOP403
212.000 Dilatation of oesophageal stricture SGYOP404
212.000 Removal of foreign bodies SGYOP405
424.000 Total oesophagectomy SGYOP406
424.000 Oesophagogastrectomy SGYOP407
312.000 Fundoplication open SGYOP408
424.000 Fundoplication laparoscopic SGYOP409
212.000 Cardiomyotomy Open SGYOP410
312.000 Cardiomyotomy laparoscopic SGYOP411
424.000 Oesphageal bypass SGYOP412
424.000 Intrathoracic anastamosis of oesophagus SGYOP413
106.000 Insertion of oesophageal tube SGYOP414
40.000 Aspiration of Breast LA SGYOP415
106.000 Aspiration of Breast GA SGYOP416
106.000 Drainage of breast abscess(mastotomy) SGYOP417
106.000 Open breast biopsy SGYOP418
106.000 Excision of breast lump SGYOP419
212.000 Simple mastectomy SGYOP420
424.000 Simple mastectomy + Axillary clearance SGYOP421
106.000 Wide Local Excision SGYOP422
424.000 Wide Local Excision + Axillary clearance SGYOP423
212.000 Axillary Sentinel node biopsy SGYOP424
212.000 Axillary clearance SGYOP425
212.000 Axillary lymph node sampling SGYOP426
106.000 Excision of axillary breast tissue SGYOP427
106.000 Excision of axillary lipoma SGYOP428
106.000 Axillary lymp node biopsy SGYOP429
106.000 Microdochectomy SGYOP430
212.000 Subcutaneous mastectomy SGYOP431
1000.000 subcuatneous mastectomy + synchronous implant bilateral SGYOP432
424.000 subcutaneous mastectomy + synchronous implant unilateral SGYOP433
424.000 Breast reconstruction SGYOP434
212.000 Reduction mammoplasty unilateral SGYOP435
424.000 Reduction mammoplasty bilateral SGYOP436
568.000 Breast reconstruction with prosthesis unilateral SGYOP437
1000.000 Breast reconstruction with prosthesis Bilateral SGYOP438
568.000 Breast reconstruction with Pedicle Graft (muscle) unilateral SGYOP439
1000.000 Breast reconstruction with Pedicle Graft (muscle) bilateral SGYOP440
356.000 Revision of implant unilateral SGYOP441
600.000 Revision of implant bilateral SGYOP442
212.000 Surgery for gynaecomastia unilateral SGYOP443
424.000 Surgery for gynaecomastia bilateral SGYOP444
106.000 Excision of Ectopic Breast Tissue SGYOP445
424.000 Superficial parotidectomy SGYOP446
524.000 Total parotidectomy SGYOP447
106.000 Parotid duct stomatoplasty SGYOP448
106.000 Removal of stone from parotid duct SGYOP449
106.000 Removal of stone from submandibular duct SGYOP450
212.000 Submandibular gland excision SGYOP451
106.000 Biopsy of intraoral lesion SGYOP452
212.000 Partial glossectomy SGYOP453
40.000 Minor salivary gland biopsy SGYOP454
106.000 Wedge excision of lip SGYOP455
106.000 Excision of submental lymph node SGYOP456
106.000 Excision of submental cyst SGYOP457
106.000 Cervical lymph node biopsy SGYOP458
212.000 Excision of thyroglossal cyst SGYOP459
212.000 Excision of thyroglossal sinus SGYOP460
212.000 Excision of branchial cyst SGYOP461
212.000 Excision of branchial fistula SGYOP462
424.000 Block dissection of neck SGYOP463
424.000 Modified radical neck dissection SGYOP464
212.000 Unilateral thyroid lobectomy SGYOP465
212.000 Hemithyroidectomy SGYOP466
424.000 Total thyroidectomy SGYOP467
424.000 Near total thyroidectomy SGYOP468
424.000 Partial or subtotal thyroidectomy SGYOP469
424.000 Parathyroidectomy Hyperplasia SGYOP470
212.000 Parathyroidectomy single adenoma SGYOP471
424.000 Parathyroid reimplantation SGYOP472
212.000 Arteriotomy + (embolectomy or thrombectomy) SGYOP473
212.000 Endarterectomy SGYOP474
212.000 Repair of arterial injury SGYOP475
424.000 Repair of blood vessel with tissue patch graft SGYOP476
212.000 Arterial anastamosis SGYOP477
424.000 Ebolectomy upper limb SGYOP478
424.000 Embolectomy Lower limb SGYOP479
848.000 Percutaneous thrombolytic thrombectomy SGYOP480
1000.000 Aorto femoral bypass Unilateral SGYOP481
1500.000 Aorto femoral bypass Bilateral SGYOP482
848.000 Femoro femoral bypass SGYOP483
1000.000 Axillo femoral bypass SGYOP484
848.000 Femoro popliteal bypass SGYOP485
1000.000 Femoro infrapopliteal bypass SGYOP486
848.000 Angioplasty balloon SGYOP487
1500.000 Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm SGYOP488
1500.000 Abdominal aorta aneurysmectomy SGYOP489
1000.000 Carotid endartectomy SGYOP490
424.000 Exploration of superior mesentric artery SGYOP491
212.000 Biopsy of Artery SGYOP492
424.000 Arteriovenous fistula SGYOP493
424.000 Arteriovenous fistula revision SGYOP494
212.000 Suture of artery SGYOP495
212.000 Suture of vein SGYOP496
106.000 Venous cut down GA SGYOP497
60.000 Venous cut down LA SGYOP498
424.000 High Saphaneous Ligation & Stripping of the Long Saphenous Vein SGYOP499
424.000 Short Saphenous Ligation and Stripping SGYOP500
424.000 Subfascial ligation of the perforators SGYOP501
212.000 Avulsion or ligating varicosed veins SGYOP502
848.000 Femoral Vein Thrombectomy SGYOP503
848.000 IIiac Vein Thrombectomy SGYOP504
424.000 Thrombectomy SGYOP505
424.000 Femoral Vein Ligation SGYOP506
848.000 Vena Caval Ligation SGYOP507
848.000 Insertion of Caval filter SGYOP508
424.000 Insertion of vascular access device SGYOP509
848.000 Hindquarter amputation SGYOP510
848.000 Disarticulation at the Hip SGYOP511
424.000 Above Knee Amputation SGYOP512
424.000 Disarticulation of the knee SGYOP513
424.000 Gritti-Stokes Amputation SGYOP514
424.000 Below Knee Amputation SGYOP515
212.000 Syme’s Amputation SGYOP516
212.000 Transmetatarsal Amputation SGYOP517
106.000 Disarticulation of the metacarpophalangeal joint SGYOP518
106.000 Disarticulation of the metatarsophalangeal joint SGYOP519
106.000 Amputation of the toes SGYOP520
106.000 Amputation of toe Ray SGYOP521
106.000 Disarticulation of the interphalangeal joint SGYOP522
106.000 Amputation of the Fingers, Ray SGYOP523
106.000 Amputation of thumb SGYOP524
848.000 Forequarter amputation SGYOP525
424.000 Below Elbow Amputation (forearm) SGYOP526
424.000 Above Elbow Amputation (arm) SGYOP527
40.000 Skin Biopsy LA SGYOP528
106.000 Skin Biopsy GA SGYOP529
106.000 Excision of Sebaceous Cyst GA SGYOP530
40.000 Excision of Sebaceous Cyst LA SGYOP531
40.000 Excision of Lipoma LA SGYOP532
106.000 Excision of Lipoma GA SGYOP533
40.000 Excision of Skin Lesion LA SGYOP534
106.000 Excision of Skin Lesion GA SGYOP535
106.000 Nerve Biopsy NEC sural SGYOP536
40.000 Incision And Drainage of Abscess LA SGYOP537
106.000 Incision And Drainage of Abscess GA SGYOP538
106.000 Trucut Biopsy SGYOP539
106.000 Debridement of Wound GA SGYOP540
40.000 Debridement of Wound LA SGYOP541
212.000 Removal of Foreign Body GA SGYOP542
40.000 Removal of Foreign Body LA SGYOP543
40.000 Wedge Excision of Nail SGYOP544
40.000 Removal of Nail SGYOP545
40.000 Aspiration of abscess SGYOP546
40.000 FNAC SGYOP547
212.000 Partial thickness skin grafting SGYOP548
212.000 Full thickness skin grafting SGYOP549
212.000 Skin flap SGYOP550
40.000 Incision of pilonidal sinus or cyst LA SGYOP551
106.000 Incision of pilonidal sinus or cyst GA SGYOP552
106.000 Excision of pilonidal cyst or sinus SGYOP553
106.000 Biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue GA SGYOP554
40.000 Biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue LA SGYOP555
106.000 Circumcision Open SGYOP556
50.000 Circumcision Plastibell LA SGYOP557
850.000 CORNEA – Amnion Graft OPHOP012
250.000 CORNEA – Conjunctival Flap OPHOP013
250.000 CORNEA – Excision Of Diseased Tissues by Cryo OPHOP014
850.000 CORNEA – Phototherapeutic keratectomy OPHOP015
800.000 CORNEA – INTAC – Implantation Of An Intrastromal Ring Segment OPHOP016
250.000 CORNEA – Keratectomy with EDTA OPHOP017
850.000 CORNEA – KERATOPLASTY Autorotation penetrating OPHOP018
850.000 CORNEA – KERATOPLASTY – Autorotation lamellar OPHOP019
850.000 CORNEA – KERATOPHAKIA (alphacor) OPHOP021
600.000 CORNEA – Laser/ Thermokeratoplasty/ Refractive Surgery OPHOP023
1000.000 CORNEA – Keratectomy with femtosecond laser OPHOP024
500.000 CORNEA – Keratotomy OPHOP025
1800.000 CORNEA – Keratoprosthesis OPHOP026
106.000 CORNEA – PTERYGIUM EXCISION without plasty OPHOP027
212.000 CORNEA – PTERYGIUM EXCISION WITH medical recurrence prophylaxis OPHOP030
50.000 CORNEA – SUTURE Removal OPHOP034
150.000 CORNEA-Scraping for diagnostic purpose OPHOP035
200.000 CORNEA – Tatoooing OPHOP036
300.000 AC – Anterior Synechialysis OPHOP037
300.000 AC -Goniosynechialysis OPHOP038
250.000 AC -Posterior Synechialysis OPHOP039
150.000 AC -Anterior Chamber Flush OPHOP040
200.000 AC -Anterior Chamber Flush With Instillation Of Medications OPHOP041
150.000 AC -Anterior Chamber Tap OPHOP042
30.000 AC -Paracentesis OPHOP043
150.000 AC -Cyclocryotherapy OPHOP045
150.000 AC -Cyclodialysis OPHOP046
150.000 AC -Cyclodiathermy OPHOP047
400.000 AC -Cyclophotocoagulation OPHOP048
300.000 AC -Deep Sclerectomy OPHOP049
300.000 AC -Excision Of An Epithelial Ingrowth OPHOP050
200.000 IRIS -Excision Of The Prolapsed Iris OPHOP051
250.000 SCLERA -Excision or Destrucion Of Diseased Tissues Of The Sclera OPHOP052
500.000 AC -Excision or Destruction of Diseased Tissues Of The Ciliary Body OPHOP053
300.000 IRIS -Exsision or Destruction of Diseased Tissues Of The Iris OPHOP054
600.000 AC -Filtration Surgery With Alloplastic Implant OPHOP055
250.000 AC -FOREIGN BODY REMOVAL From The Anterior Chamber OPHOP056
450.000 AC -Gonioplasty Or Iridoplasty By Laser OPHOP057
850.000 AC -Goniotomy OPHOP058
300.000 IRIS -Iridectomy, Surgical OPHOP059
200.000 IRIS -Iridoplasty By Laser OPHOP060
300.000 IRIS -Iridoplasty, Surgical OPHOP061
250.000 IRIS -Iridotomies By Laser OPHOP062
500.000 AC -Laser Sclerostomy OPHOP063
500.000 AC -Laser trabeculoplasty OPHOP064
500.000 AC -Lowering Of Intraocular Pressure By Filtrating Surgeries Other OPHOP065
100.000 AC -Other Surgeries Of The Sclera, Anterior Chamber, Iris Other OPHOP066
200.000 IRIS -Removal Of A Pupillary Membrane OPHOP067
300.000 SCLERA -Revision Of A Bleb OPHOP068
300.000 SCLERA -Revision Of A Scleral Fistula/Flap OPHOP069
200.000 SCLEAR – Wound repair OPHOP070
150.000 SCLERA – Removal Of A Foreign Body OPHOP071
200.000 SCLERA – Repair Primary Suture OPHOP072
500.000 AC -Trabeculectomy OPHOP073
500.000 AC -Trabeculectomy With Instillation Of Medications For Inhibition Of Fibrosis OPHOP074
300.000 AC -Viscocanalostomy OPHOP077
600.000 LENS -Secondary AC IOL OPHOP078
850.000 LENS -Secondary PC-IOL OPHOP079
850.000 LENS -Secondary Sclera-Fixated PC IOL OPHOP080
600.000 LENS -Exchange Of An Alloplastic Lens OPHOP081
400.000 LENS -Secondary Cataract Surgical OPHOP082
500.000 LENS -ECCE OPHOP085
250.000 LENS -Insertion Of A Capsular Bag Ring OPHOP087
850.000 LENS -Removal Luxated Lens OPHOP088
600.000 LENS -ICCE + AC IOL OPHOP089
800.000 LENS -ICCE + Sclera-Fixated PC IOL OPHOP090
850.000 LENS – Pars Plana LENSECTOMY OPHOP093
400.000 LENS -Other Surgery Of The Lens – Other Procedures OPHOP094
400.000 LENS -Phakoemulsification and PC IOL implantation OPHOP095
400.000 LENS -Phakoemulsification and AC IOL implantation OPHOP096
400.000 LENS -Removal Of An AC IOL OPHOP097
500.000 LENS -Revision And Removal Of An Alloplastic Lens OPHOP098
850.000 LENS -Revision Of A PC IOL OPHOP099
400.000 LENS -Revision Of An AC IOL OPHOP100
400.000 LENS -Lens Matter Aspiration OPHOP101
100.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Duct and Punctum – Reconstruction OPHOP102
400.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Ducts – Reconstruction with intubation OPHOP103
50.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Ducts – Punctal Occlusion OPHOP104
400.000 LACRIMAL – Dacryocystectomy OPHOP105
200.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Gland – Extraction Of A Foreign Body Or Stone OPHOP106
150.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Gland – Incision With Drainage OPHOP107
150.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Sac – Incision OPHOP108
300.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrimal Sac – Removal of foreign body OPHOP109
150.000 LACRIMAL – Lacrmal Ducts – Incision OPHOP110
150.000 LACRIMAL – Probing Of The Nasolacrimal Duct OPHOP111
250.000 LACRIMAL – Probing Of The Nasolacrimal Duct with intubation OPHOP112
30.000 LACRIMAL – Removal Of Implant At The Lacrimal Ducts OPHOP113
500.000 LACRIMAL – Reconstruction with implant OPHOP114
500.000 LACRIMAL – Reconstruction with mucus membrane graft OPHOP115
600.000 LACRIMAL – Dacryocystorhinostomy OPHOP116
800.000 LACRIMAL – Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy OPHOP117
250.000 LACRIMAL – Change Of Implant At The Lacrimal Ducts OPHOP118
850.000 LACRIMAL – Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy OPHOP119
150.000 LIDS – Excision of Eyelid lesion OPHOP120
400.000 LIDS – Excision of lesion – micrographic surgery with lid margin OPHOP121
200.000 LIDS – Excision of lesion – micrographic surgery without lid margin OPHOP122
300.000 LIDS – Excision of Diseased Eyelid with reconstruction OPHOP123
400.000 LIDS – Lower Eyelid Elongation OPHOP124
250.000 LIDS – Tarsorrhaphy OPHOP125
150.000 LIDS – Incision Diseased Eyelid OPHOP126
100.000 LIDS – Incision / EXCISION of LID tumor with cryo/thermo coagulation OPHOP127
300.000 LIDS – Avulsion Closure OPHOP128
300.000 LIDS – Repair of defect involving lid margin OPHOP129
200.000 LIDS – Repair of defect not involving lid margin OPHOP130
300.000 LIDS – Vertical Eyelid Elongation by myectomy/Zplasty OPHOP131
250.000 LIDS – Epicanthus Correction OPHOP132
400.000 LIDS – Ptosis Correction – Frontalis Suspension with suture OPHOP133
400.000 LIDS – Ptosis correction – Frontalis Suspension with sling OPHOP134
400.000 LIDS – Ptosis correction – Levator Resection OPHOP135
400.000 LIDS – Ptosis Correction – Tarsal Resection OPHOP136
400.000 LIDS – Eyelid Fixation with Weights OPHOP137
300.000 LIDS – Entropion Correction By Wedge resection OPHOP138
400.000 LIDS – Entropion Correction with Lid reconstruction OPHOP139
200.000 LIDS – Entropion Correction – Dermal Plasty OPHOP140
400.000 LIDS – Entropion Correction – Horizontal Shortening OPHOP141
150.000 LIDS – Entropion Correction – Sutures OPHOP142
500.000 LIDS – Transplantation OPHOP144
700.000 OPTIC NERVE – Optic Sheath Fenestration OPHOP146
424.000 EYE – Primary Reconstruction Of The Globe OPHOP147
424.000 ORBIT – Anterior Orbitotomy OPHOP148
400.000 ORBIT -Enucleation OPHOP149
600.000 ORBIT -Enucleation With Implant OPHOP150
250.000 ORBIT -Evisceration OPHOP151
500.000 ORBIT -Evisceration with Implant OPHOP152
600.000 ORBIT -Orbitotomy with implant OPHOP153
700.000 OPTIC NERVE – Excision Of Diseased Tissues Of The Optic Nerve OPHOP154
700.000 ORBIT -Excision of orbital tumor OPHOP155
700.000 ORBIT -Exenteration Of The Orbit OPHOP156
700.000 ORBIT -Exentration of the orbit With In-troduction Of Alloplastic Material OPHOP157
250.000 ORBIT – Intraorbital Medication OPHOP158
500.000 ORBIT -Osseous Decompression Of The Orbit OPHOP159
424.000 ORBIT -Lateral Orbitotomy OPHOP160
848.000 ORBIT -Reconstruction Of The Orbital Wall with implant OPHOP161
848.000 ORBIT -Removal Of A Foreign Body From The Orbit By Magnet OPHOP162
500.000 ORBIT -Removal Of An Orbital Implant OPHOP163
600.000 ORBIT -Secondary Introduction Of Orbital Implant OPHOP164
600.000 ORBIT -Secondary Dermis fat Graft OPHOP165
250.000 VR – Diagnostic Vitrectomy OPHOP166
400.000 VR -Diagnostic procedure on retina,vitreous, choroid OPHOP167
600.000 VR -Foreign body removal OPHOP168
800.000 VR -Repair retinal break By Buckling Procedures OPHOP169
848.000 VR -Repair retinal detachment By An Encircling Band OPHOP170
800.000 VR -Revision Of An Encircling Band Or Buckle At The Retina OPHOP171
850.000 VR -Revision – Change or Removal OPHOP172
400.000 VR -Retinal Cryopexy OPHOP173
400.000 VR -Retinal Laser Coagulation OPHOP174
800.000 VR -Repair retinal detachment – Gas or Heavy Fluids OPHOP175
600.000 VR -Destruction Diseased Tissues Cryocoagulation OPHOP176
600.000 VR -Destruction Diseased Tissues Photocoagulation OPHOP177
600.000 VR -Destruction Diseased Tissues Transpupillary Thermotherapy OPHOP178
800.000 VR -Destruction Diseased Tissues Photodynamic Therapy OPHOP179
848.000 VR -Retina Implant OPHOP180
848.000 VR -Retina Rotation OPHOP181
212.000 VR -Retinectomy OPHOP182
800.000 VR -Excision Of Subretinal Tissue OPHOP183
600.000 VR -Pars Plana Vitrectomy OPHOP184
300.000 VR -Injection of vitreous substitute OPHOP185
150.000 VR -Intravitreal Injection antibiotics OPHOP186
400.000 VR -Anterior Vitrectomy OPHOP187
450.000 VR-Intravitreal Injection of medication OPHOP188
800.000 VR-Intravitreal Injection of Lucentis OPHOP189
600.000 Muscle – Myotomy INFERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP190
600.000 Muscle – Myotomy SUPERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP191
600.000 Muscle – Myectomy INFERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP192
600.000 Muscle – Myectomy SUPERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP193
400.000 Muscle – Resection MEDIAL RECTUS OPHOP194
400.000 Muscle – Resection LATERAL RECTUS OPHOP195
600.000 Muscle- Resection SUPERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP196
400.000 Muscle – Resection INFERIOR RECTUS OPHOP197
400.000 Muscle – Resection SUPERIOR RECTUS OPHOP198
400.000 Muscle – Tuck MEDIAL RECTUS OPHOP199
400.000 Muscle – Tuck LATERAL RECTUS OPHOP200
600.000 Muscle – Tuck SUPERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP201
400.000 Muscle – Tuck INFERIOR RECTUS OPHOP202
400.000 Muscle – Tuck SUPERIOR RECTUS OPHOP203
400.000 Muscle – Advancement MEDIAL RECTUS OPHOP204
400.000 Muscle – Advancement LATERAL RECTUS OPHOP205
600.000 Muscle – Anterior Fixation INFERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP206
400.000 Muscle – Advancement INFERIOR RECTUS OPHOP207
400.000 Muscle – Advancement SUPERIOR RECTUS OPHOP208
400.000 Muscle – Posterior Fixation/Suturing MEDIAL RECTUS OPHOP209
400.000 Muscle – Posterior Fixation/Suturing LATERAL RECTUS OPHOP210
400.000 Muscle – Posterior Fixation/Suturing INFERIOR RECTUS OPHOP211
400.000 Muscle – Posterior Fixation/Suturing SUPERIOR RECTUS OPHOP212
400.000 Muscle – Recession MEDIAL RECTUS OPHOP213
400.000 Muscle – Recession LATERAL RECTUS OPHOP214
400.000 Muscle – Recession INFERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP215
600.000 Muscle – Recession SUPERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP216
400.000 Muscle – Recession INFERIOR RECTUS OPHOP217
400.000 Muscle – Recession SUPERIOR RECTUS OPHOP218
400.000 Muscle – Transposition MEDIAL RECTUS OPHOP219
400.000 Muscle – Transposition LATERAL RECTUS OPHOP220
600.000 Muscle – Transposition SUPERIOR OBLIQUE OPHOP221
400.000 Muscle – Transposition INFERIOR RECTUS OPHOP222
400.000 Muscle – Transposition SUPERIOR RECTUS OPHOP223
400.000 Muscle – Other Surgery At The Eye Muscles OPHOP224
400.000 Muscle – Recession and Resection of Eye Muscles OPHOP225
400.000 Muscle – Recession of Eye Muscles OPHOP226
400.000 Muscle – Resection of Eye Muscles OPHOP227
600.000 Muscle – Harada Ito OPHOP228
عمليات جراحة القلب
2000.000 Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) CRDOP001
2000.000 (Aorto) Coronary Bypass Of ONE Coronary Artery CRDOP002
2000.000 (Aorto) Coronary Bypass Of TWO Coronary Arteries CRDOP003
2000.000 (Aorto) Coronary Bypass Of THREE Coronary Arteries CRDOP004
2000.000 (Aorto) Coronary Bypass Of FOUR or MORE Coronary Arteries CRDOP005
2000.000 Single Internal Mammary Coronary Artery Bypass CRDOP006
2000.000 Double Internal Mammary Coronary Artery Bypass CRDOP007
2000.000 Abdominal Coronary Artery Bypass including Gastro-epiploeic CRDOP008
2000.000 Heart Revascularisation by Arterial Implant CRDOP009
3000.000 Other Bypass Anastomosis for Heart Revascularisation (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft via thoracatomy (Thoracab)) CRDOP010
2500.000 Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) with Tissue Graft CRDOP011
2500.000 Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP012
2500.000 Aortic valve repair CRDOP013
2800.000 Aortic Root Reconstruction & Ascending Aorta CRDOP014
2500.000 Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) with Tissue Graft CRDOP015
2500.000 Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP016
2500.000 Mitral Valve Repair CRDOP017
2500.000 Tricuspid Valve Replacement with Tissue Graft CRDOP018
2500.000 Tricuspid Valve Replacement with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP019
2500.000 Tricuspid Valve Repair CRDOP020
2500.000 Pulmonary Valve Replacement with Tissue Graft CRDOP021
2500.000 Pulmonary Valve Replacement with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP022
2500.000 Pulmonary Valve Repair CRDOP023
2600.000 CABG + One Valve Surgery CRDOP024
3000.000 CABG + Two Valves Surgery CRDOP025
4000.000 CABG + Three Valves Surgery CRDOP026
3000.000 Double Valve Surgery CRDOP027
3500.000 Triple Valve Surgery CRDOP028
1500.000 Arrhythmia correction surgery CRDOP029
600.000 Left Ventricular Aneurysm Repair CRDOP030
1800.000 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair with Prosthesis CRDOP031
1800.000 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair with Tissue Graft CRDOP032
1800.000 Other & Unspecified Repair of Ventricular Septal Defect including Supracristal Defect CRDOP033
1800.000 Endocardial Cushion Defect Repair with Prosthesis CRDOP034
1800.000 Endocardial Cushion Defect Repair with Tissue Graft CRDOP035
1800.000 Atrial Septal Defect Repair with Prosthesis CRDOP036
1800.000 Atrial Septal Defect Repair with Tissue Graft CRDOP037
2000.000 Total Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot CRDOP038
2000.000 Total Repair of Total Anamolous Pulmonary Venous Connection CRDOP039
2000.000 Total Repair of Truncus Arteriosus CRDOP040
2000.000 Total Repair of Transposition of Great Vessels CRDOP041
2000.000 Ascending Aortic Aneurysm Surgery CRDOP042
2500.000 Aortic Arch Aneurysm Surgery CRDOP043
1000.000 Reoperation for other Cardiac Reason (Mediastinitis, Dehiscence, bleeding, Tamponade, Valve Dysfunction) CRDOP044
400.000 Leg wound debridement CRDOP045
500.000 Pericardial window CRDOP046
1000.000 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Therapy CRDOP047
1500.000 Pericardiectomy CRDOP048
600.000 Chest wall Biopsy CRDOP049
800.000 Chest Wall Resection CRDOP050
800.000 Rib resection CRDOP051
800.000 Thoracoplasty CRDOP052
1200.000 Muscle Flap CRDOP053
800.000 Pulmonary Wedge Resection CRDOP054
1000.000 Lobectomy CRDOP055
1500.000 Pneumonectomy CRDOP056
1500.000 Lung Volume Reduction CRDOP057
1500.000 Plication of Emphysematous Bleb CRDOP058
800.000 Explorative Thoracotomy CRDOP059
1000.000 Reoperation Thoracotomy (Bleeding or air leak) CRDOP060
1000.000 Plication of Diaphragm CRDOP061
1000.000 Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair, Thoracic Approach CRDOP062
1000.000 Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair, Abdominal Approach CRDOP063
1000.000 Repair of diaphragm CRDOP064
600.000 Medistinal Lymph node biopsy CRDOP065
400.000 Medistinoscopy CRDOP066
600.000 Medistinal mass biopsy CRDOP067
1000.000 Medistinal mass resection CRDOP068
1000.000 Thymectomy CRDOP069
800.000 Sympathectomy Cervical CRDOP070
800.000 Thoracic Duct ligation CRDOP071
200.000 Pleural Drainage CRDOP072
400.000 Pleural Biopsy CRDOP073
400.000 Pleurodesis CRDOP074
800.000 Pleurectomy CRDOP075
800.000 Decortication CRDOP076
300.000 Flexibal Bronchoscopy CRDOP077
300.000 Rigid Bronchoscopy CRDOP078
300.000 Removal of Foreign body (Bronchus) CRDOP079
212.000 Tracheostomy Temporary CRDOP080
212.000 Tracheostomy Permanent CRDOP081
1200.000 Tracheal repair CRDOP082
1500.000 Tracheal tumor resection CRDOP083
1500.000 Tracheal stricture resection CRDOP084
1500.000 Tracheo esophegeal fistula repair CRDOP085
عمليات جراحة المخ والأعصاء
50.000 Cisternal Puncture SGYOP558
75.000 Other Carnial Punctures SGYOP559
500.000 Biopsy of brain SGYOP560
1000.000 Craniotomy SGYOP561
700.000 Re-opening of Craniotmoy SGYOP562
400.000 Debridement of Compund fracture of skull SGYOP563
500.000 Drainage of intracerebral haematoma SGYOP564
1500.000 Hemispherectomy SGYOP565
1000.000 Transtemporal (Mastoid) excision of brain tumour SGYOP566
550.000 Cranioplasty SGYOP567
500.000 Closure of fistula of CSF SGYOP568
300.000 Ventriculoatrial shunt SGYOP569
300.000 Ventriculoperitoneal shunt SGYOP570
75.000 Removal of ventricular shunt SGYOP571
250.000 Replacement of Ventricular shunt SGYOP572
50.000 Inserion of Halotraction SGYOP573
500.000 Laminectomy/Laminotomy/Foraminotomy and decompression SGYOP574
500.000 Laminectomy with excision of intervertebral disc SGYOP575
500.000 Rhizotomy SGYOP576
500.000 Chordotmy SGYOP577
20.000 Lumbar Puncture SGYOP578
500.000 Repair of spinal meningocoele SGYOP579
700.000 Repair of spinal myelomeningocoele SGYOP580
600.000 Repair of Vertebral fracutre SGYOP581
500.000 Other repair of spinal cord structures SGYOP582
300.000 Spinal subarachnoid-peritoneal shunt SGYOP583
1200.000 Excision of Acoustic neuroma SGYOP584
50.000 Nerve Biopsy SGYOP585
1000.000 Decompression of trigemenal nerve root SGYOP586
1000.000 Other cranial nerve decompression SGYOP587
100.000 Release of Carpal Tunnel SGYOP588
600.000 Cranial or Peripheral nerve graft SGYOP589
500.000 Other operations on the nervous system SGYOP590
500.000 Ventriculostomy SGYOP591
750.000 Carotid body tumours excision SGYOP592
1000.000 Clipping of Aneurysm SGYOP593
1000.000 Clipping of AV fistula SGYOP594
750.000 Partial excission of Pituitary gland trans-sphenoidal approach SGYOP595
500.000 Lobectomy of brain SGYOP596
1000.000 Total excision of pituitary gland trans-sphenoidal SGYOP597
750.000 Partial excision of pituitary gland trans-spenoidal SGYOP598
1000.000 Total excision of pituitary gland trans-sphenoidal SGYOP599
500.000 Spinal fusion, not otherwise specified SGYOP600
750.000 Atlas-axis spinal fusion SGYOP601
750.000 Other cervical fusion, anterior technique SGYOP602
500.000 Other cervical fusion, posterior technique SGYOP603
1000.000 Dorsal and dorsolumbar fusion anterior technique SGYOP604
750.000 Dorsal and dorsolumbar fusion posterior technique SGYOP605
1000.000 Lumbar and Lumbosacral fusion anterior technique SGYOP606
750.000 Lumbar and Lumbosacral fusion posterior technique SGYOP607
750.000 Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion lateral tranverse process technique SGYOP608
750.000 Refusion of spine, any level or technique SGYOP609
1000.000 Excsion of craniopharyngioma SGYOP610
1000.000 Operations on Pineal Gland SGYOP611
100.000 Biopsy of Skull SGYOP612
جراحة الأطفال
100.000 Abcess drainage SGYOP612
250.000 Acute Scrotum Exploration SGYOP613
400.000 Adhesionolysis SGYOP614
100.000 Anal Dilatation SGYOP615
350.000 Anal Transposition SGYOP616
800.000 Anorectal malformations-High type SGYOP617
400.000 Anorectal malformations-Low type SGYOP618
350.000 Appendicectomy Lap SGYOP619
250.000 Appendicectomy Open SGYOP620
100.000 Broviac removal SGYOP621
300.000 Choleycystectomy Lap SGYOP622
250.000 Choleycystectomy Open SGYOP623
100.000 Circumcision SGYOP624
300.000 Colostomy SGYOP625
400.000 Colostomy closure SGYOP626
200.000 Cystoscopy and Procedure SGYOP627
150.000 Cystoscopy Diagnostic SGYOP628
300.000 Decortication for Empyema Open SGYOP629
350.000 Decortication for Empyema VATS SGYOP630
250.000 Diagnostic laparoscopy SGYOP631
250.000 Diagnostic laparotomy SGYOP632
600.000 Diaphragmatic Hernia SGYOP633
500.000 Diaphragmatic Plication SGYOP634
100.000 Drainage peri-anal abcess SGYOP635
600.000 Duedenoduedenoplasty SGYOP636
600.000 Eosophageal atresia and/or TOF SGYOP637
600.000 ERPT (Saoves Pull Through) SGYOP638
150.000 Esophageal Dilatation SGYOP639
450.000 Excison of choledochal cyst and Roux en Y SGYOP640
500.000 Gastro-jejunostomy SGYOP641
400.000 Gastroschisis Reapir SGYOP642
200.000 Gastrostomy closure SGYOP643
300.000 Hemithyroidectomy SGYOP644
500.000 Hirschspung Transanal Pull Through SGYOP645
400.000 Hypospadias Repair SGYOP646
300.000 Ileostomy SGYOP647
400.000 ileostomy closure SGYOP648
300.000 Inguinal herniotomy Bilateral SGYOP649
250.000 Inguinal herniotomy Femoral SGYOP650
400.000 Inguinal herniotomy Noenate SGYOP651
250.000 Inguinal herniotomy Unilateral SGYOP652
100.000 Insertion of thoracic drain SGYOP653
150.000 Installation Broviac SGYOP654
150.000 Installation perm-cath SGYOP655
150.000 Installation Port-a-cath SGYOP656
150.000 Installation Tenckoff SGYOP657
500.000 Intestinal resection and primary anastomosis SGYOP658
450.000 Intestinal resection and Stoma SGYOP659
250.000 Laparoscopic Gastrostomy SGYOP660
350.000 Laparoscopy and reductuion/resection of intusseception SGYOP661
300.000 Laparotomy and reductuion/resection of intusseception SGYOP662
300.000 Laparotomy for Biopsy (Intradbdominal) SGYOP663
500.000 Laparotomy, resction of wilms SGYOP664
500.000 Laparotomy, resection and intestinal anastomosis SGYOP665
600.000 Laproscopy Assisted Pull Thru for ARM SGYOP666
250.000 Ligation of PPV SGYOP667
400.000 Malrotation and ladds procedure SGYOP668
350.000 Meckel’s Diverticulotomy SGYOP669
400.000 Meconium ileus SGYOP670
350.000 Nephrectomy Total SGYOP671
400.000 Nephrectomy Total Laparoscopic SGYOP672
600.000 Nissen Fundoplication SGYOP673
700.000 Nissen Fundoplication Lap SGYOP674
400.000 Omphalocele Repair SGYOP675
200.000 Open Gaststrostomy SGYOP676
400.000 Orchidopexy Bilateral SGYOP677
250.000 Orchidopexy Unilateral SGYOP678
250.000 Orchiectomy Unilateral SGYOP679
350.000 Ovariectomy SGYOP680
150.000 Perianal fistulotomy SGYOP681
100.000 Perm-cath removal SGYOP682
300.000 Pleurodesis SGYOP683
100.000 Port-a-cath removal SGYOP684
500.000 Portoenterosotmy (Kasai Procedure) SGYOP685
200.000 Preauricular Sinus resection SGYOP686
500.000 PSARP SGYOP687
450.000 PUJ Repair (Pyeloplasty) SGYOP688
300.000 Pyloromyotomy-Lap SGYOP689
250.000 Pyloromyotomy-Open SGYOP690
250.000 Pyloroplasty SGYOP691
300.000 Reapir of incisional hernia SGYOP692
250.000 Rectal Biopsy Open SGYOP693
200.000 Rectal biopsy suction SGYOP694
150.000 Rectal Trauma SGYOP695
300.000 Reduction of intusseception SGYOP696
150.000 Release of tongue tie SGYOP697
250.000 Removal of branchial cyst SGYOP698
150.000 Removal of cervical adenopathy SGYOP699
250.000 Removal of dermoid cyst SGYOP700
250.000 Removal of Thyroglossal cyst SGYOP701
200.000 Repair of epigastric hernia SGYOP702
250.000 Repair of Morgagni Hernia SGYOP703
400.000 Resection of abdominal neuroblastoma SGYOP704
200.000 Resection of urachal cyst SGYOP705
350.000 Revision of stoma SGYOP706
600.000 Small Bowel Atresia SGYOP707
500.000 Splenectomy lap SGYOP708
400.000 Splenectomy open SGYOP709
400.000 Splenectomy Partial SGYOP710
500.000 Surgery for NEC (Stoma) SGYOP711
100.000 Tenkoff removal SGYOP712
250.000 Testicular torsion SGYOP713
400.000 Thoracotomy SGYOP714
400.000 Thoracotomy and Lobectomy SGYOP715
400.000 Thoracotomy and Wedge Bx SGYOP716
400.000 Thoracotomy, repair of RECURRENT TEF SGYOP717
400.000 Thoracotomy,resection of mediastinal mass SGYOP718
300.000 Total Thyroidectomy SGYOP719
250.000 Umbilical hernia Repair SGYOP720
400.000 Ureteric Reimplantation SGYOP721
100.000 Urethral Meatotomy SGYOP722
عمليات الجهاز الهضمي
100.000 Upper GI Endoscopy MEDOP001
150.000 Upper GI Endoscopy with biopsy MEDOP002
175.000 Upper GI Endoscopy + Rubber banding of varices MEDOP003
200.000 Upper GI Endoscopy + injection sclerotherapy of varices MEDOP004
200.000 Endoscopic removal of foreign body MEDOP005
300.000 Endoscopic dilation of oesophagel stricture/stenosis MEDOP006
400.000 Endoscopic insertion of an oesophageal stent MEDOP007
300.000 Endoscopic dilation of pylorus MEDOP008
300.000 Percutanous Endoscopic Gastrstomy (PEG) MEDOP009
250.000 PEG renewal MEDOP010
250.000 Endoscopic control of gastric/duodenal bleeding (heat probe, injection, APC, clips) MEDOP011
250.000 Endoscopic polypectomy MEDOP012
300.000 Pneumatic dilation of Achalasia MEDOP013
150.000 Colonoscopy MEDOP014
175.000 Colonoscopy with biopsy MEDOP015
100.000 Sigmoidoscopy MEDOP016
150.000 Sigmoidoscopy with biopsy MEDOP017
250.000 Endoscopic colonic polypectomy MEDOP018
250.000 Endoscopic dilation of colonic stricture MEDOP019
300.000 Endoscopic insertion of a colonic stent MEDOP020
250.000 Endoscopic control of colonic bleeding MEDOP021
160.000 Endoscopic sclerotherapy of rectal hemmorrhorids MEDOP022
160.000 Endoscopic banding of rectal hemmorrhorids MEDOP023
250.000 Endoscopic removal of colonic foreign body MEDOP024
50.000 Proctoscopy MEDOP025
75.000 Proctoscopy with biopsy MEDOP026
500.000 ERCP: Diagnostic (canulation, cholangiopacreatolography) MEDOP027
750.000 ERCP: Theraputic (sphincterectomy, stone removal, stent insertion & removal) MEDOP028
50.000 Ascitic tap (paracentesis) MEDOP029
عمليات جراحة العظام
الأنسجة الرابطة، الأوتار / أو العضلات
264.500 Excision of lesion of tendon SGYOP723
287.500 Excision of lesion of muscle with skin graft SGYOP724
207.000 Excision of bursa SGYOP725
230.000 Excision of ganglion, including repeat excision SGYOP726
161.000 Excision of lesion of fascia SGYOP727
264.500 Excision of lesion of muscle without skin graft SGYOP728
310.500 Extensive(ie greater than 2cm) repair of muscle(e.g.rotator cuff) including arthroscopic SGYOP729
241.500 Lengthening of tendon(s), including tentomy SGYOP730
207.000 Limited repair of muscle (ie less than 2cm tear) (eg Rotator cuff), including arthroscopic SGYOP731
126.500 Needle/tru-cut biopsy of muscles SGYOP732
172.500 Open Biopsy of muscle SGYOP733
172.500 Other operations of fascia SGYOP734
149.500 Percutaneous tenotomy SGYOP735
207.000 Plantar fasciectomy SGYOP736
230.000 Release of constriction of sheath of tendon SGYOP737
241.500 Release of contracture of muscle SGYOP738
287.500 Secondary repair of tendon (including graft, transfer and/or prosthesis) SGYOP739
253.000 Tendon graft, as sole procedure SGYOP740
230.000 Tenolysis, other than flexor SGYOP741
218.500 Tenosynovectomy, including arthroscopic SGYOP742
264.500 Transfer of multiple tendons SGYOP743
230.000 Transfer of tendon SGYOP744
172.500 Adjustment to Pin sites secondary for non-union/mal-union SGYOP745
276.000 Adjustments to llizarov frame rings for secondary non-union/mal-union SGYOP746
977.500 Application of llizarov frame for secondary non-union/mal-union SGYOP747
264.500 Bone graft (except where part of procedure) SGYOP748
218.500 Closed reduction of fracture of long bone and external fixation, including POP and percutaneous k-wires SGYOP749
253.000 Drinage/debridement of bone(s), including sequestectomy for osteomylitis SGYOP750
172.500 Excision of ectopic bone SGYOP751
241.500 Fixation of eepiphysics SGYOP752
287.500 Introduction of theraputic substance into bone eg. Application of antibiotic for infected hip replacement as SGYOP753
a sole procedure SGYOP754
632.500 Locked intramedulary nailing SGYOP755
172.500 Manipulation and POP for hip SGYOP756
207.000 Open Bone Biopsy SGYOP757
977.500 Open reduction and internal fixation of complex acetabular pelvic fracture SGYOP758
690.000 Open reduction of fracture of pelvis and internal fixation SGYOP759
299.000 Osteotomy of large bone, with/without fixation including graft SGYOP760
230.000 Partial excision of bone(including exostonses) SGYOP761
207.000 Primary closed reduction of fracture or dislocation of joint, with or without fixation including POP eg colles SGYOP762
287.500 Primary open of fracture with /without dislocation of joing SGYOP763
253.000 primary open reduction of small bone with fixation, including intra articular SGYOP764
299.000 Primary open reduction of flong bone with fixation SGYOP765
287.500 Primary open reduction of intra-articular fracture of long bone eg. Proximal humerus SGYOP766
603.750 Primary open reduction of fracture of femur and open fixation using pin and plate SGYOP767
632.500 Radical resection of bone tumour SGYOP768
253.000 Removal of internal fixation/prosthesis from bone/joint, excluding k-wires SGYOP769
287.500 Removal of wire from bone, including k-wire SGYOP770
149.500 Removal of wire from bone, including KO-wires SGYOP771
287.500 Secondary open reduction of intra-articular fracture of bone SGYOP772
218.500 Secondary open reduction of dislocation of joint SGYOP773
253.000 Secondary open reduction of fracture of small bone, including intra-articular SGYOP774
287.500 Secondary open reduction of fracture of long bone and intramedulary fixation or internal fixation for SGYOP775
non-union/mal-union SGYOP776
161.000 Surgical toilet to wound under general anesthetic SGYOP777
575.000 Total excision of bone with or without prosthetic replacement/recionstruction eg.Trapezium SGYOP778
207.000 Total excision of sesamoid bone SGYOP779
172.500 Trephine biopsy of bone marrow SGYOP780
230.000 Anterior transposition of ulnar nerve SGYOP781
218.500 Carpal or cubital tunned relese, including endoscopic SGYOP782
103.500 Carpal or cubital tunned relese, including endoscopic-bilateral SGYOP783
218.500 Exploration/neurolysis/biopsy of peripheral nerve SGYOP784
218.500 Release of entrapment of deeply placed peripheral nerve, including Anterior interosseous nerve and posterior interosseous nerve SGYOP785
264.500 Revision of relese of peripheral nerve SGYOP786
287.500 Submuscular transposition of unia nerve SGYOP787
241.500 Anthrotomy of large joint, including removal of loose body from joing SGYOP788
126.500 Anthrotomy of small joint, including removal of loose body from joing SGYOP789
218.500 Diagnostic arthroscopic examination of joint with or without biopsy SGYOP790
264.500 Excision of synovial membrane of joint SGYOP791
161.000 Injection(s) into joint(s) under x-ray control SGYOP792
149.500 Manipulation of joint SGYOP793
264.500 Primary prosthetic replacement/reconstruction/repair of ligament including prosthesis SGYOP794
241.500 Relese of contracture of joint SGYOP795
264.500 Stabilizing operations on joint SGYOP796
690.000 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on cavity of joint-bilateral SGYOP797
287.500 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on cavity of joint SGYOP798
241.500 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on intra-articular cartilage (other than W8200) SGYOP799
287.500 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on intra-articular cartilage (other than W8200) – bilateral SGYOP800
276.000 Excision reconstruction of joint SGYOP801
517.500 Prosthetic interpoisition arthroplasty of joint eg hip, knee, shoulder SGYOP802
310.500 Prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone SGYOP803
517.500 Ostectomy of hip with fixation SGYOP804
805.000 Pelvic Ostectomy with fixation SGYOP805
241.500 Primary arthrodesis and internal fixation (hand/foot) including bone graft SGYOP806
276.000 Primary arthrodesis of large joint and bone graft SGYOP807
230.000 Amputation of digit SGYOP808
264.500 Amputation of hand SGYOP809
230.000 Amputation through mid-carpal/transmetacarpal SGYOP810
287.500 Bone graft to scaphoid with internal fixation including herbert screw SGYOP811
310.500 Dupuytren’s dermofasciectomy and graft or for recurrent disease SGYOP812
241.500 Dupuytren’s fasciectomy-single digit SGYOP813
276.000 Dupuytren’s fasciectomy for pain and multiple digits SGYOP814
172.500 Dupuytren’s subcutaneous fasciotomy SGYOP815
230.000 Fusion of metacarpo-phalangal/intercarpal joint SGYOP816
299.000 Fusion of wrist SGYOP817
546.250 Multiple joint procedures on hand including synovectomy SGYOP818
805.000 Pollicisation of finger for thumb reconstruction SGYOP819
276.000 Prosthetic arthroplasty of digital joint(s) SGYOP820
218.500 Repair of extensor of hand SGYOP821
276.000 Repair of flexor of hand including prosthetic implant SGYOP822
264.500 Repair of ginger tip injury following avulsion with flop SGYOP823
287.500 Secondary of second stage repair of flexor of hand (including prosthetic implant) SGYOP824
276.000 Secondary repair of tendon of hand/forarm(excluding flexor) with transfer or graft SGYOP825
230.000 Secondary repair of tendon of hand/forarm(excluding flexor) without transfer or graft SGYOP826
253.000 Tendon graft as sole procedure SGYOP827
264.500 Tenolysis SGYOP828
264.500 Acromioplasty SGYOP829
264.500 Excision of distal clavicle in isolation SGYOP830
805.000 Exploration and grafting of brachail plexus SGYOP831
310.500 Extensive(ie greater than 2cm tear) repair of muscle (eg.rotator cuff) including arthroscopic SGYOP832
310.500 Limited repair of muscle (ie less than 2cm tear) (eg.rotator cuff) including arthroscopic SGYOP833
299.000 Plating and/or bone grafting for non-union of clavicle SGYOP834
632.500 Primary repair of rupture of acromioclavicular joint including internal fixation SGYOP835
632.500 Primary total shoulder replacement SGYOP836
517.500 Prosthetic interposition arthroplasty of joint eg. Hip, knee, shoulder SGYOP837
632.500 Reconstruction of acromioclavicular joint SGYOP838
310.500 Release of shoulder constracture SGYOP839
310.500 Revision of rotator cuff repair SGYOP840
603.750 Revision of shoulder hemiarthroplasty SGYOP841
546.250 Revision of stabilisation of shoulder joint SGYOP842
805.000 Revision of total shoulder replacement SGYOP843
632.500 Secondary repair of rupture acromioclavicular joint including internal fixation SGYOP844
517.500 Shoulder hemiarthroplasty SGYOP845
287.500 Stabilising of shoulder joint including anterior, posterior or multidirectional including arthroscopic SGYOP846
287.500 Sub-acromial decompression including arthroscopic SGYOP847
310.500 Total excision of cervical or first rib SGYOP848
230.000 Release of constriction of sheath of tendon SGYOP849
805.000 Revision prosthetic replacement of elbow SGYOP850
632.500 Total prosthetic replacement of elbow SGYOP851
299.000 Amputation of leg/foot SGYOP852
264.500 Excision of lesion of bone pelvis/hip SGYOP853
172.500 Manipulation and POP of hip SGYOP854
517.500 Osteotomy of hip with fixation SGYOP855
805.000 Pelvic Osteotomy with fixation SGYOP856
546.250 Prosthetic replacement of head of femur SGYOP857
276.000 Release fasciotomy of anterior/posterior compartment of leg SGYOP858
805.000 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint SGYOP859
632.500 Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint SGYOP860
977.500 Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint-bilateral SGYOP861
603.750 Autograft recontruction of cruciate legament including arthroscopic SGYOP862
218.500 Diagnostic arthroscopic examination of joint with or without biopsy SGYOP863
575.000 Primary prosthetic replacement of cruciate legament SGYOP864
805.000 Revision of total replacement of knee joint SGYOP865
287.500 Simple repair of knee ligaments SGYOP866
575.000 Stabilisation of patelia SGYOP867
690.000 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on semi lunar cartilage-bilateral SGYOP868
287.500 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on semi lunar cartilage SGYOP869
287.500 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on cavity of joint SGYOP870
690.000 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on cavity of joint-bilateral SGYOP871
287.500 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on cavity of knee SGYOP872
690.000 Theraputic arthroscopic operations on cavity of knee-bilateral SGYOP873
632.500 Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint SGYOP874
977.500 Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint-bilateral SGYOP875
632.500 Unicompartmental knee replacement SGYOP876
230.000 Amputation of Toe(s) SGYOP877
276.000 Closing wedge osteotomy/transactional calcaneal spur including internal fixation SGYOP878
264.500 Correction of minor congenital deformity of foot SGYOP879
575.000 Correction of minor congenital deformity of foot-bilateral SGYOP880
287.500 Correction of retracted/dislocated metatarso-phalangela joint(s) including tendon transfer, division/ realignment of bone and internalfication SGYOP881
287.500 Excision arthroplasty of first metatarso-phalangal joint including keller’s-bilateral SGYOP882
276.000 Excision arthroplasty of first metatarso-phalangal joint with prosthetic implantation SGYOP883
241.500 Excision arthroplasty of first metatarso-phalangal joint including keller’s SGYOP884
230.000 Fusion of first metatarso-phalangal joint SGYOP885
276.000 Fusion of first metatarso-phalangal joint-bilateral SGYOP886
276.000 Fusion of interphalangeal joint(s) of toe-bilateral SGYOP887
230.000 Fusion of interphalangeal joint(s) of toe SGYOP888
253.000 Metatarsal osteotomy for Hallux valgus SGYOP889
310.500 Metatarsal osteotomy for Hallux valgus-bilateral SGYOP890
690.000 Metatarsal osteotomy for Hallux valgus with internal fixation and soft tissue correction-bilateral SGYOP891
287.500 Metatarsal osteotomy for Hallux valgus with internal fixation and soft tissue correction SGYOP892
264.500 Metatarso-phalangeal cheilectomy SGYOP893
690.000 Multiple joint procedures on forefoot SGYOP894
805.000 Multiple joint procedures on forefoot- bilateral SGYOP895
287.500 Osteotomy for pes clavus SGYOP896
218.500 Osteotomy of metatarsal (eg. Akin, McNab etc.) SGYOP897
241.500 Primary arthrodesis and internal fixation (hand/foot) including bone graft SGYOP898
241.500 Primary repair of Achies tendon SGYOP899
161.000 Primary repair of tendon of foot SGYOP900
690.000 Radical excision of bone tumour with implantation of prosthesis for limb SGYOP901
805.000 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint SGYOP902
287.500 Secondary repair of Achilies tendon SGYOP903
207.000 Secondary repair of tendon of foot SGYOP904
207.000 Simple bunonectomy SGYOP905
241.500 Simple bunonectomy-bilateral SGYOP906
632.500 Total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint SGYOP907
287.500 Triple fusion of joints of hindfoot SGYOP908
230.000 Application of toe(s) SGYOP909
276.000 Application of external fixation to bone SGYOP910
172.500 Removal of external fixation from bone SGYOP911
149.500 Removal of external traction from bone SGYOP912
عمليات التجميل / التصحيح
126.500 Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue SGYOP913
218.500 Coccygeal pressure ulcer excision SGYOP914
218.500 Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion(s) of skin including cauterisation SGYOP915
230.000 Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion(s) of skin including cauterisation-four or more SGYOP916
172.500 Drainage of large subcutaneous abscess/haematoma SGYOP917
138.000 Drainage of lesion of skin including abscess SGYOP918
230.000 Excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissue-four or more SGYOP919
149.500 Excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissueup to three SGYOP920
207.000 Excision of nail bed (Zadeks) SGYOP921
172.500 Laser destruction of lesion of skin SGYOP922
230.000 Lesion requiring wide excision (including rodent ulcer excision) SGYOP923
172.500 Limited area dermabrasion of skin SGYOP924
310.500 Malignant melanoma excision including grafting SGYOP925
575.000 Microscopically controlled excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissue (chemosurgery) SGYOP926
161.000 Percutaneous biopsy SGYOP927
207.000 Removal of foreign body in deeper tissue SGYOP928
126.500 Shave biopsy of lesion skin SGYOP929
161.000 Wedge excision or avulision of nail including chemical ablation of nail bed SGYOP930
161.000 Debridement of wound (and surgical toilet) SGYOP931
253.000 Insertion/removal of skin expander into tissue SGYOP932
253.000 Primary tissue of wound with involvement of deeper tissue SGYOP933
218.500 Secondary suture of skin SGYOP934
253.000 Escharectomy of burnt skin of subcutaneous tissue (not more than 10%) SGYOP935
287.500 Distant flap of skin and muscles SGYOP936
276.000 Large local flap including myoctoneous and fascia SGYOP937
546.250 Neurovascular island flap SGYOP938
276.000 Small local flapo SGYOP939
241.500 Full thickness graft SGYOP940
805.000 Microvascular free tissue transfer SGYOP941
299.000 Split autograft of skin-large site SGYOP942
230.000 Split autograft of skin-small site SGYOP943
30.000 Intra – operative consultation (Minor) SGYOP944
100.000 Intra – operative consultation (Medium) SGYOP945
200.000 Intra – operative consultation (Major) SGYOP946
العمليات بالعيادات الخارجية
العمليات بالعيادات الخارجية
10.000 Best Corrected V.A. & Autorefraction OPHOPD01
30.000 Confoscan OPHOPD02
10.000 Slitlamp Photograpgy OPHOPD03
15.000 Fundus Photography OPHOPD04
30.000 Ret. Cam OPHOPD05
25.000 OCT2 (Tomography) OPHOPD06
15.000 Topography (Atlas, TOSCA) OPHOPD07
5.000 Hess’ Screen OPHOPD08
10.000 Synoptophore OPHOPD09
20.000 Laser Flare cellmetry OPHOPD10
20.000 Matrix (visual field) OPHOPD11
5.000 Shirmer Test OPHOPD12
5.000 Retinoscopy OPHOPD13
30.000 Low vision aids OPHOPD14
20.000 Artificial eye fitting OPHOPD15
30.000 Contact Lens Fitting standard-custom-complex 20-40-60 OPHOPD16
20.000 Procedure 1 OPHOPD17
20.000 Procedure2 OPHOPD18
20.000 Procedure 3 OPHOPD19
20.000 Hunphrey (visual field) OPHOPD20
40.000 Microperimetry (visual field) OPHOPD21
10.000 Goldmann (visual field) OPHOPD22
40.000 Pentacam OPHOPD23
25.000 Topography (Orbscan) OPHOPD24
25.000 B-Scan OPHOPD25
25.000 IOL Calculation OPHOPD26
30.000 Electro Retinogram OPHOPD27
صحة الفم
110.000 Surgical – Alveoloplasty ORHOPD01
120.000 Surgical – Alveolar bone grafting ORHOPD02
80.000 Surgical – Apicectomy ORHOPD03
40.000 Surgical – Biopsy from lip/mouth ORHOPD04
50.000 Surgical – Control of haemorrhage following dental or oral surgery procedures ORHOPD05
70.000 Surgical – Cryosurgery of sensory nerve of face ORHOPD06
100.000 Surgical – Enucleation of cyst from mouth/jaw ORHOPD07
110.000 Surgical – Excision of dental lesion of jaw ORHOPD08
90.000 Surgical – Exposure of tooth ORHOPD09
50.000 Surgical – Frenectomy ORHOPD10
50.000 Surgical – Gingivectomy/Gingivoplasty ORHOPD11
50.000 Surgical – I&D of dental abscess ORHOPD12
110.000 Surgical – Implant surgery ORHOPD13
50.000 Surgical – Marsupialization of dental/jaw lesion ORHOPD14
50.000 Surgical – Mucogingival Surgery ORHOPD15
30.000 Surgical – Oral surgical dressing ORHOPD16
50.000 Surgical – Other operations on gum ORHOPD17
90.000 Surgical – Other operations on alveolus/jaw ORHOPD18
20.000 Surgical – Removal of arch bar/IMF/eyelets wiring ORHOPD19
110.000 Surgical – Removal of salivary stone from salivary gland/duct ORHOPD20
20.000 Surgical – Removal of sutures from mouth/face ORHOPD21
100.000 Surgical – Surgical removal of impacted tooth ORHOPD22
50.000 Surgical – Surgical extraction of tooth ORHOPD23
50.000 Surgical – Suturing of lip/mouth laceration ORHOPD24
80.000 Surgical – Suturing of skin and subcutaneous tissue ORHOPD25
10.000 Surgical – Extraction of tooth ORHOPD26
90.000 Surgical – Wiring of teeth using arch bars/ IMF/eyelets wiring ORHOPD27
10.000 Dental consultation ORHOPD28
20.000 Dental consultation by specialist/consultant ORHOPD29
10.000 Dental Follow-up ORHOPD30
15.000 Dental Follow-up by specialist/consultant ORHOPD31
50.000 Paedodontics – Splinting of teeth ORHOPD32
10.000 Paedodontics – Pulp capping Direct/Indirect (per tooth) ORHOPD33
50.000 Paedodontics – Pulpectomy of primary tooth ORHOPD34
30.000 Paedodontics – Pulpotomy ORHOPD35
100.000 Paedodontics – Apical barrier formation using MTA ORHOPD36
10.000 Paedodontics – Preventative – Fissure sealant placement (per tooth) ORHOPD37
50.000 Paedodontics – Reimplantaion of tooth ORHOPD38
10.000 Paedodontics – Preventive – ART technique ORHOPD39
10.000 Paedodontics – Prohylaxis Fluoride / CPP-ACP dentrifice ORHOPD40
10.000 Paedodontics – Prohylaxis Topical Fluoride application ORHOPD41
20.000 Paedodontics – Amalgam restoration of primary tooth ORHOPD42
30.000 Paedodontics – Composite restoration of primary tooth ORHOPD43
35.000 Paedodontics – Composite build-up using transparent crown form (Primary tooth) ORHOPD44
55.000 Paedodontics – Composite build-up using transparent crown form (Permanent tooth) ORHOPD45
60.000 Paedodontics – Direct composite veneer ORHOPD46
أمراض النساء والولادة
20.000 Colposcopy+/-Biopsy OBGOPD01
20.000 IUCD Incertion OBGOPD02
10.000 Cervical Biopsy OBGOPD03
10.000 Endometerial Biopsy OBGOPD04
10.000 Cervical Polyp removal OBGOPD05
10.000 CTG Monitoring OBGOPD06
50.000 Amniocentesis OBGOPD07
50.000 Hydrosonography OBGOPD08
50.000 Bartholin’s cyst drainage OBGOPD09
الحوادث والطوارئ
5.000 Oxygen administration A&EOPD01
10.000 Pulse Oximetry, ECG Monitoring A&EOPD02
5.000 Establishment of intravenous access A&EOPD03
30.000 Non-invasive positive Asirway pressure ventilation (CPAP or BIPAP) A&EOPD04
5.000 Nebulization A&EOPD05
100.000 Tracheal intubation A&EOPD06
8.000 Insertion of orogastric or Nasogastric Tube A&EOPD07
10.000 Urethral (bladder) catherization A&EOPD08
10.000 12 lead ECG only once A&EOPD09
1.500 Glucometry(Blood Sugar test) A&EOPD10
1.500 Urine Dipstick A&EOPD11
8.000 Protoiscopy A&EOPD12
5.000 Pregnancy Test A&EOPD13
2.000 Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection A&EOPD14
5.000 Intravenous Injection A&EOPD15
10.000 Abdominal soft tissue or joint ultrasonography A&EOPD16
10.000 CTG A&EOPD17
20.000 Lumber Puncture A&EOPD18
5.000 Wound Dressing A&EOPD19
30.000 Wound Cleaning and suturing A&EOPD20
10.000 Incision and drainage of abscesses A&EOPD21
30.000 Excision of gaglion or Lipoma A&EOPD22
15.000 Wedge Excision or avulsion of nail A&EOPD23
15.000 Local infilteration of soft tissue lesions with local anaesthesia and steroids A&EOPD24
10.000 Joint Aspiration A&EOPD25
20.000 Joint Aspiration with intrarticular medication injection A&EOPD26
10.000 Removal of superficial eye foreign body A&EOPD27
12.000 Eye irrigation A&EOPD28
5.000 Ear irrigation A&EOPD29
20.000 Removal of foreign body from soft tissue A&EOPD30
30.000 Manipulative reduction of fractures or dislocation and immobilization with casts-Upper limbs A&EOPD31
100.000 Manipulative reduction of fractures or dis-location and immobilization with casts-Lower limbs A&EOPD32
5.000 Removal of cast applied in another health institution A&EOPD33
5.000 Removal of foreign body from the ear or nose A&EOPD34
5.000 Bandage or tubigrip application for joint support and application of cervical collar A&EOPD35
100.000 Electrical defibrillation, cardioversion or transcutaneous pacing A&EOPD36
5.000 Administration of enema A&EOPD40
أطفال التنفسي
150.000 Flexible Bronchoscopy CHDOP001
التخدير والعناية المركزة
Anesthesia and ICU OT Procedure
250.000 Portacath insertion SGYOP001
150.000 Quinton insertion SGYOP002
100.000 Venous cut down SGYOP003
150.000 CV line insertion SGYOP004
250.000 Hickman insertion SGYOP005
100.000 Removal of hickman SGYOP006
100.000 Removal of portacath SGYOP007
250.000 Percutaneous tracheostomy SGYOP008
150.000 Brochoscopy SGYOP009
100.000 MRI brain SGYOP010
100.000 MRI spine SGYOP011
100.000 MRI hip SGYOP012
100.000 MRI knee SGYOP013
100.000 MRI chest SGYOP014
100.000 Femoral nerve block SGYOP015
100.000 Sciatic nerve block SGYOP016
100.000 Brachial Pleuxus Block SGYOP017
100.000 Inguinal nerve block SGYOP018
100.000 Nerve injection SGYOP019
100.000 Lumbar sympathetic blockade SGYOP020
100.000 Chemical sympathectomy SGYOP021
100.000 Lumbar sympathectomy SGYOP022
50.000 Epidural Injection of steroid SGYOP023
100.000 Stellate ganglion block SGYOP024
100.000 Lumbar facet block SGYOP025
100.000 Thoracic facet block SGYOP026
150.000 Radio frequency abalation of the facet SGYOP027
150.000 Radio frequency abalation of the prepheral nerve SGYOP028
100.000 Sacro iliac joint injection SGYOP029

الملحق رقم (٢)
قائمة رسوم الخدمات الصحية المستثناة من العلاج المجاني المذكورة في المادة رقم (٤) للبنود (أ، ب، ج، د، هـ، و)

Price (R.O)
السعر بالريال العماني
Item Description
Item Code
علم الجلد بالليزر
50 Full Face Resurfacing SKIN020
25 Other Scars SKIN065
40 Wrinkles-large area or more than one spot SKIN080
20 Wrinkles-small area SKIN095
50 Telangiectasia or leg Veins SKIN150
50 Hair Removal Per Visit SKIN165
20 Room in Special Nursing Ward for Omani MISC013
20 Single Room-Omani MISC016
3 Medical Report -for Omani MISC416
1 Registration Fee -Omani & Expatriate non-paying patients MISC415
0.2 Consultation & follow-up for all OP clinics for Omani & Expatriates with MOH cards MISC413
5 X-Ray/Medical Report – Soft Copy MISC403

الملحق رقم (٣)
قائمة رسوم الخدمات الصحية المستثناة من العلاج المجاني المذكورة في المادة رقم (٤) للبنود (ز، ح، ط، ي)

Price (R.O)
السعر بالريال العماني
Item Description
Item Code
900 IVC Filter Placement 400410
1000 Interventional, Petrosal Sinus Venous Sampling 400412
3000 Interventional, Acute Stroke Endovascular Intervention 400413
2500 Interventional, Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization A (< 10 coils) 400414
4000 Interventional, Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization B (> 10 coils) 400415
5000 Interventional, Cerebral AVM Embolization Onyx 400416
1500 Interventional, Tumour Embolization PVA 400417
2500 Interventional, Tumor Embolization Onyx 400418
1500 Interventional, Occlusion (Wuda) Test 400419
5000 Interventional, Spinal AVM Embolization 400420
1000 Peripheral Stenting 400426
1000 Renal Artery Stenting 400428
1250 Catheter Directed Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis (24-42 hours) 400432
1100 CT-guided RFA (Double Probe) 400536
1500 CT-guided RFA (Triple Probe) 400537
840 US Guided RFA – Double Probe 400657
1240 US Guided RFA – Triple Probe 400658
1100 NM Strontium-89 Rx 400809
850 NM Octreotide 400880
9000 NM Zevalin 400882
طب القلب الباطني
300 Card.L.V.Angio & Coronaries (Lt Heart Study) CARD001
500 Card.L.V.Angio & R.Heart (Lt.& Rt. Heart Studies) CARD002
450 Angioplasty without Stenting CARD003
600 Angioplasty with One Bare metal stent CARD004
750 Angioplasty with Two Bare metal stents CARD005
900 Angioplasty with Three Bare metal stents CARD006
1150 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent CARD007
1850 Angioplasty with Two Drug eluting stents CARD008
2550 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents CARD009
1300 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent & one bare metal stent CARD010
1450 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent & two bare metal stents CARD011
1550 Angioplasty with One Drug eluting stent & three bare metal stents CARD012
1900 Angioplasty with Two Drug eluting stents & one bare metal stent CARD013
2550 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents & one bare metal stent CARD014
2150 Angioplasty with Two Drug eluting stents & two bare metal stents CARD015
2700 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents & two bare metal stents CARD016
2850 Angioplasty with Three Drug eluting stents & three bare metal stents CARD017
300 Insertion of temporary Pacemaker CARD018
500 Insertion of permanant Pacemaker (Single Chamber) CARD019
1000 Insertion of permanant Pacemaker (Dual Chamber) CARD020
500 Insertion of Intra-aortic Baloon Pump (IABP) CARD021
375 Diagnostic Coronary Angiography (CAG) CARD022
450 Plain Only Balloon Angioplasty(POBA) CARD023
200 Pericardiocentices CARD024
علم وظائف الأعضاء
1000 Pacemaker Implant CPHOI11
بنك الدم
2,175 Haemopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPC) for transfusion LB571
1,000 Bone Marrow Harvest (Nursing Order) LB-BB-N10
عمليات جراحة القلب
2000 Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) CRDOP001
2000 (Aorto)Coronary Bypass Of ONE Coronary Artery CRDOP002
2000 (Aorto)Coronary Bypass Of TWO Coronary Arteries CRDOP003
2000 (Aorto)Coronary Bypass Of THREE Coronary Arteries CRDOP004
2000 (Aorto) Coronary Bypass Of FOUR or MORE Coronary Arteries CRDOP005
2000 Single Internal Mammary Coronary Artery Bypass CRDOP006
2000 Double Internal Mammary Coronary Artery Bypass CRDOP007
2000 Abdominal Coronary Artery Bypass including Gastro-epiploeic CRDOP008
2000 Heart Revascularisation by Arterial Implant CRDOP009
3000 Other Bypass Anastomosis for Heart Revascularisation (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft via thoracatomy (Thoracab)) CRDOP010
2500 Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) with Tissue Graft CRDOP011
2500 Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP012
2500 Aortic valve repair CRDOP013
2800 Aortic Root Reconstruction & Ascending Aorta CRDOP014
2500 Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) with Tissue Graft CRDOP015
2500 Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP016
2500 Mitral Valve Repair CRDOP017
2500 Tricuspid Valve Replacement with Tissue Graft CRDOP018
2500 Tricuspid Valve Replacement with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP019
2500 Tricuspid Valve Repair CRDOP020
2500 Pulmonary Valve Replacement with Tissue Graft CRDOP021
2500 Pulmonary Valve Replacement with Prosthetic Valve CRDOP022
2500 Pulmonary Valve Repair CRDOP023
2600 CABG + One Valve Surgery CRDOP024
3000 CABG + Two Valves Surgery CRDOP025
4000 CABG + Three Valves Surgery CRDOP026
3000 Double Valve Surgery CRDOP027
3500 Triple Valve Surgery CRDOP028
1500 Arrhythmia correction surgery CRDOP029
600 Left Ventricular Aneurysm Repair CRDOP030
1800 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair with Prosthesis CRDOP031
1800 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair with Tissue Graft CRDOP032
1800 Other & Unspecified Repair of Ventricular Septal Defect including Supracristal Defect CRDOP033
1800 Endocardial Cushion Defect Repair with Prosthesis CRDOP034
1800 Endocardial Cushion Defect Repair with Tissue Graft CRDOP035
1800 Atrial Septal Defect Repair with Prosthesis CRDOP036
1800 Atrial Septal Defect Repair with Tissue Graft CRDOP037
2000 Total Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot CRDOP038
2000 Total Repair of Total Anamolous Pulmonary Venous Connection CRDOP039
2000 Total Repair of Truncus Arteriosus CRDOP040
2000 Total Repair of Transposition of Great Vessels CRDOP041
2000 Ascending Aortic Aneurysm Surgery CRDOP042
2500 Aortic Arch Aneurysm Surgery CRDOP043
1000 Reoperation for other Cardiac Reason (Mediastinitis, Dehiscence, bleeding, Tamponade, Valve Dysfunction) CRDOP044
400 Leg wound debridement CRDOP045
500 Pericardial window CRDOP046
1000 Intra-Aortic Baloon Pump Therapy CRDOP047
1500 Pericardiectomy CRDOP048
600 Chest wall Biopsy CRDOP049
800 Chest Wall Resection CRDOP050
800 Rib resection CRDOP051
800 Thoracoplasty CRDOP052
1200 Muscle Flap CRDOP053
800 Pulmonary Wedge Resection CRDOP054
1000 Lobectomy CRDOP055
1500 Pneumonectomy CRDOP056
1500 Lung Volume Reduction CRDOP057
1500 Plication of Emphysematous Bleb CRDOP058
800 Explorative Thoracotomy CRDOP059
1000 Reoperation Thoracotomy (Bleeding or air leak) CRDOP060
1000 Plication of Diaphragm CRDOP061
1000 Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair, Thoracic Approach CRDOP062
1000 Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair, Abdominal Approach CRDOP063
1000 Repair of diaphragm CRDOP064
600 Medistinal Lymph node biopsy CRDOP065
400 Medistinoscopy CRDOP066
600 Medistinal mass biopsy CRDOP067
1000 Medistinal mass resection CRDOP068
1000 Thymectomy CRDOP069
800 Sympathectomy Cervical CRDOP070
800 Thoracic Duct ligation CRDOP071
200 Pleural Drainage CRDOP072
400 Pleural Biopsy CRDOP073
400 Pleurodesis CRDOP074
800 Pleurectomy CRDOP075
800 Decortication CRDOP076
300 Flexibal Bronchoscopy CRDOP077
300 Rigid Bronchoscopy CRDOP078
300 Removal of Foreign body (Bronchus) CRDOP079
212 Tracheostomy Temporary CRDOP080
212 Tracheostomy Permanent CRDOP081
1200 Tracheal repair CRDOP082
1500 Tracheal tumor resection CRDOP083
1500 Tracheal stricture resection CRDOP084
1500 Tracheo esophegeal fistula repair CRDOP085
عمليات جراحة المخ والأعصاب
1000 Craniotomy SGYOP561
1500 Hemispherectomy SGYOP565
1000 Transtemporal (Mastoid) excision of brain tumour SGYOP566
1200 Excision of Acoustic neuroma SGYOP584
1000 Decompression of trigemenal nerve root SGYOP586
1000 Other cranial nerve decompression SGYOP587
1000 Clipping of Aneurysm SGYOP593
1000 Clipping of AV fistula SGYOP594
1000 Total excision of pituitary gland transsphnoidal SGYOP597
1000 Total excision of pituitary gland transsphenoidal SGYOP599
1000 Dorsal and dorsolumbar fusion anterior technique SGYOP604
1000 Lumbar and Lumbosacral fusion anterior technique SGYOP606
1000 Excsion of craniopharyngioma SGYOP610
1000 Operations on Pineal Gland SGYOP611
طب العيون
1000.00 CORNEA – Keratectomy with femtosecond laser OPHOP024
1800.00 CORNEA – Keratoprosthesis OPHOP026
علاج الجلد بالليزر
100 Full Face Resurfacing SKIN020
50 Other Scars SKIN065
80 Wrinkles-large area or more than one spot SKIN080
40 Wrinkles-small area SKIN095
10 Per Nevus (Small) SKIN110
40 Per large Nevus (Epidural Varrocus) SKIN125
50 Port-wine Stains Per Visit SKIN130
50 Haemangioma Per Visit SKIN135
100 Telangiectasia or leg Veins SKIN150
100 Hair Removal Per Visit SKIN165
30 Room in Special Nursing Ward for Expatriate MISC012
20 Single Room-Expatriate MISC017
34219 Bone Marrow Transplant Package-Allogenic MISC027
20510 Bone Marrow Transplant Package-Autologus MISC028
0.2 Consultation & follow-up for all OPD clinics for Omani & Expatriates with MOH cards MISC413
100 Dental scaling and polishing ORHOP022
5 X-Ray/Medical Report – Soft Copy MISC403
5 Medical Report – for Expatriates both paying & non-paying MISC414
1 Registration Fee -Omani & Expatriate non-  paying patients MISC415

الملحق رقم (٤)
قيمة الضمان المقرر للأجهزة والمواد التابعة للمستشفى

العلاج المقدم للأجهزة ومعدات العلاج الطبيعي
Physiotherapy Equipment on loan against deposit fee
45 Crutches-forearm PTYLO01
6 Crutches-standard size PTYLO02
4 Stick PTYLO03
12 Walking Frame-Small PTYLO04
14 Walking Frame-Medium PTYLO05
16 Walking Frame-Large PTYLO06
15 Walking Frame-with wheels PTYLO07
10 Rollator PTYLO08
70 Rollator (large) PTYLO09
28 Walker-2 wheels PTYLO10
300 Wheel Chair PTYLO11
115 Cushion Roho-high profile PTYLO12
94 Cushion Roho-low profile PTYLO13
34 PEP Full Set (RMT set size 2) PTYLO15

2014/173 173/2014 ٢٠١٤/١٧٣ ١٧٣/٢٠١٤